Gold Member
2lb off for me this week. Bit miffed about that but soldiering on. 
Wow, that's a fantastic loss, clinquant!! Weeks like that make it all feel worthwhile.
I'm feeling sorry for myself today because my youngest, as well as the plaster cast, was running a temperature last night and so was up and down all night poor thing. I'm shattered. Also I misjudged my remaining packs (have just put a big order in) and have to manage on tomato soups and mushroom soups until my packs arrive, which will probably be Wednesday. i'm such a numpty! But I couldn't put a big order through until I get paid and misjudged what I had left, ie no variety. Ack! This is reminding me of my oh-so-sage words to someone about how I try to think of the packs as medicine, not as food. Well, quite!
Hope everyone else is feeling a bit more buoyant than I am today. However, I must add that the complete lack of hunger has continued, which is a huge relief. Maybe it just take me a while to get properly keto-adapted?