Step 1 Sole Source Starting CWP today to save my health

Ah thx both :)

Just starting week 5. Knocked myself out of ketosis so going through the pain again! Good to know that I'm not the only one struggling at this point!
Hi girls

Have you tried the blender yet? As we're on SS at the mo there's not much you can put in it other than shakes shakes shakes ice tea or coffee lol! Try doing the shakes with ice to thicken them up plus make them bigger and last longer. It will also help with water intake x

Loubaloo don't that was me last wee going through the pain of ketosis, back well and truly in the zone, even managed to forget to take my lunch shake today as wasn't even hungry, so had to try and fit two in after work! Keep going hun it's all going to be worth it in the end! x

Ceeboo how are you getting on? Your probably in the worst of it now, it gets a lot better very soon x
I use an electric hand blender on everything but my shakes (for which I use the Cambridge shaker) and it makes them really smooth and nice. The porridge is so nice that way and the soup isn't powdery or anything. Love it :)

Getting on okay thanks Veenessie :) I had trouble sleeping last night cos I was hungry though.. Made a poster today to help spur me on. It has all the lbs on it that I want to lose and everytime I lose a pound I'll colour a heart in red :) every half stone I'll treat myself to something nice! It's on a cupboard above my cambridge products so I see it multiple times a day and remember why I'm doing it!!


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Hi ladies

Just wondering how your all going? Have you remains strong?

I'm at the end of week 6, still haven't hit 2 stone yet, which is a bit annoying as I've stuck to it 100%, but I suppose it took 20 years to get myself into this state, so it's not going to be rectified in a few months!

I've lost the plot Vanessa. Have gone off the rails and don't know how to get back on :-((((

We'll dine for sticking to it xx
Unfortunately ladies I now know the reason I started to not lose much weight and even put on the 1lb.... I'm pregnant so had come straight off plan ;(

Mixed feelings for both me and my hubby. I'm devastated I lost weight and it's all for nothing now. I know I may sound ungrateful as there's many ladies out there who would do a lot to be in my position right heads just all over the place. Not quite sure if hubby wants another baby so ATM I've a lot going on ;(

Hope both you Vanessa and loubaloo are ok and doing great xxxxx
Don't worry loubaloo you'll get back on it when your ready. You do need to be on the right frame of mind to do this, so get yourself there again and then when your ready give it another go! X

Spammie congratulations! It must be really confusing, I bet that you was planning the next chapter in your life being a skinny mini to discover you've got to put it on hold. I'm sure you'll be fine, wow 7 kids, you need a medal my dear, having 1 is more than enough for me lol! Don't worry CWP will be here when you need it, it just been put on hold for a little bit. Please though stay in touch, we're here to support you even of your not in the diet, I hope it all works out for you hun x

I'm still going strong, only getting losses of 2.5-3lb a week. I did swap my evening shakes at the weekend for a SS+ meal, omg after 6 weeks of nil my mouth I could have eaten a scabby horse, lucky for me it was just chicken and veg!

Take care girls, stay in touch x
Hi ladies Just wondering how your all going? Have you remains strong? I'm at the end of week 6, still haven't hit 2 stone yet, which is a bit annoying as I've stuck to it 100%, but I suppose it took 20 years to get myself into this state, so it's not going to be rectified in a few months! Xxx

Hi I'm starting back on CWP and have been reading your diary your going great! U can't be far away from 2 stone loss now?! :)

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