Stubbseys Diary - back in the zone!

I refused to move DS1 to the upstairs bedroom when DS2 went to uni for the same reason. At least when he comes in drunk and falls down in the hallway he can crawl to his bed lol.
Thankfully both my boys are off the drink, which is fantastic for young men! i have had my share of them being drunk n pukey and annoying. my eldest is the worse, he is a horrible drunk, he is loud, larey, argumentative, rude and wont stop eating so hate it when he has too much, youngest hates being out of control and he takes after me, he has the odd night out but usually he drives to make sure he doesnt have anything! he is the livewire of the two and he doesnt need drink to be stupid or get into trouble lol, he manages perfectly well stone cold sober!

had a good day looking round some of those specialist farm shops and butchers attatched to garden centres was looking for some real horseraddish not cream my youngest loves the minced stuff in vinegar but hates the cream. found it in the end and got some lovely meat.

weight is still same fluctuating this time it was only 1lb but grrrrrr

B oopies, cheese half tomato
D lamb shank cooked in shallots, small piece of courgette and diet coke with a lamb stock cube mmmm very nice, pork chop, celeriac, cauli and savoy cabbage
S 2 swedish meatballs
Your eating looks fabulous Stubbsey. The weight will go. In all likelihood the fat has already gone.

Not sure where the post is that first mentioned this but there was a scientific study or theory showing that, as you lose fat, your body fills the empty fat cells up with the same volume of water - to keep them easily available if you need to refill them. That's theorized as being the reason you get sts on diets even when you're totally on plan - BUT the good news is you're still burning and losing fat while your body is doing that, and eventually your body does give up and let those cells empty - giving you your loss.

Am sure your woosh is around the corner xx
Oh thanks ML for that i had not heard that before and it makes sense. Its very frustrating, probably wasnt helped by the totm being in the mix.
Totm is a water retention nightmare! Think mines finally b*ggering off...
got my first ever order from lowcarbmegastore today, i ordered two packs of those shukibukinuku noodles things (cant rememeber what they are called) they have a good date on them which is good but now at a loss with what to do with them. it says per 100g information on carbs etc on pack but not sure how much is in the pack as there is not much info on the pack. so when you eat them, do you have the whole lot or half of them? i also ordered some jello and low carb tommy ketchup i did order some blueberry syrup but didnt get it.

so just need some nice suggestions on what to do with my shukibukinuku noodles???
Hahaha - shirataki! It means white - shira waterfall - taki. Hmm I haven't had any in ages but I usually rinse them and stick them in the microwave for a couple of minutes first. Then you can add sauce directly if you're using something like a cheese sauce or butter and Parmesan, or I make up some chicken stock and boil them in that for a while - it makes them a wee bit less chewy - and have chicken noodles.
Morning Stubbsey... Hope you lose that pesky 2lba today ! Very annoying x
Very unhappy to report this morning sts at 1 lb up which is better than 2 but i have now sts since 19th sept not good!
Hang in there, stubbsey!

I've been static for pretty much the same length of time as you even though I haven't changed my eating significantly from what it was when I last lost some weight, so who really can tell why these things happen?

Just keep eating according to plan, drink plenty of water (I get a bit slack with that from time to time, especially now it's colder) and with any luck your body will shed the weight when it's ready.

Fingers crossed for both of us, eh? :)
i do feel like i am losing inches but from the bottom half of me that doesnt actually need it, still plugging away with the diet and hoping for a good result soon!!

B 2 bacon oopsie bread
D Lamb chop, steak, cauliflower florret, celeriac chips

S later if i need it few prawns & mussels (not many tho)
Afternoon, i hope the ugh lbs move soon, i am having the same problem at the moment, up one week down the next but no real movement, keep plugging away. I am on the PC at the moment and can see stats, usually post from my phone...well done on the loss to date.
i forgot to mention i got some digestive enzymes today and started taking them... ANYTHING!!!!! just want anything to work
Stubbsey you're eating right and doing everything right, I promise I know how frustrating and awful it feels but the weight WILL start moving again, it really will.

Do you track fat percentages in MFP? What's yours looking like? And your calorie level?

I also agree with Susie, green veg help a lot of people. Do you like asparagus? Try having that with your evening meal. It's a good one as its also a diuretic so helps flush out water.

Going to the loo regularly?
yes going, but not as regularly as usual and not as much, lovely subject i know, i mean not so much each time i go, i do like asparagus so will get some and give that a try. i have been eating savoy cabbage, cauli and some salad etc lately so do have a bit of green n fresh veg, i have tried to limit it a big lately as i recently bought some measuring cups and was shocked how small a cup actually is so i was probably eating too much veg n salad before, even though i have limited it i am still finding the scales are not moving!

i usually come withing the right ratios i think. i find getting accurate calorie counts hard on mfp because i dont usually measure my weight of meats etc so guess, maybe i am eating too much because of it.
I recommend weighing veg rather than going by the American cup measurement system. 200g asparagus (which is tons) is only 4g carbs.

Katie on here always says she's never seen anyone stall by having too much green veg and I have to agree. Should help you be more regular, too!

Flax is great for regularity - maybe add a little more to your oopsies - and so is rhubarb (2g carbs per 200g).

I was thinking you might be eating too little, not too much, actually.
my portions are not small by any means, i often wonder if i grossly underestimate the weight of them in mfp. i dont usually go by cup sizes its just in the atkins original book it says 2 cups of loosely packed salad veg or there abouts so i wondered what a cup of veg might look like. some of the recipes i want to make say cups so as my friend works at a shop that sells kitchen stuff i got her to get me some cups for measuring, because a cup of flour for example wont really weigh the same as a cup of lettuce, so its impossible to calculate what a cup of anything really is. probably not explained that very well. I was so shocked when i saw it, it is literally a cup like grannie used to use for her tea, one of those lovely old china ones.. hardly anything at all. My friend also says the same nobody got fat eating veg!! but i worry that i will destabalize the diet if i go over the carb limits.
Hi stubbsey, if it's green leafy induction veg then i really think it's impossible to eat too much. Agree the original said cups, but think that was to manage people's portion size and useful when you are not counting carbs at all.

My general view based on experience is the problem (whether on relaxed induction or real owl) is where the extra carbs come from- suddenly lowcarb alternatives like wraps sneak in or legumes (peanuts and chickpeas) or sweeteners etc....and i believe cause most of the problems. If you do owl as per book and test every single thing and type of thing then maybe ok.

Personally the reason that i often only eat 30g a day is that is what you get from fresh food - protein plus veg. My favourite additions are tomatoes and berries:)