Hi everyone hope your all having a great weekend. Got my chicken in the oven n cant wait! Only one meat today ML, only me and Michael having it as Paul & Charlotte working, and Paul wants a chilli when he gets home. Will miss my two meats tho. Again was going to fast but didnt work out tut tut, think totm on its way coz im having a hungry few days n want sweeter things.
Will get on the wii tomorrow to make up for my wickedness!
What a lovely mild day, i fancied a walk along the seafront but oh just wanted to get the shopping n get home, spoil sport! He had already washed two cars i guess so shouldnt moan at him.
b. 2 oopsies, cheddar, mayo
l. Hartleys strawberry jelly, tbsp cream
d. Roast chicken, greens, runners
s. King cake poss with tbsp bream