Hi Pam,
What a day you've had again eh? This sounds like such a tough and emotive time for you all. Have you had the time or strength to speak to your own Mum at length about this and explain how torn you feel? Just wondering as she clearly feels very very strongly about this.
Would it help if your Son was able to sit down and calmly talk to her and give any reassurances to her about his future behaviour? I don't know what kind of relationship they have and I'm guessing that he knows what she is threatening to do!
I agree with Irene and don't always think it's possible to please everyone all the time. You're obviously worried about your Mum as well and the age that she is.
Just thrashing ideas around here but I know when my own Son's behaviour and lifestyle became too much around my other 2 younger children, we reached a compromise where he rented a room 5 minutes away, had his own independence but still closeby to call here. He was 19.
It saved our relationship at the time, and me from asking him to leave which had been an option I can tell you! The tension eased immediately between us, I helped move him in, bought him a few bits he needed, let him bring his washing home and he came for his tea at least 3 times a week.
I hope you can figure something out and not be under this awful pressure about having to decide by Friday this week. Can he not stay where he is a while longer?
Thinking of you and sending my love,
Lacey x