Gold Member
Thank you kira 5 tdai 10.13 i am going to try and breathe and get thru this day with no comment about the scales but whats tad frustrating is that the first three days wher i actually cheated with things like a few crisps or a mini croissant or even bit of rice i bludy lost n the one day i.e yday i actually stuck to four pax...the onli xtra was bit of yogurt n cauli rice n one oxo cube i regain half a pound making it to 10.13 frm 10.12!!!
Sorri i know i said i wudnt comment
but it is reli Reli disheartening...but nope i am not giving up i may have to switch thingw round a tiny bit n do js three shakes a day and a get me bk in the zone fully...espec with may having to need to cheat tomorrow even tho wil try to stick to the guns...and even drank three n quarter litres yday with no trouble
....urgh stil too close to the elevens on the scale for comfort
. On the plus side ma belly aint feeling like a pregnant bloated belly nemre its feelin tad flatter....still wrking on the love handles and thighs bt think they wud b wrked on mayb 10lbs or more over on the shrinking side of things....i kno this diet does wrk so not questionning it at all bt sumtimes js sumtimes espdx in the first week have tad great expectations think thats all
rspecialy when have like officially been offplan for nearly two months like havin carbs etc wdv thrt body wudv gone more in shock mode n lose more water oh well gna try n keep hope n faith n wait til weigh in one coz a miracle may stil js happen if i js manage to stay strong n continue xx
Have wrked out got abt js over two weeks of shakes if ima doin three a day n then once they finished got some savoury pax like porridge and stuff so think coz of ltd funds n pax desperate times comes for desperate measures think the sooner i lose initial weight the better would be for me coz then there may ns may b a possible chance may be slimmer this xmas n theres then also hope that dad mite actually buy me few more pax as part of ma xmas pressie lol as he will see its working again lol...i have to keep on goinng this is ma last chance of shrinking and beinng lighter
i cnt afford to have a break longer then a week reli coz then that gets me outa rhe zone fully
have to reach target
. Hope evry one has a great day x
Sorri i know i said i wudnt comment
Have wrked out got abt js over two weeks of shakes if ima doin three a day n then once they finished got some savoury pax like porridge and stuff so think coz of ltd funds n pax desperate times comes for desperate measures think the sooner i lose initial weight the better would be for me coz then there may ns may b a possible chance may be slimmer this xmas n theres then also hope that dad mite actually buy me few more pax as part of ma xmas pressie lol as he will see its working again lol...i have to keep on goinng this is ma last chance of shrinking and beinng lighter
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