Today's diary....
Breakfast: 2 small Bacon medallions, about a dessert spoonful of scrambled egg and Heinz Alphabetti spaghetti, 2 large grilled tomatoes, 1 large flat mushroom. (Ate the superfree first and ended up leaving some of the bacon and scrambled egg!)
Lunch: SW Spag Bol (inc. onion, garlic, chopped tomatoes & button mushrooms), Rocket Leaf salad, Cucumber, 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar (HExA)
Mid afternoon snack: Special K Chewy Delight Bar - Milk Chocolate (HExB), Options Indulgence Chocolate Brownie hot choc (3 syns)
Dinner: Haven't had it yet, but it's going to be my 35g HExB cereal with lots of fruit. Seems a bit back to front, but never mind!
Still have at least 2 syns to use and also am having a day off from the Scan Bran today, but will carry on with it again tomorrow.
One thing I will say about SE though.....I'm not feeling hungry in between meals at all!