So i thought I'd take the plunge and start a diary

I also had to work a full day in a shop as a Saturday job at school with a fancy event at night. Tan progressed (spray) as day went on. Nightmare. I looked horrendous as I wasn't allowed to shower until after work! Wish I'd been a ninja about it!

worst nightmare!! :eek: no make up...and covered in gravy mix! :eek: doesn't bear thinking about - well done for getting through it! x
alottolose said:
worst nightmare!! :eek: no make up...and covered in gravy mix! :eek: doesn't bear thinking about - well done for getting through it! x

Boss used a rather inappropriate Jamaican accent for the day...haha

Well I've sts this week and I'm disappointed. Lots of extra pp so I'm going back to normal routine and drinking more. I always stall at this weight!
for my 40th i went for a spary tan.... was pouring rain when i came out the salon... sprinted to the car got home and looked in the mirror and i looked like a blooming dalmation. :eek:

for my friends wedding the other week i used tescos own fake tan that develops in a few hours... it actually came out very nice and didnt streak considering it was only a couple of £ i was impressed
Do you use any tolerants Ellie?

Cut back on dairy
more water

sometimes too many pp can cause me to my body thinks hang on a sec....where's the food disappeared to...and then clings on ;) fool it and chuck in some veggies xxx
No tolerants alottolose! A bit scunnered with a lb on but it'll work out eventually. Saw a colleague who hasn't seen me since dukan and they think I've lost lots and would fit a new uniform :) had pv dinner today. Anniversary dinner so lovely steak and made them grill my veg! Love the diet excuse for getting steak! Anniversary technically Sunday but the day we met (ie I was thrown (literally) into him on a dance floor) was Monday so this is allowed! Wee spa day tomorrow too :) x
Thanks. May have slightly scuppered myself with breakfast....clearly oily but I stuck to protein and a few sausages...and a wee bit haggis. Couldn't resist. Now I feel sick. And was meant to go into old work to visit and feel nice and skinny I feel huge! Masses of exercise needed now! X
You look beautiful lift your head high and be proud of what your achieving x
Thanks sididd. I went in and they noticed a real difference. Got the usual "don't go too far". Etc. Worried about all my food misdemeanours today-sausages, mushroom (on pp), bacon and a bit of haggis :s damn Scottish breakfast-there was that or cereal! Only had turkey bacon (v low fat) since and chicken planned for tea at football training.

Did two 40 min walks today so hope that's helped a bit! Annoyed about that small gain this week and I know I always plateau around now-it's not happening this time! Went to ronseal my fences today and it had gone! (the paint). Who does that?! Buying more tomorrow to get it finished I hope! Who knew gardens were so much work? Spent an afternoon digging out brick edging while my lovely boyfriend (who doesn't even live with me!) spent about 3 hours digging out the concrete bases of the trellis and recovering them! Poor boy didn't even get a lift home cause I was late for football training!

Totally with you on the gardening sucks did your ronseal get nicked? :( seriously folks'll take anything that's not nailed down these days (and even stuff that is!) xx
Smiling at your fake tan stories! Am I the only one who things pale is best?! (Leastwise it's what *I* do best!) I've never been a sun worshipper either, lobster colour really not suiting me! Just remember our English rose complexions! lol!

Xeilidh - hope you enjoyed that breakfast anyway and you're good to immediately compensate with exercise
Maintainer fake tan is the future! Lol I've been every shade of orange and brown even had a spray tan and came back from my holidays whiter than I went, sand acted a exfolient, not a good look with you summer frock. Had knuckles that look like monkeys and a 'tide' mark up my I now ive give in and what ever rays I catch naturally will do me x
Surprise no one has commented on the ronseal/tan link! No idea what has happened considering it was in an open shed which had a lawnmower and more expensive bits so I'll blame a mix up!

Ended up pp apart from a few mushrooms yesterday so going pp again today and pv tomorrow!

I've even got the tan on in the most recent pic in my profile pic-I don't go too dark now (i did before I'll admit!)
dont talk to me about gardening LOL ive about a 1000 meters of fencing still to paint.... 4 iron archways & gates to paint and acres of grass to mow as well as the flowerbeds to redig that the previous owners let go wild LOL .... my party garden is almost finished and if this fog goes i may get that fence done today.... the fruit garden has been started and i discovered it was yet anouther area they let go wild *sigh* it will be worth it in the end i keep telling myself LOL
A fruit garden sounds like......a kid in a sweet shop comes to mind......heaven, and a party garden sounds fun x
dont talk to me about gardening LOL ive about a 1000 meters of fencing still to paint.... 4 iron archways & gates to paint and acres of grass to mow as well as the flowerbeds to redig that the previous owners let go wild LOL .... my party garden is almost finished and if this fog goes i may get that fence done today.... the fruit garden has been started and i discovered it was yet anouther area they let go wild *sigh* it will be worth it in the end i keep telling myself LOL

Poor you....mine is much more of a manageable size but in a questionable condition. I.e. fences all need painted (I feel your pain Ellie!).I spent this afternoon trying to paint a fence that is horizontal and has overlaps on the slats, alternating sides of the struts so you need to paint through it, urgh! To top it off, there's a wire fence behind it so I was wedged in!

Then I had an awful migraine and no meds so ended up in bed. Poor Dad is up visiting and is helping me put a path into the lawn (there's two sheds and just grass so it's a mess!) and all I did was sleep cause I couldn't keep my eyes open!

Top it all off with unintentionally offending my flatmates (didn't mean it at all, just misconstrued) so all in all not the best day ever. Stuck to diet (PP) with too much diet coke (food parcel from home!) and will weigh in tomorrow before football, when I'll be travelling all the way to Annan.

(views expressed entirely my own, etc....need one of these disclaimer things!)
poor you.... the horizontal post and rail fence is done... it was the easiest LOL.... but i have miles of normal slat fences to do and didnt even make a dent in it yesterday.... i did measure up where my hot tub is going and it will fit nicely into the space..... just need to get hubby to order it hehe
Ooooh hot tub- lovely! My garden will not be as fancy- I'm going for nice gravel path and lower maintenance lawn, plus tidy fences! Unfortunately neighbour's shrubs got in the way of painting so one fence can only be half done until he prunes it. Fortunately, I can't see it from my garden! Need to stain both sides of the others though as I can see them from my!

Weighed in this morning, and I'm 71kg (I think!). However, slight issues seeing the scales again! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed I was right because I feel like I should have lost (despite the haggis!) particularly since I did 6pp the week before and lost tiddly squat!

Better get ready for a loooooooooong bus trip now!
Also, my BMI is down 5 :) I'm chuffed!
even better, that should read BMI down 6! fat fingers on keys hahah