so this is my challenge ..i will doo it..i will...i will...(puts the choc down)

Hey Hunni, how are you doing?
hey not been to great been stressed about my little girl being ill she has a virus ( the first time she has been ill) so unfortunately my comfort eating has kicked in, i need to kick my butt back into gear i no eating isnt going to help me but its so hard changing a life time habit! im panicking about the wedding aswell which isnt helping! i have thought of doing the cd but i just can't afford it :( so feel like im stuck in a rutt, how are you all doing? some motivational success would really cheer me up
So sorry to hear about your little one, hope shes doing much better now! Unfortunately I've just come out of my worst week for a while but I'm here and still trying! Its the overall journey that is going to count. I agree habits can be soooooo hard to break! (as evidence by my issues with bingeing!). To get out of my rutt I've re-weighed and measured and set myself a three week challenge during which I won't be doing any weighing or measuring and tracking everything I eat - no excuses! I don't know whether something similar would work for you? Little goals and structure can be lifesavers! CD is calorie-counting isn't is? With google these days you can do it yourself. I thought about getting Jillian Michaels book out from the library and following her diet but thought I'd stick with weightwatchers coz I love the flexibility.
Hope you're not feeling too lost!