Starting today

exante do water flavourings i think? i found using a water filter really improved the taste and quality as our water is very hard and limescaley or i drink hot water which helps with the coldness as well
I've told my mum and that's it so far. When I did LL 4 years ago, my closest friend did not 'understand' the diet! She said it was dangerous, bad for me, unhealthy blah blah blah! She kept telling me to just eat less....something I had already tried my whole adult life...I need food taken out of the equation and something with fast results. She would not talk to me about the diet, she did not want to know if/how much weight I was losing...she would get stroppy if I went to hers or out with her and did not eat! Although I lost 6 stone - she did not once compliment my weight loss. It was a horrible time and there was no talking her round. Then obviously after gaining all the weight back I get "told you so" all the time! I'm going to have to tell her again as she likes to cook all her slimming world recipes for me and invites us over for BBQ's a lot. There is no hiding a VLCD and I do not want to break 100% just to keep her happy. I have to do this for myself and if that means a friend not talking to be it.

I'm not worried about telling anyone else as their thoughts and opinions do not bother me. When I did LL last time - with the exception of this one friend every one else was very supportive.

A VLCD has 100% of all the vitamins and nutrients I need - more than I get eating chocolate and crisps
Ketosis is a normal metabolic state and is safe
Carrying on as I am is far more dangerous to my health than a VLCD

Becka, I really cannot believe a 'friend' would act that way. You are right, ketosis is completely safe and carrying on the way you were isn't. Your friend should be acknowledging the massive step you've made to dedicate yourself to losing your excess weight.

I've not told anyone other than my wife. The people who know I'm dieting think I'm just doing low carb, which strictly speaking isn't a lie :)
Just a quick question, I'm struggling with the taste of water. Although I'm drinking litres of the stuff, its not very nice!! Is there anything I can add to it to give it some taste?

I too dislike water and don't drink hot drinks - i'm usually a squash kinda girl! I down 500ml of water every 60-90 mins. I don't enjoy sipping it. I know exante do the water flavourings but you can only have a couple each day as they have 3g carbs each drink. You could try buying bottled water if it's the quality of water bothering you. Not sure if squash would be advisable...I'm sure they have citric acid in them which can knock you out of ketosis.

It's my hands and feet that are freezing too and then I'll get goosebumps all over. I'm usually hot and sweaty most of the time!
i too have not been hungry today. i have just had my last pack and feel very full. i am very cold as well my feet and hands especially.
my dh is giving me no support at all and keeps telling people Im on 'one of those stupid shake diet things'. he has even been kind enough to bring home lots of snacks,ask if i want to eat out and also had 3 takeaways in front of me! when i explain how the diet works he literally takes the mickey out of me. his attitude does make me more determined to succeed though

That is a shame that dh isn't supportive! I like how you are using it positively though and it's making you more determined to succeed. You'll show him!!
Awww me too!! :wavey: although my weigh in isn't until Thursday really. Just really excited about it. Don't like wearing that long belt I had to buy to fit around me. About a month ago I bought jeans that needed a belt and I dug out my old belt only to find that the ends wouldn't even meet! :boohoo: So one major achievement would be wearing that old belt again hehe. Must put that on my goal list. Keep us posted guys xx
Well done JMC and Becka!! What more motivation could ya need!?!
Yesterday was super hard for me as I'm only on working solution so haven't got rid of hunger like you guys and was thinking and thinking about food...luckily I was in work for 14 hours or it could have been the end of me!!
I've just weighed myself this morning and lost 9.5lbs WOOOP!
Hoping I can control myself when on holidays from tomorrow to not want to destroy what I've done so far :party0036::eek:
Anyway can't wait to hear everyone elses losses?!? :D
By the way on the topic of scales, can anyone recommend something cheap yet good? My scales are total battery eaters and I'm thinking of going back to old fashioned mechanical ones with a dial. What do you all use?
Mine came from Asda and they're digital, don't think I've had to change the batteries yet and I've had them a couple of years. Think they were only around £15

Mine came from Asda and they're digital, don't think I've had to change the batteries yet and I've had them a couple of years. Think they were only around £15

Ok that doesn't sound too bad. haven't got an Asda nearby though *think *think
I have some weight watchers scales that I think were around £20 or so. They're really good!
Ok, been to get weighed. 1 week in and 16lbs lost :D

What a fab loss - you must be over the moon! Over a stone in one week. Well done. x
Well done JMC and Becka!! What more motivation could ya need!?!
Yesterday was super hard for me as I'm only on working solution so haven't got rid of hunger like you guys and was thinking and thinking about food...luckily I was in work for 14 hours or it could have been the end of me!!
I've just weighed myself this morning and lost 9.5lbs WOOOP!
Hoping I can control myself when on holidays from tomorrow to not want to destroy what I've done so far :party0036::eek:
Anyway can't wait to hear everyone elses losses?!? :D

Thank you and well done on 9.5lbs. Exante is amazing!! Have a lovely holiday and try to stick to low carbs if possible. Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back x

and Becka's had an amazing loss too!! Wow, well done, bet you're so pleased!

and foleylf too!! awwww :grouphugg:

Fingers crossed now, I realise i'm on day 7 today so it's WI tomorrow!

Thank you and good luck for tomorrow :)

By the way on the topic of scales, can anyone recommend something cheap yet good? My scales are total battery eaters and I'm thinking of going back to old fashioned mechanical ones with a dial. What do you all use?

I use some from Lloyds pharmacy - they are amazing - don't flutter between weights and always gave me the same result as the scales at my old ww meetings. They were £20. I buy the 3V flat batteries from poundland - think you get 10 or 12 in the pack. Still on the first 2 out the pack and they've lasted over a year so far.

I've heard mixed reviews on the ww scales.