Heres hoping lol how was ur holiday lou? I hate this its coz im bt in the right zone and tbh keep dithering between 5/2 and shakes urghh :/ iw imm try again sunday sunday sunday sunday for five days i willll bludy do this urggghh xx
You need some target to focus on. It was always the wedding that was spurring you on. Get looking for thinspiration dresses for the fab Christmas parties you'll be having in the great new job you're going to get. It's only 17 weeks away!!
Holiday was FAB thank you sucks to be back at work....haha just seen clin comment about 17 weeks til Christmas? when I saw that earlier I was like x&@($!!!!!!! Got to get cracking and get to flipping goal!! It's definitely a good motivator! How's the job search going
Good luck! Looks ok and quite nutritiousWhy can't we just get this finished already! ! Xx By Christmas we'll be there
Well done on day 4. You've done it before and you'll do it againyou got close to the 9st mark from what I recall earlier this year? No reason you can't do that again by early 2015 if you stick with it even with the tweak here and there to the diet. X
Just keep going and keep remembering why you're doing it. I have a holiday booked for next year too and I want to be in the 9's by then (in the 12s now so seems a long way off) x