Mon 28th Sept - DD
Great day today, haven't felt hungry and tired like I did the last down day, which wasn't good

Been feeling fine today, although week day, I do love my routine

Always find it a bit harder at weekends (oh and those dreaded school holidays!) when there is no routine as such. Thrive on routine me
So good day today. Just about to have my evening snack (yes my french fries

), but here's how it's been today:
MON: DD (460)
Water: 4 litres
Mid-morning: Go ahead orange and sultana slice 56
Lun: WW chicken soup 95
Crispbread 29
Sn: Wholemeal bread with cheese spread 73
Din: Salad with chicken slices 70
Raisin slice 55
Eve: Walkers french fries 81
Can diet coke 1
Up day tomorrow, think I'll start the day with a slimfast shake tomorrow. I seem to get hungrier through the day if I eat breakfast