Starting in 2014!

I started on Thursday too! We'll be going through it all at exactly the same time, yay! I'm finding it ok so far- hopefully you are too. Keep up the good work!!
Hi, HMM. Great to see we're at the same stage! I've just woken up from a verrrrry vivid nightmare though. Just be the massive change in diet or vitamins or something. I can still see scenes from it. Ughhhh. Hope this settles down!

Early days yet though. And I feel so relieved to be just doing this and getting on with it. I think it was having a chest infection before Christmas and being breathless all the time that finally sealed it for me. I'm still breathless and I want to be sure it was the cold and not my weight! I know if I'd gained any more it would definitely have been my weight.

Hopefully in a week or so we will all start to feel a lot better. Too scared to go back to sleep right now (yes it was that bad!) but will try to in a bit. Saturday! The weekend! Hurrah!
I couldn't possibly be in ketosis already, could I?! Funny taste in mouth and yesterday was way easier than I expected and although I like the packs so far and am usually ravenous the moment I wake up: nothing. Also not craving my usual mugs and mugs of tea. I don't like it black really so have just decided not to bother this time. This is slightly cool and long may it continue!!

I guess I can see the prize, having done LL before, and know it is possible. Why didn't I really believe that, deep down, with slim and save? Hmm. I think it's something to do with having the external consultant/counsellor and being 'good' when faced with perceived authority.

Why aren't I, myself, enough of a reason?! Interesting and I'm not complaining. Whatever the reason, I'm grateful to be feeling this positive heading into (the dreaded) day three!

Hope everyone else is doing well and staying on the straight and narrow!!
Hello Spangly!

Goodness, I seem to follow you like a bad penny! No prizes for guessing what I'm doing next lol. I'm seeing my consultant on Monday night and can't wait to get started.

We're off to Lanzarote in 2 weeks, so will have a weigh in before we go and I'm taking the packs with me. OH is on board, thankfully.

Looking to lose 3 stones before the Grand National meet in April. Its certainly doable. Hurrah for VLCDs!

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Hi, debbi! Good to hear from you! Are you on Cambridge too? Am v cold, so I'm definitely on the cusp of ketosis. Been a bit hungry today though, but I think it was more emotional hunger because of various minor irritations that occurred. Will probably have a very early night.

I agree with you, clinquant, about just accepting for now the helpfulness of the other person accountability thing rather than overanalysing it. Whatever it takes, eh?
How was day 3 for you? Today has felt great! I've even went to the gym with my friend and we did a really great workout- wasn't even that hungry by lunchtime. I can't wait for day 4, it might turn out to be a hard day but who knows? Really in love with this diet, I'm home from uni in 6 weeks and I cannot wait to show my family the results. Got a bit of a challenge on Monday- resisting alcohol while on a night out but I am determined to do it, sparking water for me! Interesting about the dreams. I had one last night (which is weird because I've had very few dreams while at uni) and I think it was quite vivid (it was a dream in a dream if that makes sense) so maybe I'm having the same thing? Who knows!
It hasn't been entirely plain sailing: a few 'crooked thoughts' as they say on LL, and some thoughts of straying, but I managed to set them aside. I'm hoping it will only get easier as the days pass. Just aiming to get through my first week 100%!
Hi, debbi! Good to hear from you! Are you on Cambridge too? Am v cold, so I'm definitely on the cusp of ketosis. Been a bit hungry today though, but I think it was more emotional hunger because of various minor irritations that occurred. Will probably have a very early night.

I agree with you, clinquant, about just accepting for now the helpfulness of the other person accountability thing rather than overanalysing it. Whatever it takes, eh?

Hi Spangly, yes start on Cambridge on Tuesday. Seeing the consultant on Monday night.

I know exactly what you mean about 'needing' to be seen by someone else to get weighed. I cant believe that I stuck to LL 100% for 6 months, but the most I was 100% on sns was 2 days or something! But as clinquant says, lets just go with the flow for just now.

Are you still swimming?
Good luck for Tuesday! I've enjoyed most of the packs so far: like actually enjoyed, not just tolerated (apart from the tomato, which IMO is utterly bowfin!!! Bleurghhhh. This weird musty slightly-rancid smell and aftertaste. Not good! The choc orange has a whiff of it too but it's better masked by the flavour. (Really selling this, aren't I?!!) It's nice to feel you understand the 'being weighed' thing. I think the thought of seeing my consultant on Wednesday has helped me make the better choice on more than one occasion already! I just feel so so so relieved to be doing this. Hubby suggested I might try 5:2 for maintenance when I'm back at goal and I think it's a really good idea. Low carb works really well for me, physically, but I am such a foodie and love cooking and baking that it's hard for me to not do it and it made me sad. Possibly a strange thing to get sad about (!?) but seeing as I've finally started to learn how to identify these things called 'feelings' I've realised that's true! 5:2 might help me not feel deprived... If I know I can have anything I want some days of the week I also might not get panicky and bingey... I also keep thinking that if I stay focused I could be very close to goal by Easter and my wedding anniversary, which would be fab. At the very least I'd like to be close to it before travelling to India again or my hubby's birthday in May (he will be 40. Yes I'm a cradle snatcher!!) Day four almost done! And not only that, but a second day at home cooking for the family!
Ha ha, well I have avoided the soups. Will see how I get on with original porridge, vanilla and chocolate shakes. Feeling very positive about starting. CWPC is lovely, very supportive.

How has day 5 been?
Day five was fine, mostly, until the evening, when I realised how tired/grumpy I get. Radical concept: I went to bed!! Lol. Feel much better again this morning. I wasn't tempted to lapse but just felt uncomfortable and out of sorts. My whole journey during LL and ever since has been about learning to recognise my buried feelings, and I'm still not very good at it!

Loving being back in control and feeling good about myself each morning when I wake up. Also loving feeling CALM and kind-of at peace. Carbs really really do not agree with me. At all. Why did I forget this?! I might relabel them 'discomfort food', for all the comfort they actually give me!

I also like the thought of seeing my consultant tomorrow, knowing I've stuck to it 100%. Like I MUST have lost weight, right?!! And thinking ahead to another week's time, when I may try one or two bars (but will be cautious as I found the sns (a) very triggering and (b) digestively inconvenient!?!).

Hope you have a great day today and I love that you've looked me up on here. Lol @ 'bad penny'!! It's lovely to see familiar faces.
HMM: sorry I hadn't responded directly to your earlier post. How are you getting on?
Wow day 5 - or 6 now - I'm sure you just started. You seem to have found your mojo again.

Thanks for your comment on the honk thread. I find the HALT stuff useful. Sure it was anger about the work stuff. I started my own diary so there's a bit more info in there. Just one of those days I think and glad today I didn't cave although I fell on my porridge like a ravening wolf this morning!!
I should learn from my own advice, clinquant. I had some major anger/stress/frustration issues this morning (train cancellations). Grrrrr! It's funny though, because the idea of cheating goes through my head but I just don't want to. This is cool!
Can i just say: I'm freeeeeeeeezing! Two pairs of socks, top, jumper, cardi and scarf, and cold nose, hands and feet. Yay!!!

Struggling a little bit, mentally, today, but sticking with it and drinking more water. Will get a green tea in a bit to warm up my hands lol. Keyed up about weigh in this evening. I want it to be a good one (I think it should be as I've been 100%) but TOTM has arrived (third one in six weeks, ugh!) so... Water retention?! (TMI, sorry!) We shall see.
Good luck with your WI later, let us know how it goes. xxx
Thanks. I'm doing ok, but the mental chatter is very LOUD and I hadn't realised how much I had slipped back into blotting it out with carbs. It feels weird, exposed, living through everyday ups and downs with nowhere to run to.

I'm trying to focus on comfort, because that is what I (claim I) get from carbs. So, big cosy knitwear, a hot water bottle, Epsom salt soaks for my achey bones, warm drinks, a soft duvet... All that sort of thing. Looking after myself. After all, that's what losing weight is about really, isn't it? Looking after myself. And I know that. I don't feel deprived at all. I do feel I'm doing something very positive for myself (and I'm secretly a wee bit excited by the prospect of getting back to goal and back into my arty asymmetric clothes again!)

But that doesn't take away the fact that I have been in the habit of running away from uncomfortable feelings by using sugar and refined carbs in general. It's not an easy transition by any means.
By the way, I am so going to post LOADS of 'after' pics on here when I make it back to goal again. I'm going to celebrate it!!!