^^ exactly - love only those that love you, a pretty good mantra. I recently deleted a whole family of individuals off my fb as they were highly negative about me sometime last year. Made me feel better
see this is exactly why i am a member on here i have never met any of you yet you give me such fantastic support and are there for me more than my "realife" so called friends!
How awful ..... she's just one jealous person and obviously very jealous of how you are looking now ... god help her when she sees you when you have reached your target she will literally be bowled over. Keep it up and looking forward to hearing more about your fantastic progress xx
I'm so sorry to hear what an awful time you have been having!! That must have stung so much! But what a complete B***H!!! Least you have seen her for what a poisoness evil person she is and you can have a fesh start now without her in your life, don't let it get you you xx
I have a very apt saying for this - "Jealousy is a disease..........get well soon B*TCHES!" lol I think Ive made my point
Sour grapes are an awful thing take no notice whatsoever! Your doing great and prob just made her feel bad about herself because she can see what progress u've made and she is insecure
What a beeatch! Your life is a much better place without someone as mean as that. A real friend wouldn't do that.
Her hateful comments must have come from a place inside her that is insecure about her own appearance.
Please don't waste any time being upset about her comments. Focus on positive stuff. Xx
People can be so mean when they should actually be really pleased that you are doing so well
I, too, lost many friends when I lost weight .... makes me wonder if they were the same as your "friend" .... personally I thought they were just JEALOUS
Onwards and downwards hun, and you just show them!!
Don't say that Shell, she's the one who comes across as the one who has a problem with not being true and sounds like she is a mega so called rough neck chav
You don't need to be known to be associating yourself with the likes of her
Be true to yourself and those around you and will go far