Thankfully both my boys are off the drink, which is fantastic for young men! i have had my share of them being drunk n pukey and annoying. my eldest is the worse, he is a horrible drunk, he is loud, larey, argumentative, rude and wont stop eating so hate it when he has too much, youngest hates being out of control and he takes after me, he has the odd night out but usually he drives to make sure he doesnt have anything! he is the livewire of the two and he doesnt need drink to be stupid or get into trouble lol, he manages perfectly well stone cold sober!
had a good day looking round some of those specialist farm shops and butchers attatched to garden centres was looking for some real horseraddish not cream my youngest loves the minced stuff in vinegar but hates the cream. found it in the end and got some lovely meat.
weight is still same fluctuating this time it was only 1lb but grrrrrr
B oopies, cheese half tomato
D lamb shank cooked in shallots, small piece of courgette and diet coke with a lamb stock cube mmmm very nice, pork chop, celeriac, cauli and savoy cabbage
S 2 swedish meatballs