Hiya, Debbi! How are you getting on? Is today day three for you?
Got a lovely weekend with not too much planned (the best kind for me, as my weekday diary is just meetings, meetings, meetings!). Today we're off to Bluewater, which is where we do family shopping as it's flat for the wheelchair and everything is fully accessible. It's a bit of a trek but we all enjoy it. The girls get to go to the dis-e-nee store (as my youngest calls it). Usually to look, not buy, (unless they have saved up pocket money). Today they have some Christmas book tokens to spend at Waterstones

I can't wait to be back to a size 10/12. My thing used to be getting an hour to myself while hubby took the girls to the pink glittery shops and I would browse and try on things. (I overspent in the excitement of reaching goal though, so will be more sensible this time!) But as I'm not at goal yet I'm more inclined to potter round the tail end of the home ware sales and see if there are any bargoons!!
So glad I started Cambridge. I don't know what it is about being accountable to a person you physically meet every week, but I suspected that the lack of that was why I struggled on slim and save. This already feels different to me, which is brilliant!
Back to my weekend: tomorrow I'm serving at the 8am service at church. I used to hide my faith as I know it's not popular to admit to being a Christian, but after visiting India a couple of times and seeing how it's taken as a matter of course that one declares ones faith openly, whatever it may be, and I experienced a lot of religious tolerance and respect there among professional people with many different beliefs, I don't actively hide it anymore. (I don't ram it down people's throats either, I hasten to add!!!)
Then I hope to visit my mum tomorrow, for once on my own so we can chat a bit. Usually we all go but I sense my mum is a bit lonely and down at the moment and I want to properly talk with her.
Ahh. I like weekends!