spyro's exante diary - LOOK WHO'S BACK

yep thats what i was thinking hun
And you never know you may still lose x
yep thanks have a good weekend everyone i wont be around tomorrow as will be travelling to visit my family.see you sunday.
Hi Sweets - How has WS been working out for you?

Hi you two i havnt actually been on here much as have been too busy trying to get hold of my inlaws in libya. ive been having 2 shakes a few snacks and a meal. I havnt weighed myself yet though. I also got this new book called beyond chocolate by sophie and audrey boss as i heard in another thread it was good and it basically helps you how to stop yo yo dieting and have a healthy relationship with food so i read it in 3 days and it is really good they basically say your allowed to eat anything but you need to tune in to whether your really hungry or not and its weird as usually id binge if i started eating but by following a few rules that they tell you i havent been binging which is a good start as when you are restricted you do either go all out or are really good. So thats my plan now have 2 shakes and one meal ive probably picked abit more this week as its totm but im learning to make better choices and am choosing to exercise so hopefully the rest of the weight will drop off eventually and il have a healthy relationship with food. I hope you are both well and thanks for thinking of me i will keep updating when things settle down.
:hug99:Hope the inlaws are OK

thanks toots so far they are theyre just abit down as are on lockdown in the capital.lets hope it ends soon.
Fingers crossed - not a nice situation for them to be in. Hope they're home soon

hi you two hope your both well ive been so busy am having abit of a spring clean atm so literally just sat down since morning. am trying hard to be good with food although there are some bad days but am focusing on a healthy relationship with food rather than losing weight. take care both of you. will pop in to your diaries as soon as i can.
Hey Spyro,
long time no speak!!
I hope your ok - sorry to hear your in laws are caught up in things - the world seems so upside down at the moment!
hello hun i was only thinking of you the other day. thanks i know things are escalating everywhere its mad i hope you and your family are well lets just pray it ends asap. well done for getting back to exante and sorry to hear about your family member. i dont know what im doing at the minute im so confused i was reading a book saying eat what you want but only when your hungry and stop when satisfied and now ive finished the book i seem to be slipping ive been having 2 shakes and a meal but am picking on choc inbetween i really want to get back to tfr but it seems so impossible as the day goes on. il just have to keep on trying and now i know your back and starting again maybe that will keep me going. did you start today or is it gonna be tomorrow?
Don't beat yourself up - you have a lot on your plate at the moment. With the best will in the world your head needs to be in the right place for a VLCD :hug99::hug99:

ahh thanks toots i just dont know why i keep going back to the cupbourd im thinking its the anxiety about whats happening its just another emotion i cant deal with ive always turned to food when im down i just wish i could get back in the zone as it feels so good to see the scales going down ive been wavering between 81 and 85kg for a while now and i just want to get in to the 70's asap. its so hard to know what to do i think il just try and focus on having a meal and not picking and if i can have a shake instead then thats even better but no pressure if not.
Sounds good - take the pressure off!! You're having a tough enough time from external pressures at the moment - be kind to yourself and don't add any self imposed pressures ;)

Hey luv I know exactly where you are coming from....when life is falling apart reaching for the choc seems SO right!!! But I'm also with Toots - don't put too much pressure on yourself - just do your best with it and don't beat yourself up if later in the day sometimes you faulter at least you have been good earlier. I also, know how frustrating it is Though when all the hard work seems to go straight out the window...I had got down to 79kgs a couple of months back and now am back up to 84kgs...but at least it's not back to the 102kgs I was in Septermber!!!
It's great to know that you guys are around and if you do decide to go for it 100% we can try and kick each others butts into action!!

All the best luv
My best friend lost four stones last year. She was thrilled! She did it by severe and not always wise calorie-counting. Like just about all of us who have lost a lot of weight she said "I'll never put it back on, never, no way." At the time she really meant it.

But a few months later she had family problems, relationship blips, problems with her Mum, work, money... In other words 'normal' life crept back in. She responded to these familiar stresses by eating just a bit more, then a bit more, still... She regained nearly three of the four stones she'd lost.

I was chatting to her on the phone today and saying how so many of us are totally all or nothing, and shared with her a tip I found useful.

Whatever plan you are on, however low or generous the calories or carbs or points, whatever, factor-in a bit extra that you can use when you just HAVE to eat. Most days you probably won't need that extra food or calories but some days you really might. To have given yourself permission, in advance, to use this 'allowance' if need be helps to prevent the awful guilt we feel when we 'cheat'.

I think that the guilt also brings relief cos after all if we have cheated we can then cheat all day and night! And then 'start afresh tomorrow'. Sometimes we can stick to that, at other times we can't.

Food has been our friend (and foe), our comfort, our medication, our crutch when things were going wrong. It is very hard to give that up, particularly for a TFR VLCD! For every day you complete you are achieving a very difficult thing. Give yourself credit for that, and forgive yourself for slips and blips.

I think guilt - and expecting way too much of ourselves - is at the root of a lot of diet 'failure'. Limit your cheats to a certain amount for the one occasion only that day and just carry on with your plan.

Good luck!