Gold Member
Thanks ladies..your support does really keep me going when life kicks me in the teeth xx I'm seriously going to have no friends left soon and it feels scary..but I don't need people putting me down like that. I thought I hadn't changed by losing weight but I think I have. It's made me stronger and not willing to put up with things just because that's the way it's always been. Any fallings out with friends or family I always made the first move and smoothed things over even when I was the injured party because I hate conflict. Now I'm more of a mind to leave people to it. I'm far less of a doormat and far happier in my own skin
Only 13 sleeps till weigh in day Kitty. If it works ....LOOK AWAY NOW LEXIE THIS WILL SCARE YOU!!...I'm not going to weigh again after the first of August till my one year anniversary of starting fasting in mid November. People may think that's madness but I weighed frequently as I was steadily gaining weight till I got to nearly 17 stones and it didn't stop me...I used to just sigh and keep on eating. This last couple of weeks without weighing I've kept on with my plan because I've wanted to...and that is a revelation to me. I'm eating like this because I WANT TO...me...the former junkfoodaholic!! It's not the scales and weighing that are keeping me on track this time...it's willpower and determination to be happy, healthy and fit. Scales won't keep me on the straight and narrow..they didn't in the past. So that's my plan..well, unless I have a huge big gain on the first of August
I think fasting has suited me so well because I do get to do it my way. I'm not good with being told what to doI think taking responsibility for losing weight by making my own rules has made me more determined to succeed. I said on my very first entry I would stick with fasting and not jump ship and boy am I glad I did. It is without a doubt one of the best decisions of my life and has given me my life back in a way. Feel quite emotional thinking about how sad I felt this time last year about life and my outlook now which is totally different. If I'm like this now I'm going to write one huge, massive, emotional post when I get to target!!
I don't think that's madness - I'm one of the mad ones hopping on and off the scales and moving them around until I find the lowest weight!!!
I can see from ur posts that ur changing - ur confidence is growing and turning ur life around for the better - that takes guts and sheer determination to stick at any weight loss regime - I hope that ur success has given u more confidence in urself and the determination to live the life u want (not what a partner, ur friends or ur Mum etc wants u to be!!)
I believe that our physical and mental health are linked (not suggesting ur mental btw!) and as one improves so does the other - hope ur getting my drift - will stop now in case this starts to sound like a sermon!! Well done to u!!