Spangly's tough love slim and save bootcamp!

Thanks, everyone, for such kind kind words. I feel so low - alcohol is a depressant, after all! But it will pass. And if the upshot is more closeness between me and my hubby and also some renegotiation around my work-life balance, it will end up having been constructive after all. I have an appointment to see my lovely GP next week, who knows me and my family really well and always tells me he doesn't know how i do it and that we should be so proud of our two wonderful children and what a good job we're doing. I'm just debating whether to ask for any time off or not. I don't want to be labelled as weak or flaky, particularly at this point where all our jobs are on the line (we're getting our redundancy letters in the next few weeks). But... I do need to look after myself as best I can. I will find a way.

Thank you all so much. Your kindness almost made me cry!! Xx
I've been very low but am getting better. Thanks so much for asking. Today helped, as I am involved in a big project at work and felt useful and as though my contribution was valued. I need to sort out my work-life balance though. The current situation (ten hours plus of commuting a week) is soul-destroying really. I miss my family :-(
It sounds like you've been having a really tough time Spangly. Many of us who have weight problems also seem to not be good at looking after ourselves. We look afterr everyone else but our needs come last. Which may well lead to comfort eating / drinking when the stress gets too much. You need support in the same way that you would support someone else. You are not superwoman. It sounds like your husband wants to offer that support and that's wonderful. You're not on your own - it's you and him against the world.

If you are finding yourself having a panic attack or it all getting so much that you feel that you can't cope then get to your doctor too. They can help through various routes such as giving you some time out of the office environment. It is nothing to be ashamed of - if you need the help then take it. We would never treat other peopple the way that we treat purselves sometimes.

Thinking of you xx
I'm really glad you feel a bit better.....your commute sounds exhausting.....try and get whatever you need at the moment whether that is emotional support,meds, comfort,sleep or whatever.......this won't last forever I promise.....
One of the best and most restorative things is coming home exhausted from work and my two little girls throwing themselves into my arms when I come in. Their love is wonderful. I must be doing something right! Just need nice quiet times. Slow walks. Gentle music. Baths. Church. Prayer. Soul food. Literally. And I am so lucky in my husband. He is so kind and loving and supportive. Life is good really if I can allow myself enough down time and stop trying to be so damned 'perfect'. What's that anyway?!
That you are able to express gratitude for your life (while wishing for a bit more balance) is a really positive step. Perfectionism is such a thief of our time and self esteem. It took me a long time to recognise it in myself - how could someone so messy, inconsistent, fat and lazy be a perfectionist! - but I have got better with time, some therapy and meditation. It still brings back painful memories, though, to see others overwhelmed by it.

I'm just putting one foot in front of the other at the moment. A hungry day yesterday but I think that was to do with a stressful day at work, after a long weekend. Having my final session of cranio sacral therapy tonight with my friend who is training. The first session I saw amazing colours and pictures, the second I spontaneously sobbed; so i'm not sure what to expect tonight. I definitely felt much better after both sessions though.
Hello, everyone. Feeling bad that I've messed up this gung ho thread with all my self-indulgent witterings this week. We were all doing so well! Been being kind to myself this week and am taking time to get my sns groove back on. Still got four weeks to my school reunion so I fully expect to get a few more pounds off before then - but Rome wisnae built in a day (as they say in Edinburgh) so I'm allowing myself some much-needed breathing space this week.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there and doing fine. Normal (?!) service will be resumed from me soon! (You have been warned... ;))
It doesn't feel like that at all. We are playing the people pleasing game enough in the real world. If we can't come on here and witter either positively or negatively, then what is the point!

I've been struggling a bit - feeling hungry and very tired but I haven't caved. Missed my choir last night and went home and had a really early night. Tonight I'm meeting a group of friends that I used to work with. We usually go out and have cocktails but as one of the group can't get a baby sitter we are going to her. Two of the others aren't drinking as they are running marathons!! So I won't feel like the odd one out and can easily make up a pack and have a bar whilst they are eating.

Sneaky scale hopping shows that my weight hasn't moved for 3 days but I'm going to do just soups and shakes and lots of water tomorrow and hope for a shift by Sunday WI. I'm taking my own advice that this can't fail in the long term.

I got this Why does adding ‘calorific’ nuts to the diet not usually cause weight gain? | Dr Briffa's Blog - A Good Look at Good Health in my inbox today. When I was maintaining easily, I ate lots of nuts as snacks. I could maintain on 2300 calories if that included nuts. So from personal experience I feel it is more to do with the balancing of blood sugar than actually causing me to eat less. I had to buy portion controlled packs though as I found it really hard to stop if they were in the desk drawer!

Have a lovely start to the weekend.
Ooh I struggle with nuts: once I start I find it very difficult to stop. Any kind of nuts, but peanuts and cashews in particular. NOM!
Back from my weigh in and lost 2kgs. Really happy after all my doubts and the scales not moving. I didn't have time for a pack before I left this morning so it might have made a difference. My group says it looks as if I lost a kilo off each ankle. I'm Ok with the legs getting skinnier but am putting in a bid for the waist next week!

Started reading the Beck book. I'm with weasey in that it's a bit preachy - I'm not going to write down my list now just because she says so!- but I did like the idea of turning the saying no into a positive. I also think it addresses the consequences of what we do in the present moment. I'm sticking with it and will certainly put some of the ideas into practice.

Such a miserable day to be out so glad to be back home with a blanket on my feet and catch up on telly and DVD's.
Great news on the weight loss Clinquant! I think the Beck book contains a lot of good ideas - if you can pull them put of the way in which it is written!
Well done, clinquant. You're getting there.

I've had an odd ten days or so: lost my mojo and have been floundering around a bit - but trying to allow myself to be a bit at sea without panicking (if that makes sense). I spend so much time and energy trying to do everything "right" - but actually I'm knackered! So I've been opting for the train slightly more often than driving - had a short nap on the train in this morning (not advisable to do this on the M25!!) - and am taking things steady (which is quite a difference for me). I cancelled my GP appointment because actually I AM OK - I'm just tired and need balance. I can find that for myself, I know I can. Being signed off would just postpone things and knowing me I would just end up feeling guilty! So I'm booking a couple of days of holiday at half term to look forward to instead - and am actively guarding my "down time".

So... pack and weightwise things could be better, but mentally and emotionally things are looking up. I am caring for myself, which is fab!
Hi all, been reading this thread, slowly, over the last few days, still not done, but due to this thread rushed out and brought a Brene Brown book and been reading it this morning and came across a paragraph that I felt compelled to share.. So here it is...

'Over the years I've learned that a sure footed and confident mapmaker does not a swift traveler make. I stumble and fall. And I constantly find myself needing to change course. And even though I'm trying to follow a map that I've drawn, there are many times when frustration and self doubt take over, and I wad up that map and shove it into the junk drawer in my kitchen. It's not an easy journey from excruciating to exquisite, but for me it's been worth ever step.'

Now although she is not referring to dieting, this perfectly sums up this journey to 'healthly' living we are all striving for, hope that brings comfort to someone.

(will formerly join u all soon, need to finish this thread!)
Fabulous post, Gemma. Many thanks for sharing it.
I'm trying a slightly modified approach: focusing on quality sleep as the cornerstone of balance in all things. I've been trialling 5-HTP and GABA the past two evenings. It could be placebo effect but I had two completely uninterrupted, blissful, deep nights of sleep. Am-a-zing. Still knackered, but I do think sleep (or rather the lack of it) is fundamental to all my mood swings and carb/sugar cravings. Hope everyone is doing ok.
That's good news on the sleep. They are definitely helpful supplements in my experience.

I'm doing fine. Busy days. Definitely easier when I have a lot to do. I had a couple of days where I could almost have talked myself into a protein meal but I'd rather it was something I had up my sleeve a bit later on. Found the Beck book useful for talking myself out of cravings. Naming it and telling myself I won't die really helps!! I've found I can sometimes go a couple of hours that way. Worst time is still late afternoon/pre dinner. If I was to be locked up between the hours of 4 and 7 I wouldn't even need to be doing this. :rolleyes:

Been thinking about Christmas again. My aim whatever strategy I follow is to be 99 kgs on the first official WI on 5 January. I think if I make the committment to the post rather than the pre Christmas goal I will have a better chance of staying on track. I think I'm going to go with the protein and low carb veg on Christmas day and Boxing Day and possibly cook for friends on NYE.