

Full Member
Hey peeps...

I know we have a list of what's ok etc but I love love love strawberries has anyone actually had them while on this diet and still lost?? I will be using the shred DVD once it comes and also ordered a twist stepper so I will do it every other day... So would strawberries make a big effect on my losses??xxx

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No fruit is allowed on plan. Plenty of time to enjoy fruit at refeed :)
Ohhhh booooo ok thanks for your info xxx

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Although you can't have strawberries on plan (sorry about that!) the good news is that they are relatively low GI when compared to other fruit so could form a stable part of your refeed plan and ongoing maintenance. Other good fruits are blueberries and blackberries. Even better if you eat them with yogurt as the protein slows the progress of the fruit through your stomach so reducing the GL (reducing sugar highs and lows - which can otherwise lead to cravings).
ive bought a punnet of strawberries when ive been out and hungry.