Steps In The Right Direction...86.6lbs Lost Fasting

Already on it Lexie...spare batteries..

Never had a pie on my first UD!

Got text from friend who has moved to New Zealand. She had a raging hangover and was missing irn Bru! X

Sometimes you decide you want something else more when the UD arrives! Irn Bru is great for a hangover...though not so great to get out of carpets if you spill it!! Almost finished reading your diary by the way :D

So I'm heading to bed feeling much more positive after picking Kitty's brain about potential houses. Gavin has even been reasonably well behaved today too. Will update in the morning with scale result :)
Really good luck for the morning!!! I'm sure it'll be a great result xxx
See I've just woken up & first thing I did was came on to your diary...... Surely you're not asleep. I'm awake from about 530am on weigh day with that nervous/excited feeling
Oh my gosh!!!!! Get uuuuuuuuuppppp!!!! And pooooossssssttttttt!!! Xxx
Get out from under that duvet. We're all dying with anticipation here!!!
Hope you haven't had a fall getting your scales out of the loft! ;)
She's playing with our emotions!!! Haha! Right I'm off to do 1hr ( at least ) of cardio to undo yesterday's mess... Best be a post for when I'm back! ;) xxx
I've a Gavin to see to!!! If I don't see to him first I'm liable to be up to my ankles in pee, poo and shredded furniture :rolleyes:

So on 1st of July I weighed 12 stone after no calorie counting, weighing etc for a month just healthy eating and 2 fasts a week I weigh.....*drum roll*....11.6.2....A LOSS OF 7.8LBS!!!!!

:banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer:
I've a Gavin to see to!!! If I don't see to him first I'm liable to be up to my ankles in pee, poo and shredded furniture :rolleyes: So on 1st of July I weighed 12 stone after no calorie counting, weighing etc for a month just healthy eating and 2 fasts a week I weigh.....*drum roll*....11.6.2....A LOSS OF 7.8LBS!!!!! :banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer:

Glad you sorted him out first then :)

That is amazing, well done x