Stirky's JUDDD journey!

Thurs 22nd Oct - UD & Hubby's birthday

Well today is hubby's birthday and I went off into town shopping with mum, so was always going to be a very up day lol! I have enjoyed it anyway and not gone totally ott hahaha! Infact, mum and I changed our plans for lunch, we were going to go in somewhere for lunch. But we were quite hungry mid morning and were walking past Thorntons coffee shop, we'd never tried it before so decided to give it a go (didn't take much persuasion on my part believe me ;) ). I had a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream and choc sprinkles (I know, I know!!!), but it was the nicest hot choccy I've ever had, made with real chocolate, ooh it was GORGEOUS!! God knows how many calories that was!!! Also had a chocolate danish, very nice ;)

After that we didn't fancy lunch anywhere, so just grabbed a sandwich in Marks and Spencers a bit later :) Although we should've gone to Boots, the range in Marks was terrible, hardly had any low fat ones :( Had to have a 'normal' one, not on lol, I love the Boots shapers range, should've gone there lol.

But shopping trip went well. I got a size 12 pair of jeans in Next at last, after trying some on three weeks ago and them fitting :) My size 14 ones have got really baggy now and I can take them on and off without undoing them lol! So yay my first ever pair of size 12 jeans!!!!

Then we looked for my birthday pressie from mum (my birthday next week!), I wanted a coat, a nice warm and waterproof one. Hadn't seen anything I like, so went to the outdoor shop. Found a nice one but didn't have a size 14, still a size 14 on top (I have 'curves' me lol!). They had it in a 12 so mum said try that one, really didn't think it'd fit, but hey it did :banana dancer: Decided to go for a different one, nice pink one with white panels, really nice. And the size 12 fitted in that one too, whoop!!! :wee::woohoo: Mum bought me a nice wool coat for my birthday last year, that one was a size 18!!!

So GREAT shopping trip!

Went and got kids from school, then came home and cooked a mexican feast for hubby's birthday lol! We had tacos, fajitas and nachos, then of course birthday cake after ;) Was lovely, we love mexican food.

So I've eaten quite a lot today, but enjoyed it hehehe!! Down day tomorrow and I've looking forward to that, feel like I could pop right now lol!

Thurs: UD - have no idea on cals!!

Exercise: None apart from walking around town!

Water: 3 litres

Br: Banana 100
2 x weetabix with skimmed milk and bit of sugar 160
1 slice wholemeal toast with spread 99
Mid morning: Thorntons coffee shop
Hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream (!!!)
Chocolate danish (!!!)
Lunch: Chicken and bacon sandwich 470
Dinner: Tacos & nachos
Piece of birthday cake
Eve: 2 x choc digestives 164
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Spoke to soon about my great day lol! DS2 has just been really sick twice dear of him! First time all over his bed, so had to change and wash all that! Second time it was that violent he really hurt his ears and was crying for ages bless him, he's fallen asleep on the sofa now. I hope it was the fact he ate too much Mexican, he did have rather a lot! And not the awful lurgy sickness bug that has been going round the school! I hate that so much, we had it a couple of times last winter and actually all ahd it over christmas eve/christmas day, which wasn't nice and was worst bug we'd ever had! Once they're back to school all the lurgies start!! Great!
Yes we've had a bad night. Just taken DS1 off to school, my daughter doesn't go to pre-school on a Fri and obviously DS2 is off poorly. Luckily DH was home today so could leave other two with him while I took DS1 to school, easier than dragging a poorly kid out the door! I probably would've kept DS1 at home too if DH hadn't been here.

He seems a lot brighter this morning, just given him a little something to eat so fingers crossed!!!

I have lots of washing to get done today now.
Hahahaha, no don't think so lol!!! The washing I don't mind so much, it's the ironing I hate and refuse to iron most things!
Oh can I have your cleaner while you don't need her? My house looks like a bomb's gone off! Everytime I tidy up, there are these three little people, one big person and two nutty cats and come round behind me and make a mess again! Think I'm going to give in!!
Think there will be an army of us, don't actually know anybody that does like ironing lol!
My mother in law does
but I wont give her the satisfaction of doing mine for me (baggage that she is)
I would rather go round in creased clothes and wear a coat - body heat makes most of the creases fall out :):)
I tumble dry most stuff so doesn't need ironing lol, just iron boys school clothes and odd pair of jeans etc. Much easier :)
:wavey::wavey::wavey: Hey there!
Just wanted to congratulate you on your size 12 - how wonderful that must feel. Fantastic. Hope family is better now. How x
Cheers, yes I was very excited, esp about the jacket as really didn't think that'd fit :D DS2 is feeling a bit better, just hope what he's eaten today stays down. Hubby is out tonight so I would like a bit of peace once they go to bed lol, tired after not much sleep last night!
Yes you do when one leg is all screwed up and the other is fine, lol!!! I only iron mine now and again if they need it, esp if I'm going out, never bother with hubby's lol!
My hubby has never picked the kids up from school, but then he is usually at work lol!