Mon 19th Oct - DD
Good day apart from the fact I am FREEZING! Hence all the tea today, used to only drink green tea on a down day, but gone off it lately was making me feel sick for some reason. Probably be back on it soon lol.
I bought some weetabix today

Haven't had any for AGES,so looking forward to that for breakie tomorrow

Going to make sure I cc tomorrow, haven't past couple of up days.
Stability ball class went well tonight, really like it. Definitely gets your stomach muscles working anyway! It's my birthday next week and hubby is going to buy me a stability ball

Better than a box of chocs lol, I'll be able to use it at home then too but will still carry on with the class
Well I'm off to drink my cuppa, yep no diet coke tonight, too cold!!!
MON: DD (440) 100% yay!
Exercise: Morning - 20min swim 22 lengths
Evening - 1hr stability ball class
Water: 3 1/2 litres
Br: Cup of tea 5
Lun 2pm: Cup of tea 5
2 x crispbakes with spread, turkey slices and cucumber 98
Din: WW tomato soup 74
1 slice wholemeal toast 55
Sn: Cup of tea 5
Orange & sultana slice 56
Raisin slice 55
Eve: Cup of tea 5
French fries 82