Hi. How is everyone today? Had a bad weekend diet wise as my boyfriend and I were at a whisky festival that we booked about 6 months ago however we had an amazing weekend and I'm just going to write the weekend off and started afresh today! It wasn't too bad, I didn't go and stuff my face with pizza or chips but still....
At the moment I'm feeling so tired & heavy, I have constant headaches, aches & pains, so really the 2 weeks of getting used to the weight loss plan can't be much worse!
Hi fiftyx50 (and everyone else too of course) how are you all finding it? I have to admit that I'm finding it much easier now the hunger pangs have stopped. It's no nice to wake before my alarm and not just with a dread that its about to go off!
Hi everyone how are you all getting on ? Noticed Some of you have not long started ? How has you first week or 2 been any tips I am starting my first day tomorrow slightly nervous but feeling positive x