Morning got sooo much better, I feel great now
the seretonin is flowing again, phew. I also ordered myself a heart rate monitor watch- yaaay! Took me FOREVER of researching, but finally settled on the Polar FT60. I had already settled on the FT7 but I didn't really like the colours (LOL) especially as I want to wear it for most of my traveling- I found one for a tenner more than had more functions too but all of the same FT7 ones, then I found one up from that which was £20 more but I preferred how it looked AND it has GPS so I won't have to drain my phone GPS using map my walk while away- I got £7 off because I had an Ebay coupon for fitness stuff that expired soon, so in all I got a much better model than I set out to purchase earlier, for £13 more
brand new but sadly will have to wait probably a week for it to arrive. So yeah, ordered the Polar FT60F which came to £73 with the coupon (Ouch! Biggest spend in a while, but feels like both a treat and a motivational device for my fitness!)
I decided to do a fast day and I also kicked ass and did a kettleworx work out- woohoo! 25 mins of quite intense cardio/strength work out, so feeling pumped about that
Thanks for being so big sister-y Charley
you honestly do it in the sweetest way, no hard feelings at all!
I spent years and years not bothering with AD's and generally feeling sh*t; taking these gives me a much more positive outlook on life, gives me mental/emotional energy which used to be so low... It's just a shame I have to take breaks from them every 8 weeks, if it could be ongoing it would be great, but I have to break from them so my brain can remember how to produce it's own seretonin
in the breaks the first few days SUCK and then the rest of the gap is just the same as before... But I really do like how I feel on them. Right now I feel awesome- once they kicked in I got really motivated!
I dabbled with perscription AD's before when I was younger and hated it, I felt like a zombie and just indifferent about everything, I had no sex drive, I felt like they dampened my personality... G researched these ones and got them for me and I think once I get the right balance they can be great. I'm going to try some dopamine based AD's soon as G researched that often women with PCOS are short on dopamine; they seem to do similar things otherwise and again with no side effects other than feeling a bit crap when you stop taking them.
Yeah, the gain definitely wasn't the kebab, I'm almost certain it is from my aching muscles retaining water. When reading a book on the 5:2 diet it explained that starvation mode is a myth; people believe it without research and the term gets thrown around on here a lot, but starvation mode doesn't kick in until over 72hrs of 0 food, not just from reduced calories. Starvation mode also doesn't stop you losing weight at all! It just slows your metabolism SLIGHTLY. Muscle doesn't get eaten either, unless you are literally down to such a low body fat percentage that there is nothing else to rely on. There have been big studies on this and the general consensus is: you can't slow down weight loss by starving yourself, that literally doesn't make sense, hens why anorexic people get so skinny. I needed some convincing of this myself as I used to also think this! I used to tell everyone on here how if you don't eat breakfast your metabolism doesn't 'wake up' etc, but it just isnt true
it's why I feel comfortable doing these 5:2 days, because the science behind them is that they are incredibly healthy for your body. Like animals, we were designed to hunt and to eat big meals once we've caught prey, then go possibly a couple of days eating very little until we catch again! So fasting actually is more natural for us than to eat constantly. It also gives our body the time to heal; when we eat and put energy into our body through food, we produce new blood cells. When we stop eating, we stop producing new cells and start healing old! Fasting is thus very good for the liver and has been proven to prevent certain cancers, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc! A lot of people do 5:2 as a way of life, not for weight loss but for health, as it also makes you live longer
so yeah, that's why CheekyChinchilla and I always harp on about feeling proud to have done a fast day: it's more than just about weight loss or 'starving' ourselves, it's a detox and a very good thing for our bodies! It's amazing for the liver too apparently!
You have such a positive look on life- I aspire to have that sort of energy too! I definitely do think about weight loss too much, but it's actually a personality defect/trait rather than being obsessive about how I look; I get like this with everything, and I REALLY need something to focus on (constantly) where I can feel I am achieving something, or I fall into a bottomless pit of despair. If I am not advancing in my career (which I haven't at all in a couple of years) then I need something else to feel I am achieving with, so actually, losing weight has kinda saved me there
I'm quite an obsessive personality too, but it's more to do with my depression and Borderline Personality Disorder.
When I joined SW it was actually supposed to just be an aid to the fact I was going to start going to the gym- which was an attempt to pull me out of a dark place where I wouldn't leave the house, had nothing to focus on, got pent up with agression a lot and would end up having fits where I'd smash things (yaaay) so I thought going to the gym would be a great output for the aggression, possibly help my depression (it's proven that exercise helps) and also as a bonus I'd hopefully lose some weight, which was something I'd NEVER tried before as I was ashamed to admit I was ashamed of my size (bit of a weird ego twist?) so I thought- if I'm going to exercise, it kinda goes hand in hand to diet too as I'll feel stupid burning calories and then eating pizza so counter productively...! But then I never bloody joined the gym LOL! The only gym in walking distance from me costs £100 a month (I sh*t you not!) and I don't drive and didn't want to have to spend £3 on return journeys with busses... So yeah, the gym thing fell through but meanwhile the SW thing took off! And I got the energy boost I needed through the productivity of learning about nutrition and working towards a goal
SW and weight loss has REALLY changed my life, mentally and emotionally as well- not just because I feel better in myself, but because it's given me something to focus on! So in that sense I really don't mind getting obsessive over it... I have so little going on in my life for weeks at a time when freelancing work is slow, so I need something like this to push myself, to keep engaged in. Feels great to write all this down as it makes me realise just how much this 'journey' has saved me
I definitely feel best mentally when I'm pushing myself in some way- be it with workload or socially or whatever- so I think recently things slowed down for my losses as it became very routine... I've had to throw new elements in to keep myself on my toes... Sounds weird, but if I get used to something, it becomes routine- if it becomes routine, it becomes boring for me, LOL! Back to the shoddy attention span thing. So this also translates to: easy/comfortable eating routine = boredom = straying from the plan. Obviously not at all the case for everyone! But for me, if I get complacent because I'm finding something easy, I get bored! I really need challenges and competitiveness for EVERYTHING I do in life (I think this goes back to my ADHD- could I have made any more 'label' excuses for myself in this post? LOL) even if I am just being competitive against goals I've set for myself... So that's why I'm going at this with an extreme perspective, to keep myself interested really :O it'll never become an eating disorder because I don't have that negative view on my body anymore, I just need to push to get the last weight off, then find a stable maintenance plan when I find my ideal weight. Also, I tell allll this stuff to my mum, who was bulumic growing up so she'd spot an ED from a mile away, so rest assured
I like food waaay too much for that sh*t anyway!
I remember seeing people on here when I started at 20st who were already slim, already an ideal BMI (start weight ideal, I mean) and thinking "why the hell are they on here? They're slim!" being slim is something I've never experienced, and while I feel 'average' now, I don't really feel slim- my tummy is still a bulge of fat, I'm still in clothing considered large, I know when I go shopping in Japan the clothes wont fit because they're all tiny out there
etc. I am pushing myself now because I have a time limit of what I can achieve before I go away, and because with 3 work trips to the middle east in the next month will send the scales totally haywire, but when I get back from my travels (where I will NOT be counting syns/calories!) things will be different... probably obsessing over balancing out the huge gain
today my +1 pushed me back into 'overweight' BMI, so I'd like to be as far away from that as possible before I go away so I won't fall back into it while out there... I really pushed myself last summer before my Florida trip and I remember how fab I felt out there having lost a stone the month before doing Red days only- really gave me a boost! I'm probably looking at no more than 6lbs loss if I'm good as gold for the next 5 weeks, but realistically with all the work trips it'll probably be like 3lbs or something
one can try though!
You're definitely right that I need to work on being happy as I am, etc... But at the same time, I need this weight loss malarky as a project to keep myself entertained LOL! I always get bored of projects and replace them with something new- eventually I'll go back to focusing on hopefully something creative to further my career, but my creativity has been so dead for years now, I need to give that a facelift before I can be passionate about it again (hopefully traveling will help, as I'll be so inspired by what I can photograph! London REALLY bores me..! I'm a nature fiend and it is so built up and industrial here...)
You are in so much a healthier state of mind than me, you really do seem like a well rounded person (I'm a total mess!) and I'm sure that you'll find the balance that suits you to lose the weight you want to. I aspire to that mentality of yours, but I don't think I'm quite ready to work on it just yet. I've come out of such a destructive place since starting this journey, I can't describe how much I've changed as a person this past year... I've had something to focus on, to achieve, have felt fulfilled by self improvement (physically- definitely need to address mentally next!), kinda pathetically because of my weight loss I have a new respect from my assh*le judgemental extended family, which removes a lot of the stress I used to have feeling like a failure to them, but also I'm 2.5 years into my first long term relationship so that has changed me heaps as well! I'm not all airy fairy in love sadly
but because we live together, work together (or more so: NOT work together!) it really does feel like we're a retired couple who've been married for 20 years
so yeah, I've learnt a lot about myself socially/emotionally through that too.
Wow, this post has been so reflective on so many different areas, haha! Thanks so much for such a thought provoking post
I know I'm quite stubborn with my ideas, but I'll be first to admit I'm a total head case and that no-one should ever listen to my advice LOL! I always have the best intentions when I do give advice on here, I want to help people, I really do, but my knowledge of weight loss isn't that reliable.
BTW- Please do add me on fb if you fancy it (same goes for any of you!) my url is and then my first name and the number 7 with no gaps (trying to be untraceable here hehe, really don't want searches for my fb page linking back to this diary!) or koi (like the fish) + so + photo with no gaps or plusses or bracketed words
I have a few of you already and it's really lovely to be able to follow each other on a personal level, I do consider you all friends
Oh and guess what? My whole day got cancelled today as half the India crew could no longer make it and only the one I'm not that close to (read: film school rival who I'm a bit shifty with
lol!) could make it, so we decided just to reschedule. I'm feeling pumped from exercising and might do some more soon but will take it easy if I feel weak from fasting. Did research about combining fasting with exercise and the general consensus is: if you feel OK doing it, then go for it.
I'm hoping that if I get into a routine of being strict with myself over the next few days (bar the drinking blow out tomorrow), by the time I go to Dubai (on either Tues or Weds) I'll be in the right mindset to stick to plan and not gain weight like the past few trips!
Anyway, essay over!