5:2 lover
So all food for the month eaten and now nothing to do till weigh in ... :argh: *sits twiddling thumbs*
I cat wait to see your equal tomorrow. Can you imagine if the battery is dead
So all food for the month eaten and now nothing to do till weigh in ... :argh: *sits twiddling thumbs*
YesDo you think Gavin would be likely to fling himself off the top of a roof terrace on a penthouse flat??
Already on it Lexie...spare batteries.. <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=148061"/>
Never had a pie on my first UD!
Got text from friend who has moved to New Zealand. She had a raging hangover and was missing irn Bru! X
Oh my gosh!!!!! Get uuuuuuuuuppppp!!!! And pooooossssssttttttt!!! Xxx
I've a Gavin to see to!!! If I don't see to him first I'm liable to be up to my ankles in pee, poo and shredded furnitureSo on 1st of July I weighed 12 stone exactly...today after no calorie counting, weighing etc for a month just healthy eating and 2 fasts a week I weigh.....*drum roll*....11.6.2....A LOSS OF 7.8LBS!!!!! :banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer: