So sorry to hear about your little one, hope shes doing much better now! Unfortunately I've just come out of my worst week for a while but I'm here and still trying! Its the overall journey that is going to count. I agree habits can be soooooo hard to break! (as evidence by my issues with bingeing!). To get out of my rutt I've re-weighed and measured and set myself a three week challenge during which I won't be doing any weighing or measuring and tracking everything I eat - no excuses! I don't know whether something similar would work for you? Little goals and structure can be lifesavers! CD is calorie-counting isn't is? With google these days you can do it yourself. I thought about getting Jillian Michaels book out from the library and following her diet but thought I'd stick with weightwatchers coz I love the flexibility.
Hope you're not feeling too lost!