Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

Hi, thought I may as well read/post on your diary for once :)

I quite liked Oz. I liked Zach Braff in it, didn't realise he did the voice for Finley until after though. I agree it wasn't James Franco's best film though. He was great in 127 hours and Pineapple express.

I don't mind going to the cinema alone. I've only been alone a couple of times. Once when I had a bad break up and just needed to get out of the house, saw District 9 which is one of my favourite films. I'd probably go alone more often but the nearest Cineworld is about an hour away. I go there every so often with a friend. I used to have a unlimited card when I had more time to go, but I stopped using it as much when a friend moved away. Plus you couldn't book tickets with them before so was awkward sometimes. The cinemas we have in Scarborough are in old theatres, have really uncomfortable seats, still have people selling ice creams at the front and in long films they have intermissions halfway through! We really need a decent cinema here. We don't always get the new films or have to wait weeks to be able to see them.

You've still got snow down there? We've had a really nice week, blue skies and it was actually warm for once. Winter finally seems to be going away.

Good luck for your next weigh in :)

My nearest cinema is an old 1920's cinema, still has an intermission, and ice cream sellers at the front. It's honestly one of my favourite places! I don't go there so much no we have Cineworld cards, but I will keep going. I have lots and lots of memories of that place :) If anyone wants to look Woolton Picture House - OFFICIAL WEBSITE
Mmmmmmarshmallow fluff :D I love that stuff! And it's veggie. Huzzah ;)

Naughty kitty! Glad you got him back ok. Can just imagine G being action man and climbing out lol.
The pillow fight's sound amazing. Going to google that now. So cool!!

Well done on the no pasta day. You're braver than me ;)
Gizmo- missed your post before. Wow, that sounds like a very dated cinema! Shame about uncomfy seats.
Cineworld let you book with the pass now online/on their app which is a godsend!!
I did notice Zach Braff's voice- unlike me to notice that sort of thing. I love zach braff but I didnt feel his acting matched the others. He was quite JD like at the start but it seemed out of place. I like James Franco in spiderman! Especially in the first where he was all cute, charming and non evil. 127 hours too!
G and Lil' Juan are OK :D we were worried as usually he only goes out for like half an hour max and he'd been out for several hours. We shut him in when it's dark but it had turned dark while he was out.
He is used to being on the roofs because of our balcony but I think the neighbours' roof extension was too slippery for him to climb. We tried to give him a blanket to grip and climb but he wasnt having it- he sounded SO panicked but he managed to find his way down in the end, we were showing him the way with a torch and rattling food at a downstairs window.
2nd time G's been on the roof! We got locked out once amd he climb from the neighbour's garden to our 3rd story balcony where the door was open- at night in the rain!!
Quick food diary: EE
B: Banana, kiwis, FF nat yoghurt
L: pasta salad with rocket, cucumber and light salad cream (1)
D: Spag bol with rocket and hexA cheese
Snacks: banana, plum, 2 activia lights, opions white hot choc (2), chewy delight (hexB)
Drinks: NAS squash (1.5L), 2x green tea, fanta zero icy lemon.

Syns total: 3!

Felt bad having pasta twice but twas a packed lunch made in a hurry and better than eating out at traf sq- was so busy at I didnt need syns/snacks! We took our cameras to the International Pillow Fight Day where THOUSANDS of people had a huge pillow fight in trafalgar square as well as in hundreds of cities all over the world. It was the best day out in ages! G and I really bonded too and I got some social time in with a couple of guy friends who were there- needed that social time!
Tomorrow am supposed to spend the day watching films (cine and home) with the girl who flaked out on me yesterday AND tonigjt (though my fault for getting home so late today). Will probably eat lots of nosh and have a take out (really wanted one this eve!) but will def be within syns. Have a bunch saved so might get an extra treat on top of the norm 10 syns of sweet and sour chicken that I love so much!

This is going to sound way TMI but I feel like I should have a good loss on Monday as I've had a crazy amount of bowel movements this past couple of days LOL. Like 4 in 30hrs?! Hahaha. Anyway, hopefully that -10 isnt far off loool :D
My friend bailed om n me AGAIN today. Ffs. Felt depressed all afternoon (not about that, just felt down)
G and I just ordered a chinese as I had like 50 unused syns or something (28 from today and yesterday), ordered a couple of extra dishes too :p

B: fruit & yog
L: bolognase on hexB bread roll (+1 for size and 1 for ketchup) with a side salad
D: had a banana for superfree and made boiled rice with two carrots thrown in for more superfree. Then had sweet and sour chicken (7 syns, left some for tomorrow), plain chow mein (4 for half) and crispy chilli chicken (cant find any info for it online but had less calories that sweet and sour and is a much smaller portion, so am sure 6 syns covers it for half!)
Snacks: sugar free jelly (1/2), activia light
Drinks: 3 litres NAS squash, green tea, oatly choc milk (hexA)

Syns: 19.5
Weekly syns reset tomorrow but have like 25 left

Chinese was yummm. Am a bit too full though, I think a lot to do with the half litre I drank after because of the spicy chili chicken!
Tetris I started Exerbeat this morning and I'm in Hungary atm lol

It's made me realise how badly co ordinated I am which surprises me as I'm pretty good at badminton.:eek:
Hi Hun, your Chinese sounds yummy! Did u enjoy your extra dishes. It's such a shame that your friend keeps cancelling!! Especially as you could clearly do with a good night out!! Sometimes all you need is to go out, have a good gossip and some fun with the girls.

The pillow fight photoshoot sounds so much fun. Have u got any pics? Glad that you and G bonded. Feel me and hubby need to, probably because I'm now at home a lot and stress of moving but feel we're constantly snapping at each other. Need some fun time but too busy/tired stressed. Bleurhh!! Lol.
Just dropping by to say well done on your journey so far and to subscribe! :sign0144:
Hehe well done on the pooping ;) My Sister always texts me to tell me she's pooping :rolleyes:

Glad you had a nice day with G. But sucks about your friend! So frustrating when people bale on you, but like 3 times in a row?! Not on :mad: Hope you're doing ok today.xx
V quick food diary as early start for a jewellery photoshoot tomorrow.

RED day:

B: fruit + yog + honey (1)
L: grilled chicken breast with fried onions and green peooers on a bed of spinach salad leaves with some honey (+1)
Snacky dinner at cinema: half a wholmeal roll (hexB) with hexa cheese and pickle (1), banana, plum, activia light, hexB chewy delight and other half hexB alpen light bar.
Snacks: sf jelly (.5), small milky way (5) , other activa light, muller light, some leftover sweet and sour chicken (3)

Syns: 11.5
Saved: 3.5

WI this morn -2 which I'm bummed about as I still am higher than before mega period! It had finished on sat so was hoping it would have balanced out by now and to have lost all 3lbs and more. Might have been the huge meal I had last night though :rolleyes: we'll see on thurs.
Feel good to have managed a red day as I really craved pasta today!

Today was our 18 month anniversary but I felt like utter **** all afternoon so we didnt really celebrate. Have felt so depressed since yesterday morning... Shooting should distract me though.
Hi Hun,
hope your early start wasn't too bad for your photoshoot :) you do well fitting in all these red and green days, mostly mine is extra easy because I don't really plan my food very well :-/

I like stodge and pasta too much to do too many green. Have you seen the recipe for the creamy mushroom and garlic tagliatelle that's on the SW website, it looks yummy. Think ill have to try that.

Congratulations on your 18 months, if your feeling better tonight, maybe go out for a few drinks or something. I think I'd be pretty miffed and depressed if my friend cancelled on me 3 times, it puts you in such a foul mood. A long time ago now, but I stopped being friends with a girl because she cancelled last minute too many times. I'd not do things to see her, and then shed just cancel an hour before we were going to meet. Got too much for me, hope its just your friend having an off week. X
Hey dude! Hope today's shoot goes well and you're feeling a little better. Congrats on your 18months together :D
And well done on the red day too.
At least the weight's coming off. Not as much as you'd hoped, I know, but it will come off again. It's rubbish when you get a spanner in the works with an unexpected gain that's not even your fault.x
Tetris I started Exerbeat this morning and I'm in Hungary atm lol

It's made me realise how badly co ordinated I am which surprises me as I'm pretty good at badminton.:eek:

I'm sure you'll get used to the co-ordination of things! We find the Hip-Hop dance ones really hard to get some moves to sync up properly with he wii- it says miss which is so annoying! But the martial arts ones seem much better.
Hungary, cool :D I completed the map last week- woohoo! If you do it every day for 5 days you get 1.5x bonus points to move around the map with until you break the daily workout ;)
Hi Hun, your Chinese sounds yummy! Did u enjoy your extra dishes. It's such a shame that your friend keeps cancelling!! Especially as you could clearly do with a good night out!! Sometimes all you need is to go out, have a good gossip and some fun with the girls.

The pillow fight photoshoot sounds so much fun. Have u got any pics? Glad that you and G bonded. Feel me and hubby need to, probably because I'm now at home a lot and stress of moving but feel we're constantly snapping at each other. Need some fun time but too busy/tired stressed. Bleurhh!! Lol.

I did enjoy that Chinese, nom!
My friends suck. The model actually bailed today too- and she is a friend also! She was ill though. So was the other friend, but what annoyed me was how she kept being like "I feel a bit sick, let's meet later" then not getting back to me each day- until the whole weekend was friggin' up, instead of just saying "I'm ill, another time..." so I effectively wasted my weekend waiting on someone who kept not getting back to me or telling me how they actually were doing, no matter how much I asked! Hmph.

Some pillow fight pics up here on our photog page on fb: !!

It sucks to be at home with the OH too much and snappy- I snap all the time at G and it makes me feel crap :/ def get out and have some fun together! It'll blow over when the stress of moving is over with! x
Just dropping by to say well done on your journey so far and to subscribe! :sign0144:

Hey Bethy! Nice to have you hear :D welcome to Minimins! x
Hi Hun,
hope your early start wasn't too bad for your photoshoot :) you do well fitting in all these red and green days, mostly mine is extra easy because I don't really plan my food very well :-/

I like stodge and pasta too much to do too many green. Have you seen the recipe for the creamy mushroom and garlic tagliatelle that's on the SW website, it looks yummy. Think ill have to try that.

I actually find green easier than EE half the time- love the extra cheese/olive oil/Chewy D bars etc :p but I feel like I eat SO many carbs on green days, lol. I'm actually a terrible food planner but as I'm eating at home most day's it's pretty easy- not much planning just 'what do I feel like today?'. Today I did a green day on the shoot as I really wanted HexB Olive Oil with my potato pancake breakfast to keep me going all morning- and knew we'd have pasta and veg at the shoot, meant I could have an extra cereal bar there too so it worked out pretty well!

I'm not a mushroom fan but I bet that recipe is great for those who are!

Green today:

B: Potato pancake (potato, carrot, onion, olive oil (hexB1)) with scrambled eggs and ketchup (1)- def kept me going!
L: Pasta pesto (2.5) with broccoli- unfortunately the chef also added a glug of extra olive oil (will give it 3 as it was all over the whole batch for 5 of us and I can dedicate half a HexB to it too), parmesan (HexA1) and I think the broccoli was butter coated too (another 3?)
D: Pasta in the car home at 9pm that I made in the morning (salad cream light = 2) with spinach.

Snacks: Had some honey roast nuts :/ not sure how many but it was a small bowl full and I was starving, ate them as I shot some closeups of the jewellery in the lighting set up. Apparently 8.5 syns for 28g!!! CRAP. Also had a little bit of cheese on half a small cracker (part hexA2 + 1), an alpen light (1/2 HexB2) two bananas, an apple, a chopped up carrot and cucumber (lots of super free- phew!)
Drinks: Tea (splash of milk as part of HexA2), NAS squash 1.5L, green tea

Syns total: 17.5! Damn those nuts! Learnt my lesson :/
Syns saved: 1.5

So the model bailed because she was really ill while en route and stuck in traffic, but actually the silver lining is that we had to use the Jeweller's daughter (who was only going to appear in a few pair shots) which means the Jeweller will probably end up purchasing more shots/edits as they feature her beloved daughter looking smokin' ;)
We did actually get quite a few nice shots, which I didn't really expect as it wasn't a very inspiring shoot. We left at 10am and got back at 9.20pm- LONG FRIGGIN DAY!! Knackered!
Hey dude! Hope today's shoot goes well and you're feeling a little better. Congrats on your 18months together :D
And well done on the red day too.
At least the weight's coming off. Not as much as you'd hoped, I know, but it will come off again. It's rubbish when you get a spanner in the works with an unexpected gain that's not even your fault.x

Thanks babe. I can't blame myself for it as I've stuck to plan, so I don't feel guilty at least! Just annoyed. But hopefully Thurs... -20... ;) LOL. Yh ryt.
Another red day tomorrow methinks as we got loaaads of meat at Morrisons and they gave me some bbq chicken from the shoot that I couldn't have today because of my green day. Hopefully will help too- also since I had pasta twice again today :/ always makes me feel naughty!
Not sure where my earlier post disappeared to :S

Red day today (nearly caved- really wanted pasta!! Not sure I can manage another tomorrow :p we'll see...)

B: Yoghurt with an apple grated into it, banana chopped into it and strawberries and raspberries- yum!

L: BBQ chicken (+3) from yesterday's shoot (saved it and brought it home since was on a Green day- was so yummy!) then had a salad with spinach, grated carrot, two small grated apples (mum's idea- was nice!) chopped up bacon (grilled without fat on) and balsamic drizzle (2) with some honey (1) to dress it.

D: Subway salad with chicken and sweet onion sauce (34 cal for a serving but asked for extra- was at least double so will call that 4 syns)

Snacks: HexB Chewy D! HexB Matzo with HexA light cheese slice and pickle (1), banana, a whole portion of grapes from the market (£1 and so sweet!) will probably have a yoghurt soon and HexA2 oatly choc milk

Syns total: 11
Syns saved: 5

WI tomorrow and am PRAYING for something decent after this lame couple of weeks! We'll see... Didn't have a big dinner and had two salads today so there shouldn't be a huge amount sitting in my stomach like there was after Monday's WI!

Cinema Critique: The Host 4/10

Wasn't for me- couldn't take the voice over! The film is about a future Earth that has been inhabited by aliens that have taken over the body of most humans, and follows the situation of a human who has been on the run but is caught- but isn't totally blocked out by the alien like usual. She pushes through in the most annoying voice over ever in the history of film- seriously- I LOVE Saorise Ronan in other films but in this her voice acting was appalling! She had to play the part of the human (as voice) and the alien (as the physical occupant of the body) and the alien was played pretty OK, but the voiceover was really, really bad.
The film picked up towards the end but there was about a 40 minute middle chunk that was really snore fest and I ended up playing sudoku on my phone (lol) but it did get more interesting later on. It was a cool concept but pretty typical Steph Meyer relationships- i.e. "I love you even though we've spoken like once! It's so important that we be together! *sad moping*" :p but yeah- the alieny stuff was interesting and I liked how it panned out in the end (they tried to make it like some tragic scenario was destined even though there were so many obvious ways around it, which was annoying, but they eventually worked out the most obvious way around it)
Anyway- not for me! Nor for my Sci-fi loving bf who really wanted to see it, but some interesting alieny concepts in there!

Cinema Critique: Jack the Giant Slayer 5/10

Not amazing, but watchable. Not very deep/interesting or comical (I feel like films need to be at least one of those things to really grip me! Excluding horrors maybe) and I did nearly crack out the Sudoku app... But it wasn't as bad as I expected following some terrible reviews from friends.
You guys probably think I'm a total film snob who hates all modern cinema or something :p not the case! I just am not very easily entertained :p
But yeah- interesting spin on the original fairytale- of course they throw in a romance to keep the girls happy, and some crude killings to keep the boys happy. It was OK throughout, but no bits were really like "Woah!" and the characters weren't very deep/interesting. Also (slight spoiler in the grey ahead!!) the villain was killed off too early in my eyes, and they seemed to complete the adventures/giant situations a bit too easily.

Pretty cast though. I love Ewan McG and do enjoy Nick Hoult's face too ;D wish the script had been more comical is all- would have been more fun if it were more like Hansel & Gretel: Witch hunters which was fab.