It will all e sorted. Just never ill so when I am it's nightmare lol
Tge total is........5lb!! Lol remember I put the last loss back on :-(
Personally coming off plan a couple of days before would be a good idea. You never know how you will be eating 'normal' food and you don't want to start your holiday with a bad tummy!
ha ha a good sniff helps loads, it's much better than trying to avoi it mmmmm
thats fab with your sister! She must notice too then x
I'm feeling very hungry so just tried the lemon bar - omg adding that to the 'Devils food' list! Vile. I have 10 bars! Lol luckily though my CDC said i could change what I didn't like and I have enough other products to keep me going - really though that would be a winner. I love lemon :-(
so know I have a strawberry mousse chilling - I hope to god it's nice!!!
I'm just want to lose 4lb a week so as long as can do that then I'm happy
What date do you actually go on holiday?
smelling is like tasting without swallowing lol
Im gutted I thought was going to be like angel delight mmmmmmm
Banana will have to wait until tomorrow - cant face anymore disappointment today lol
Ok, so I would start eating from the 26th. I would eat very light 26th an 27th. Salad and chicken with some bread etc. I would be very careful as you will get an upset stomach otherwise. Then you can start enjoying yourself!
lunch and cinema with emails sounds fab!! We've only been once with the boys. Rhys sat the whole way through but Owen got bored half way through and we ended up having ice cream and coffee waiting for te movie to finish lol then he won't sit still like Rhys at home either. I know who in sitting with next time!
dont blame you being excited. I love those type of movies lol tonight we are going to watch the new Die hard film - Beuce Willis is my perfect man! Mmmm
I need to lose a minimum of 4 1/2 stone. I know I won't maintain 4lb a week all the way but if I can get 2 stone off like that I will be happybut will see what happens x
Yea that's a good idea I think. I'm booked in on the 26th with my consultant anyway for some beautifying before I go lol might just get weighed that day then rather than the Friday.
Emily goes to the cinema all the time Marty is a movie freak and would spend all day watching movies. I just don't have the patience but Emily and her dad love it lol
Will just be me and Emily that day too which will be nice as Marty is working his last shift before the holiday. He really wanted to see the film lol but I don't care I wanna see it ASAP!! Haha
Maybe he will get used to sitting still lol it's just an environment they aren't used to I guess. They can still talk and shout at home whereas you panic more when they do when your out and about.
That will be niceenjoy the movie lol
2 stone at 4lb a week I think is defo doable your still going so I think you should b proud of yourself xxxx
Perfect then. Get weighed on 26th and that's you done! Well until you get back lol
It will do you good.
ha ha he has to work, it's nice when get them all to yourself to do something fun! Rather than the usual chore stuff ggrrrr lol
They don't play up in the cinema they are really good to be honest he just wanted to leave and when they want to go that's it! Just like me unfortunately lol
Haha my nephew is the same he doesn't sit well in the cinema and wants to leave in the middle.
Yes until I get bk lol I can't wait to get bk and on plan again to get this final lot of stones off!!
Defo nice to have her to myself and with all the exams and holiday prep we haven't had much Girly time so it will be greatx
You can't think about that just enjoy hols and then you will be raring to go!!
how lovely for time together x
I know lol ria shouted at me for that too wishing the holiday away but I want to be slim so much more than I want to eat all the food in sight on holiday lol does that sound dumb?
doesnt sound dumb at all! Why don't you set yourself a but of a challenge for holiday? You never want to go back to the size you were so why would you eat like you used too??
why not try a half way compromise? Try eating how you want to eventually eat? So yes you can have the treats but in moderation and then choose the water options for meals? Ie breakfast - I'm sure you will have pancakes in America lol so have a smaller portion and have it with fruit rather then golden Syrup etc?
i think it's worth a try, best of both worlds? You can have a great time and eat but with a view to changing habits now instead of waiting til the end?
Also your taste bids would of changed so perfect opportunity.
when I go away i plan on eating but not Alice's if toast and butter for breakfast. Fruit salads, poached eggs etc instead. And then I will have the fish & chips for my tea because I've made positive changes to try and balance things? Am I making any sense? Lol
Yes that makes perfect sense lol
That's a really good idea stace. I think I will do that you know. It's not like the healthier food is bland or horrible there either so it could defo work.
The challenge has been set then! Haha![]()
Yeaaahhh! Lol it doesn't even have to be healthy just the 'better' option! You will feel healthier and better for it. And you won't be coming back to a massive gain! X
My sis said the same lol she said that the novelty of new things will ware off after the 1st 10 days then it will be so hot I won't be hungry and will just be drinking loads so I hope your both right lol
Your sister sounds like a wise woman ;-) except where your mum concerned lol