Hi Darcy. You are doing so well. Love your treat box! I think it's really unfair having to re-register every year. I have to pay for my social work registration. It is so wrong!
My treat box is complete - 10 items, one for each stone
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=121269"/>
Ooooo exciting do you have an order in mind or just pick as you are going?
My treat box is complete - 10 items, one for each stone![]()
And also meant to say, I love the cushion on your sofa, very seaside, I love it! That'll be your treat when you have reached goal, to sit on the cushion with your skinny little behind![]()
I love the idea, that's so great!! And it's an actual physical thing you can see and look forward to, brilliant. Great incentive.
Don't think I'll bother with the new boiler, seems now that central heating makes you fat -
BBC News - Central heating may make you fat, say researchers
Not much left in life is there:cry:
Lol yes but if you don't have it you get damp lol
What-central heating= fat, Lol what next!!.
Darcy I think a lot of us feel that this time is different & that success awaits us. Lets all make sure everyone continues with that frame of mind. Especially through the days when we feel we have let ourselves down. Glad to hear you're having a good day x
Ha! Loved the central heating bit! Mines just been fixed and I've just had to fork out for a new boiler in a flat that we tent to tenants. They are skinny, so they could go with some 'layers'![]()
Well done Farcy. Ur doing greathope uv had a nice week pottering!
Have a fab Friday! X
Enjoy the bike Darcy I have one in the living room I move it to in front if the TV I do go on it as it's there - I have not been great going to the gym as it's a journey so I know exactly how you feel - hope you have a good day X