Starting today

By the way on the topic of scales, can anyone recommend something cheap yet good? My scales are total battery eaters and I'm thinking of going back to old fashioned mechanical ones with a dial. What do you all use?

Mine are EKS digital from Argos, think they were around £10-15. They have said low batt for about 6months...i just ignore and step on again and they work. Will eventually get a battery ha! and they do kgs, lbs and stones.
Thanks for all the suggestions about scales. I will see if the mini Lloyds pharmacy we have here and the even smaller boots have scales. If not I might have to get some online. I have actually been thinking to go two weeks without weighing after this first weigh in. Just to keep my focus off the numbers and just get on with the exante routine.
I hope I've had a good loss tomorrow. I'm sure I have. But I was full on totm last week when I started Exante and I normally pile it on during, diet or no diet. So here's hoping...:sigh2:
I weighed myself this morning and the scales were 17,9! I kept checking and even got my other half to stand on them because I didn't believe it :) From 18.11. I am so happy and motivated now, this will keep me going. I know it will slow right down but I am hoping to be in the sixteens by the end of May. Well done to everyone on here, we can all do this together :):)
that's a wow to everyone on this thread, you've all had incredible losses, well done.

And I have scales from Argos, I think they're the Salter Ultimate Accuracy ones, I really like them, they're about £25 I think.
I have scales from Argos, I think they're the Salter Ultimate Accuracy ones, I really like them, they're about £25 I think.

I have those too although I ordered them from Amazon. Everyone is doing so well, I know it is still early days but so encouraging :)
well done on the weight losses, it's so fantastic!! I popped on the scales this morning and don't trust them 100% but they reckon 14lbs since last weds so quite pleased :). Here's to more loss and that lovely dress for the races
Ok popped into our miniscule Lloyds pharmacy after work and what do you know, they had scales and on offer too, really fancy ones, measure everything including your shrinking self esteem as you're standing on them :D but £15 is good I think, they will be put to the test tomorrow morning :whip:
Yay!! Good luck Bee!

Woohoo! Congrats BeeBeeSee!! :clap::clap::clap:

Was that your first weigh in?
Well done BBC that is a great loss :party0049: Think you have the same scales as me - I really like them.
yes it was my first weigh in. Quite tempted to jump on again tomorrow morning just to see if there's any more changes. But will try and hang on for another week, that way the losses are more significant and real in a way.
They are great scales, sturdy and everything, although I don't think I'll enter all my details so it can flash in great big green letters my BMI and other pieces of information :cool:
How are all the Newbies getting on in the second week? No lagging off now with the old posting here, it'll help!

Isn't it strange that after a good first week and a good loss I now really have to fight cravings? I should be so spurred on by my loss and no slip ups and yet I have to stop myself thinking about food all the time. Anyone else feels like that?
How are all the Newbies getting on in the second week? No lagging off now with the old posting here, it'll help!

Isn't it strange that after a good first week and a good loss I now really have to fight cravings? I should be so spurred on by my loss and no slip ups and yet I have to stop myself thinking about food all the time. Anyone else feels like that?

Bee, I'm the same after a good week. It's almost as if I think "it's ok, I did well last week, I deserve it". Bad subconscious, definitely no cookies!

I started on saturday and slipped already! But it wasn't down to lack of willpower, I was stupid to have chosen saturday to start as yesterday I was doing a charity run, and during the training from saturday-tuesday I thought I was going to faint and had 0 energy. But I never felt hungry on it so I am excited to start again!! Have a lot of weight to lose as am 15 stone and age 18! But the problem I did find is that the soups are making me feel really ill... I've had all of them now and I can't stand the smell or sight of them, I've added more water and added a LOT of salt and pepper or chilli flakes, but they really don't agree with me... the tomato and basil made me sick! How melodramatic I sound haha

I hope all of you are doing well though! Wish me luck for my own (2nd) attempt!
Bee, I'm the same after a good week. It's almost as if I think "it's ok, I did well last week, I deserve it". Bad subconscious, definitely no cookies!

I suppose it's how the brain is wired, everyone has something they use as a reward for something or as a comfort when they "fail" at something. With overeaters it is, obviously, food. So when you have that great feeling of having done something quite difficult like manage the first week of TS with no blips, the brain thinks hey I should be rewarded for this, and you instinctively want to reward yourself the only way you know how.
It's a bit like a compulsive shopper cutting up all their credit cards and really doing well on a budget, they have a hard time on their hands not trying to reward themselves with shopping for not shopping :rolleyes:
I suppose it's how the brain is wired, everyone has something they use as a reward for something or as a comfort when they "fail" at something. With overeaters it is, obviously, food. So when you have that great feeling of having done something quite difficult like manage the first week of TS with no blips, the brain thinks hey I should be rewarded for this, and you instinctively want to reward yourself the only way you know how.
It's a bit like a compulsive shopper cutting up all their credit cards and really doing well on a budget, they have a hard time on their hands not trying to reward themselves with shopping for not shopping :rolleyes:

Well said Bee :p
