This is the worst thing I have ever had to say.
This morning my son was arrested at his GF's house for the burglary at my home. According to the detectives he admitted it straightaway. He said he did it with another lad, whom I have never heard mentioned before. The police are not sure whether this persons exists. As it is his first offence he has been given a caution although it still means he has a criminal record. Apparently the other lad had all the jewellery and money and he only had the tobacco which he sold. I expect thats where the money came from to pay for the new wheels and trimmings on GF's car because he certainly has not had any the last couple of weeks. Personally I dont believe the bit about the other lad. When the police asked him why he did it , he replied that it was to get back at DH because 6 months he cuffed him because he (my son) was threatening to thump me and calling me vile names
He came home at lunch time and collected some clothes and said he was leaving home as soon as he could. His GF's mother told him to come and apologise and he came back and just said beligerently "Sorry" and then proceeded to stuff his possessions in black sacks and load them into GF's car. He could not care less.
At the moment I feel that the last 19 years that I have devoted to him and his siblings have just been a waste of time and what a fool I have been. Sorry but I cant stop crying at the moment. 19 years when I could have been enjoying some me time have been wasted on those feckless f*****s :cry: :cry:
This weekend I am going to finish clearing his things out of his room and then I am going to redecorate it as I feel that will give me some closure on this awful time.