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Hiya Stacey! Im the same.. very thirsty when I wake up. I don't know what it is cos I'm drinking loads of water. Weird huh.
Hello Stacey,
This is definitely true. Having posts to read is helping me so much.
Today is going to be hard. Going to a friend's with a chocolate cake I made last night. She's just had a new baby. I'm hoping that nothing makes me fall off the wagon. Tomorrow's my birthday. People are coming for food, so I was hoping to do a picnic type affair. That way, I'm not sat around a table watching them eat, but can sip my water and stay strong.
Exactly! You could have gained more than that so look on the bright side.
How do you think you will get on this weekend? It's def nice to have a break lol
I can't wait!! I've nvr been to a musical before sooo exciting. Emily loves the hairspray movie lol you should pop it on its funny.
Yea maybe next weds. Won't b weighed until the following fortnight but I can and will always check my own![]()
Hiya Stacey! Im the same.. very thirsty when I wake up. I don't know what it is cos I'm drinking loads of water. Weird huh.
Ok, so it's time for my 1st shake but trying to put off as long as possible. I'm not hungry to be honest but its habit now. Dropped boys to mums and this is usually when the wine gets open and the nibbles start and then followed by a take away this evening.
of course I can't do any of that so I'm at a loss? I sound like an alcoholic lol
OH will be home shortly but he will be having lunch then :-( although he will eat away from me I will prepare it as usual seeing as it will just be him getting in from work.
I'm going to treat myself to my chewy choc bar later and that's what I will focus on for now.
these bad habits are hard to face.
i hope I lose double figures next Friday so I can see that it's worth it - I can see results in all you ladies so I know it is but you have to see it in yourself to believe it I think?
off to stare at my size 10 jeans and then clean up from the tornado my boys lefts this morning lol x
Slight change of plans and Oh has had to go to my grans house to fix the sink and won't be home for a couple more hours. I'm in the house all by myself - I am starting hunger pangs and to make it worse just went to clear out the fridge ready for shopping and found my favourite sweets in the back! (Sugar laces) mmmmm I'm a sucker for sugar!!!
Ive just put a crappy movie on for distraction and still holding off on my shake :-(
Omg starving! Made him sandwiches and the slices of chicken were calling me!!! And the cheese!!! And the tick white soft bread!!!!
Thank you to whoever it was on here as took your advice and told myself could have it in 15 mins if still wanted it. I do want it but I'm not going too!
Also have a headache all of a sudden even though drunk 3 litres of water. God I need to get to bed! I hope this passes soon x
You can do this! I know it's hard but keep thinking about the scales and why you're doing this.. picture yourself IN those jeans and what that person would be saying to you. Might sound a bit crazy but last night I was struggling at work and I sat and imagined the slimmer me saying 'Yeh, I get that you want to eat xxx, but look when you get to being me you can, for now concentrate on getting here. How would you feel if your loss isn't very good and you think 'If only I didn't have xxx'.
It made me realise that yes what I wanted would probably be great for a few seconds, but I just REALLY need this to work and that won out. I'm not saying this will work every time, but it helped me last night. Have you tried having a cup of tea? I have found drinking peppermint tea is helping me.. having something hot that takes that little bit longer to drink than water?
Just to let you know, I squeezed into size 16 jeans today! They're well tight, but I'm in them... Where are you at? X
Good morning and still a beautiful day 3!
well yesterday was very hard as out if routine but I did it! I didn't lick to fridge Martha however I did get my nose in some unusual places having a waft and pretending I was eating it - yep loony bin here I come!!
wont be around much today as off to pick up boys from mums and then a family day out to the park and a wander to feed some ducks (I will run away as they are evil)
hope you all have love weather too and have a great day xxx
Knackered!! Lol one good thing about bing out in the sun is that it takes away all my appetite.
Still so thirsty! Feels like a hangover thirst, no matter how much I drink it doesn't go away? I even woke in the night and downed a pint if iced water and was still thirsty lol
Making hot dogs for boys and oh and don't like those yuk so this is any easy one to resist and no sniffing required. I've gone in my fridge freezer today but not to lick or sniff just for the cold ha ha
Have to catch up on my water for today. Could drink what I usually do as toilets not too accessible and I don't think incontinence is an option quite yet :-s
2 litres down so make sure another 2 before bed at least. Nice relaxing late afternoon whilst oh is mowing the grass and the boys are silent watching scooby doo after all the sunshine today.
hope your all having a great day.
and Martha I hope that room is finished!! Lol
Good girl! Lol I'm going to do my cleaning in a bit once Russell has finished outside.
i fill up 4 litre water bottles each night ready for the next day and then I know I have to drink all of them minimum! I pour out of them and into a glass if dont want to drink from the bottle jut so I know exactly how much I'm drinking. It pushes me to drink more which is good - tastes different in a glass lol !
i might weigh as feeling good anyway. See how I feel in the morning I think