Oh Squeeze, I so admire you! I have caved quite a few times since I started this 2 weeks ago, unlike when I did it last year I was 100% for 4 weeks and lost loads, this time its coming off slow cos I keep picking, its much much harder second time around!!
I seem to be saying every other night start again be 100% tomo, I seriously feel like **** for being so weak willed and caving in! I wish I could just get 2 weeks 100% under my belt even, so I can lose a stone and see/ feel the difference, to spur me on to keep at it, my demons are winning the *******s!! I don't look or feel any different yet...
The only way I seem to be able to stick at it is if Im mega busy all day, Im an artist so I think I need to get back into my painting , as I never think about eating as the hours fly by when im immersed....
Im panicking about the Easter break now, kids break up tomo, I have 2 teenage sons that will be asking me to bake, and make all their fave dinners, weathers warming up, hubby wants to do BBQ's, social family gatherings and all that, and the 'demons' are saying 'you will break' just do it after Easter, but I dont want to, I want to do this now cos I know I will keep stalling and end up being fat through another summer.
I SOO want to look good this year!!
You are an inspiration on here, and one tough cookie not to have even nibbled a bit of ham or cheese, but trust me-DONT DO IT!!!
I do it but the temptation can and has lead to a full blown binge, Cham is so right it can make you like a madman! Then I want to throw up after.

Its all too much, and makes you feel worse than the hunger pangs/torture you are going through, knowing you knocked out of ketosis and have to keep restarting, going through all that for another 3 days...
Sorry for the long moan..
Keep going! You will feel better tomorrow, You are close to getting skinny!!
