Tues 6th Oct - Gym gym gym, bloomin tired now!!!
Up day today, so I dropped the kids to school and went to the gym. Felt fine when I left, went and got some lunch and picked Missy Moomoo up from pre-school, went and fed horses and finally home. It's now hit me lol, and I could quite easily curl up and go to sleep! Although have to go back out in a mo to get boys from school, then do dinner and sort everything out, before I go out to my friends house tonight (I think using their hot tub will be in order, either that or I'll fall asleep on their sofa!!!).
Anyway, here's how my gym went

Was my first proper session so I'm quite pleased with myself, yay!!!
Morning at gym
18mins on treadmill (random), speed 6 1.67km
1500m on rowing machine in 8 mins, level 6
18mins on cross trainer (random), level 5, 2km
10mins on sit down bike (random), level 5, 2.5km
20min swim, 20 lengths
10mins jacuzzi