Gold Member
Thanks MrsGinger
I've decided to FINALLY have that Chinese I've been dreaming about for weeks (lol) G and I didn't even get to speak on Valentines day so we're going to go to the posh global buffet (does Chinese, Indian, Thai and SUSHI!) have it as a Valentines treat combined with 'Ideal BMI' treat, and go to the cinema (has been ages!) yay! This'll be my one treat though and then I'm going to be 100% and maybe do a fast day on Weds.
Have a Doc appointment today to see if I can get some valium prescribed for tomorrow- we're having our travel jabs! I have such a phobia of needles, last time (IV in hospital) I had a panic attack and cried for ages, so hopefully they'll give me something to help (got the idea from Cheeky who had some Diazepam to calm her down through blood tests). So today doc appointment, tomorrow jabs appointment AND we've booked Chewie in to get snipped; saw a few fleas on the cats today they are totally flea ridden and Frontline just isn't working, so they'll prescribe some advocate too in the same appointment which saves us paying for him to be seen especially. His chin is all scathed up from where he's been scratching really scabby, feels awful and he's scratching all the time! poor 'Bacca (sounds like bugger hehe)
Just updated my stats for the first time in what feels like ages- how long have I been going up and down!? Probably a month? :/
Here are some pics of my wii chart etc I set a mini goal on there to lose the last few pounds to be 'Ideal' and because I reached it early it said it was worried about my health LOL!! Just can't win with that f*cking wii XD either it's like "You suck, you didn't reach your mini goal on time." or it's worried lol!
^LOL! Because I lost the 3lbs mini goal in less than the 2 weeks I set
^Look how up and down the recent dots are have fluctuated so much more this month than the whole rest of the journey!
So exciting that I'm now just 2lbs away from my 100lbs loss - century badge here I come and from my 7st award too!!
I've decided to FINALLY have that Chinese I've been dreaming about for weeks (lol) G and I didn't even get to speak on Valentines day so we're going to go to the posh global buffet (does Chinese, Indian, Thai and SUSHI!) have it as a Valentines treat combined with 'Ideal BMI' treat, and go to the cinema (has been ages!) yay! This'll be my one treat though and then I'm going to be 100% and maybe do a fast day on Weds.
Have a Doc appointment today to see if I can get some valium prescribed for tomorrow- we're having our travel jabs! I have such a phobia of needles, last time (IV in hospital) I had a panic attack and cried for ages, so hopefully they'll give me something to help (got the idea from Cheeky who had some Diazepam to calm her down through blood tests). So today doc appointment, tomorrow jabs appointment AND we've booked Chewie in to get snipped; saw a few fleas on the cats today they are totally flea ridden and Frontline just isn't working, so they'll prescribe some advocate too in the same appointment which saves us paying for him to be seen especially. His chin is all scathed up from where he's been scratching really scabby, feels awful and he's scratching all the time! poor 'Bacca (sounds like bugger hehe)
Just updated my stats for the first time in what feels like ages- how long have I been going up and down!? Probably a month? :/
Here are some pics of my wii chart etc I set a mini goal on there to lose the last few pounds to be 'Ideal' and because I reached it early it said it was worried about my health LOL!! Just can't win with that f*cking wii XD either it's like "You suck, you didn't reach your mini goal on time." or it's worried lol!
^LOL! Because I lost the 3lbs mini goal in less than the 2 weeks I set
^Look how up and down the recent dots are have fluctuated so much more this month than the whole rest of the journey!
So exciting that I'm now just 2lbs away from my 100lbs loss - century badge here I come and from my 7st award too!!
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