My best friend lost four stones last year. She was thrilled! She did it by severe and not always wise calorie-counting. Like just about all of us who have lost a lot of weight she said "I'll never put it back on, never, no way." At the time she really meant it.
But a few months later she had family problems, relationship blips, problems with her Mum, work, money... In other words 'normal' life crept back in. She responded to these familiar stresses by eating just a bit more, then a bit more, still... She regained nearly three of the four stones she'd lost.
I was chatting to her on the phone today and saying how so many of us are totally all or nothing, and shared with her a tip I found useful.
Whatever plan you are on, however low or generous the calories or carbs or points, whatever, factor-in a bit extra that you can use when you just HAVE to eat. Most days you probably won't need that extra food or calories but some days you really might. To have given yourself permission, in advance, to use this 'allowance' if need be helps to prevent the awful guilt we feel when we 'cheat'.
I think that the guilt also brings relief cos after all if we have cheated we can then cheat all day and night! And then 'start afresh tomorrow'. Sometimes we can stick to that, at other times we can't.
Food has been our friend (and foe), our comfort, our medication, our crutch when things were going wrong. It is very hard to give that up, particularly for a TFR VLCD! For every day you complete you are achieving a very difficult thing. Give yourself credit for that, and forgive yourself for slips and blips.
I think guilt - and expecting way too much of ourselves - is at the root of a lot of diet 'failure'. Limit your cheats to a certain amount for the one occasion only that day and just carry on with your plan.
Good luck!