Hiya peepz.....just got back form weigh in and cuppa at Karens.......lost 2lb this week so not done much to get the papa johns pizza off..lol...never mind, hopefully more next week.....must try to eat a bigger variety of food......but im a fussy bugger and dont really like to try anything new incase I dont like it and waste money, especially now im a single parent.
Just realised I forgot to look at the tyne tinned foods ...I used to have those yrs ago when doing weight watchers, find them handy when im here with just Hannah as just dont fancy cooking for myself.....Hannah dont really eat that much, she grazes through the day.
Had a busy day today.....was out the door at 7.30, for the 2 bus rides to the pdsa for bubbles spaying op.....then had to walk to the register office as M`s parents want a copy of Hannahs birth certificate for their will.....so ordered that, then off to the bank to get the cash out to pay the rent.....then the local bus office to renew the boys bus passes, for the next half term.....then another bus ride to the agents to pay the rent, whilst there went to shoe shop and got cals school shoes, then bus home.
Had 2 hrs at home then 4 bus journeys again to pick up cat and get home in time for Karen to pick me up for weigh in.......phew !!