Gold Member
Thanks, everyone, for such kind kind words. I feel so low - alcohol is a depressant, after all! But it will pass. And if the upshot is more closeness between me and my hubby and also some renegotiation around my work-life balance, it will end up having been constructive after all. I have an appointment to see my lovely GP next week, who knows me and my family really well and always tells me he doesn't know how i do it and that we should be so proud of our two wonderful children and what a good job we're doing. I'm just debating whether to ask for any time off or not. I don't want to be labelled as weak or flaky, particularly at this point where all our jobs are on the line (we're getting our redundancy letters in the next few weeks). But... I do need to look after myself as best I can. I will find a way.
Thank you all so much. Your kindness almost made me cry!! Xx
Thank you all so much. Your kindness almost made me cry!! Xx