So Down Down Down !!!

Thanks Donna and Irene.

It is hard but I am sure it will get better. At least now I know that if he really plays up I just have to dial 999.

He rang at 11.45pm last night (my DH had gone to work) and swore at me to open the gates. I refused and he must have climbed over the wall to bang on the door. But I stood firm.
He was staying at GF's house last night so there was no reason for him to come home. He only tried it on because he knew Dh was not there.

He wanted a lift to town yesterday lunch time. Although DH had just gone to bed he got up to come with us so DS could not play up. He is being so good about it all. Being a typical woman I would just react to sons rantings but he doesnt.

thanks for uour kind thoughts
Aww Pam,
just wanted to send you some positive vibes.... Hope things get sorted out, and soon..

Hi pam
just caught up with your posts - and I so feel for you - what a tough time you are having but seeeing the positive what an amazing hubby you have?
Cherish him and enjoy your special times with him and you do have so much to look forward to with Portugal getting closer.
Stay strong and positive
Hey Love - I Just Hope Things Work Out Well For You -

Sorry To Hear The Bad News And Hopefully You Can Carry On -
Hopefully Better Then That

If He Stop Taking Them - Then I Guess If You Leave It - He Might Come Around! X
This is the worst thing I have ever had to say.

This morning my son was arrested at his GF's house for the burglary at my home. According to the detectives he admitted it straightaway. He said he did it with another lad, whom I have never heard mentioned before. The police are not sure whether this persons exists. As it is his first offence he has been given a caution although it still means he has a criminal record. Apparently the other lad had all the jewellery and money and he only had the tobacco which he sold. I expect thats where the money came from to pay for the new wheels and trimmings on GF's car because he certainly has not had any the last couple of weeks. Personally I dont believe the bit about the other lad. When the police asked him why he did it , he replied that it was to get back at DH because 6 months he cuffed him because he (my son) was threatening to thump me and calling me vile names

He came home at lunch time and collected some clothes and said he was leaving home as soon as he could. His GF's mother told him to come and apologise and he came back and just said beligerently "Sorry" and then proceeded to stuff his possessions in black sacks and load them into GF's car. He could not care less.

At the moment I feel that the last 19 years that I have devoted to him and his siblings have just been a waste of time and what a fool I have been. Sorry but I cant stop crying at the moment. 19 years when I could have been enjoying some me time have been wasted on those feckless f*****s :cry: :cry:

This weekend I am going to finish clearing his things out of his room and then I am going to redecorate it as I feel that will give me some closure on this awful time.
This is the worst thing I have ever had to say.

This morning my son was arrested at his GF's house for the burglary at my home. According to the detectives he admitted it straightaway. He said he did it with another lad, whom I have never heard mentioned before. The police are not sure whether this persons exists. As it is his first offence he has been given a caution although it still means he has a criminal record. Apparently the other lad had all the jewellery and money and he only had the tobacco which he sold. I expect thats where the money came from to pay for the new wheels and trimmings on GF's car because he certainly has not had any the last couple of weeks. Personally I dont believe the bit about the other lad. When the police asked him why he did it , he replied that it was to get back at DH because 6 months he cuffed him because he (my son) was threatening to thump me and calling me vile names

He came home at lunch time and collected some clothes and said he was leaving home as soon as he could. His GF's mother told him to come and apologise and he came back and just said beligerently "Sorry" and then proceeded to stuff his possessions in black sacks and load them into GF's car. He could not care less.

At the moment I feel that the last 19 years that I have devoted to him and his siblings have just been a waste of time and what a fool I have been. Sorry but I cant stop crying at the moment. 19 years when I could have been enjoying some me time have been wasted on those feckless f*****s :cry: :cry:

This weekend I am going to finish clearing his things out of his room and then I am going to redecorate it as I feel that will give me some closure on this awful time.

Ohhh Pam - I am so so sorry....what an awful turn of events for you :( that must've felt like a real kick in the teeth....

don't really know what else to say....except that I'm thinking bout you....and hoping that you'll be able to draw a line under this whole awful mess...and move on to happier times.. just as you deserve :)

love and hugs...

Big ((((hugs)))) from me too. It hurts terribly when someone you love and have cared for for many years kicks you in the teeth.
Irene xx
Pam, I'm so sorry you are having the worst time at the moment. My eldest boy is 20 and has given me his fair share of grief this last 3 years.

We are all here for you and I'm glad you felt you could come on here and talk about such a sh~te time so that we can all try and support you through this.

LOve and best thoughts,

Lacey x :)
OMG how awfull my heart goes out to you and your DH dont really know what else to say but that im thinking of you :grouphugg: :grouphugg:
Thank you Beverley, Debz, Irene, Lacey and Kittykat for your kind words. I am sure we will get over it in time but at the moment it seems such a betrayal of trust.

He has just rung me to say that he is going to see someone at the housing dept on Monday and is going to be given a flat. When I asked how he thought he was going to pay for it he told me it is free because he would get housing benefit. How naive can you get?
Thank you Beverley, Debz, Irene, Lacey and Kittykat for your kind words. I am sure we will get over it in time but at the moment it seems such a betrayal of trust.

He has just rung me to say that he is going to see someone at the housing dept on Monday and is going to be given a flat. When I asked how he thought he was going to pay for it he told me it is free because he would get housing benefit. How naive can you get?

I think he is going to learn some harsh lessons about how tough life can be Pam. Maybe not a bad thing if it means he begins to respect you more.

Glad the rant made you feel better. Real sorry .... hope things get better soon xx
So sorry...............thinking of you.

Perhaps this is what you need to have some space from him.

Let him live in the big bad world, that will make him grow up and in time he Will realise what a B.....d he has been to you and you hubby.

Take a big step backwards, from him, live your life now, time does heal,
hopefully it will not take him that long to grow up and be a decent adult ( it will happen). But stay strong this is YOU time now try to enjoy.
Oh Pam, what a day for you, but now maybe the worst has happened you can start to pick up the pieces and move on. As Supergran said, it will do him good to have to learn to stand on his own two feet and you will at least have some peace at home now.

It's a horrible situation you're going through, and I hope that things do slowly start to improve now. Take care of yourself hun & much love to you

It must be so hard on you after all you have done for him.....we are all here for you if you need us hun......!

Thanks for your kind messages. I am still in shock about it all. It has really hit DH now and he does not know which way to go with him. He has told him he cant come back at the moment but is unsure whether that is right. Son and GF do not seem to understand why we are so unhappy that he has robbed us. It turns out the "did" who came with him took everything and he kept nothing. We just dont understand it. GF kept texting me to ask if he can come back home to live but he does not want to and has told me so. We just want some peace.
Hiya Pam,
maybe its not as rosy as she,(gf) thought it would be... Perhaps if she didnt encourage him not to take his medication in the first place, things would have been better. He was doing soo well up till then...

Did you get any of the painting done yesterday?

Mr g posted your package of yesterday so hope its with you tomorrow :)

Have a hug from me
Thanks for your kind messages. I am still in shock about it all. It has really hit DH now and he does not know which way to go with him. He has told him he cant come back at the moment but is unsure whether that is right. Son and GF do not seem to understand why we are so unhappy that he has robbed us. It turns out the "did" who came with him took everything and he kept nothing. We just dont understand it. GF kept texting me to ask if he can come back home to live but he does not want to and has told me so. We just want some peace.

Hi Pam,

I bet you both just want some peace hun!! I do tend to agree with your DH at the moment about not allowing your Son to come back.
You say that him and his GF don't really understand why you are both so unhappy? This is really tough I know, but if it were my Son I would definitely want him to fully understand and accept why I was so unhappy before I would even consider allowing them back:(

It's hard to stay tough with your kids as a lot of us know. I hope you have a peaceful Sunday Pam and some space to rest and deal with your feelings.

Lacey xxx