Oh no Stacey, what have you done? lol. I did have one fish finger of the kids at dinner so not been 100% either.
Don't worry kittyperry it will all sort itself out after TOTM, glad your being good!!
Don't even ask :-( hope your all having a good day x
You can do it stace.don't get down on yourself. I've failed epically this passed few days can't wait to be bk from holiday bk in the zone lol xxxx
Hope ur ok xxxxxxx
Hows everyone doing today? Your all really quiet, do I sense some naughtiness?? lol.
Dani yeah this diet does affect TOTM, The first time I started and again after hols I was about a week early both times, didn't lose any weight on those actual weeks but then lost 6lb the following week last time! Your doing really well, when do you next go for an official weigh?
Actually quite excited for my weigh in today
When are you allowed the bars?
yeh but at least you got we'll and truly off starting blocks lol
Just feeling like poo as TOTM still not shown up :-(
I'm doing a late spring clean tomorrow - think its a holiday thing?? So spring clean my mind whilst at it lol
Dominos :-(
I LOVE DOMINOS, well jel xx
Defo must be a holiday thing yano. Dominos happened to me last nite too it's just hard to resist sometimes. Stace I've had many slips before I was in the zone but it will happen because you keep trying hun that is such an important strength that you keep forgetting xxx
Pmsl Dan! You made me spit my drink. Everyone is aww don't worry and so on. You just say your jealous! Lol lol lol x
Oops sorry, my bad! mmmm don't worry, that better? Haha xx
I still love dominos thou, yum yum!
Can u tell I'm hungry xx
Your so supportive thank you x
It's just so disheartening that I just can't stick to it. I feel like I'm ready and have motivation but for some reason I just go into auto drive? I don't even think its just like second nature!
Well you have been incredibley supportive to me at the best of times.
Ur honestly not alone everyone has those times but its the trying and trying that gets us there in the end. I don't know anybody that just started the diet and that was it!! No slips just 100% it's the slip ups that teach us the most about ourselves and what our weaknesses are.
You will get there stacexx
Well you have been incredibley supportive to me at the best of times.
Ur honestly not alone everyone has those times but its the trying and trying that gets us there in the end. I don't know anybody that just started the diet and that was it!! No slips just 100% it's the slip ups that teach us the most about ourselves and what our weaknesses are.
You will get there stacexx
Well saidxxxx
We can do this holiday count down!!!
All I'm thinking of is that I've got 16 days of no food, and taking one day at a time!!