Sum's Diary

Go Sum! Go Sum! Go Sum! Goooooo Sum! x
:D Thank you Ela ine

I have had a syn free day - woohoo. It was so hard i hate my little brother who's left his open Thortons easter egg in the kitchen for me to look at everytime i go to the kitchen/fruit bowl :rolleyes: I really hope that these red days are going to help to shift the weight as i've realised its only 1 month and 5 days to my 21st birthday and i wanted to look good for it lol

Red days so far are going well and i'm not missing my carbs too much yet. The advice you gave me Ela ine is coming in handy as i'm following it and don't feel hungry on red like i use to :eek: Thanks for that X

Tomorrow everything is back to normal as the bank holiday weekend is over and my younger brother will go back to school. So hopefully i can get my butt into gear and re start my shredding as i won't have to wake up really early to do it before my brother gets up to watch TV :D

I'm currently working on assingments and so am picking on loads of fruit instead of the usual junk which is good for me :p Out of 4,000 words i have 1,400 and a table done so hopefully will have my draft finished by friday to email my lecturer as apparently my street is doing a street party or BBQ for the royal wedding (I'm not too fussed about the wedding myself but a good chance to enjoy lol) i'm also suppose to attend a wedding over the weekend so need to get my work out the way.

Wow i've waffled way too much for today so will just post up my diary now lol

Red Day:

Breakfast: Magic porridge (HEB) with grapes, blue berries and banana

Lunch: Italian Chicken and tomato soup

Dinner: Diet coke chicken with stir fry veggies and bean sprouts

Snacks: Tea x 2 (HEA), Grapefruit, 2 x Kiwi Fruit, Apple, Orange, Melon, 2 x Alpen Lights (HEB), Shape FF yogurt

None - woohoo

Exercise: ummm :rolleyes:

Will update my diary in the morning as I'm watching bones tonight with my cousin - dont worry I'm not having snacks just a nice cup of tea :)
Yays finally i started exercising again as i only have a few days on level 3 of the shred to go. I think it was just the lack of routine over the holidays which meant i didn't want to exercise because i quite happily wake up at early to do it now lol

Been so busy lately trying to do my mini dissertation and just with the family which is why i haven't had time to go shopping yet and there is such a lack of fruit in my diary - other than oranges which is the only fruit we have at home. So i must go shopping today otherwise i won't have any fruit left :eek: I actually am missing my different fruits so will go shopping.

Red day:

Breakfast: Sausage and tomato fritta (HEA) with grapefruit and orange

Lunch: Chicken salad

Dinner: Chicken drumsticks with veggies and mint chutney (homemade so syn free)

Snacks: Tea x 3 (HEA), Kiwi Fruit, Orange, Grapes

2 x Fudge (4 syns)
Asian sweet (5 syns)
Chocolate (5 syns)

Exercise: Level 3 on 30 day shred

Ooohh i just realised i didn't have a B yesterday - Noooo i missed out on some lovely butterscoth Hi Fi bars - Ahh well will remember to check my food diary next time as i can't keep conning myself out of free food :p

Hope everyone else is having a good week too Xx
Hahaha yes i did manage to pop to Aldi - So i got you 2 packets of oranges ;) I know i'm amazingly awesome lol :p
Get you and your syn free days!Amazed by your shred prosess! How skinnie minnie are you now?
Those butterscotch hifi bars sound TOO nice.. hurrarh for me not having any!! teehe!
Thanks Ela ine - Will do my measurements in 5 days when i finish my shredding. Am hoping to have inches loss as the weight loss is not so great :p Though i'm not a skinny mini yet ;)

I also love the butterscotch hifi bars but only buy them once every 3 weeks or so as otherwise i'd eat the entire box if i knew i had enough lol I just love that we can have 2 bars as a HEB :D You're just too good Ela ine for resisiting them - how do you do it?

From my diary you all can see that i went shopping and got fruit! Woohoo! Who thought i'd like fruit so much? i actually enjoyed my apple sooo much after not having one for 2 days. As i was going round my aunties in the evening i decided to have a green day instead of a red (My aunty's a veggie).

Green Day:

Breakfast: Puffed wheat (HEB) and Semi skimmed milk (HEA) with grapefruit and Blueberries

Lunch: Quorn Chicken salad

Dinner: Pasta with mushroons and garlic sauce (Herb sauce was synned)

Snacks: Tea x 3 (HEA), Orange, Apple, Pear, ½ Melon, 2 x Alpen Light bars (HEB)

Quorn roasted chicken pieces (1/2 syn)
Herb and garlic sauce (2.5 syns)
½ J20 bottle (3.5 syns)
Small piece of SW friendly Cheesecake (5 syns)

Exercise: Level 3 on 30 day shred
Hi Sum,

Sorry I've been away for a while (well, been here but not had a lot of time). Looks like you are doing well. The ice cream in the park sounded absolutely GORGEOUS. Yum. I have so much respect for you doing no syn days. I don't even bother trying now because if I know that I 'can't' I'm much more likely to go off plan. So if I've had a blip, I just draw a line under it, but try to keep my syns low if possible - although I still use all 15 if I really need to. So hats off to you :)

Well done. You're a star :)

Gail x
Hi Tummywhisker,

Just click on 'new thread' at the top of this page and you will have your own diary :)

Gail x
Thanks for your lovely and supportive comments Gail - they mean alot to me :) No worries about not having time to comment latley - I know how busy you've been latley :D I find that i need to try and have the no syn days if i've been bad as otherwise i feel disappointed in myself and am more likely may go off track. But well done to you for being able to just draw a line under it and move on :D You're such an inspiration X

Thank you for the lovely comment Tummywhisker - Just follow Gails instructions to get your own diary :D X
Had a good day today - Must say i enjoyed watching the royal wedding with my family. The dresses were amazing and the entire wedding was just beautiful - though there were some funny hats lol

My Royal wedding treat/lunch was a tuna sandwich, Packet of french fries and a diet coke - So am impressed i kept within my syns as there were J2Os and what not about lol

Ooh i would like to say that i am doing well on my mini disseration too and have managed not to snack at the laptop yet *Yays* :D

Red Day:

Breakfast: Fruit salad with 1 broken aplen bar (Part HEB) and FF Onken Vanilla yogurt

Lunch: Tuna sandwich (HEB) with lettuce and cucumber and French fries

Dinner: SW quiche (LF cottage cheese, Eggs, Onion, Peppers, Tomato) with cheesy BNS chips (HEA) and salad

Snacks: Tea x 3 (HEA), Pear, Apple, Strawberries

2 x Morning coffee biscuit (2 syns)
Walker’s French fries (4 syns)
EL Mayonnaise (1 syn)

Exercise: None
Have had a good day today. Been to the cinema to watch Thor which was a good film. Went to my friends too which was fun.

Have been doing my mini disseration and i am nearly done! Only about 300ish more words to do and then i can email my draft to my lecturer so he can have a read though it :)

Going to a wedding tomorrow which i am looking forward to which is why i've been working so hard on my draft - Will try to stick to plan as much as i can

Red day:

Breakfast: Puffed Wheat (HEB) and Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA) and banana

Lunch: Nothing

Dinner: Slimmer’s cheesy mince (from Original recipe book) with broccoli and cauliflower and a chicken drumstick lol

Snacks: Tea x 2 (HEA), Pear, Apple, Frozen Grapes, Orange

Sugar (2 syns)
Chup Chup lollypop (1 ½ syn)

Exercise: None
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How's level 3? Have a good day :D x
Heya Ela ine I would say that i think i like level 3 :eek: I can do it more easily than level 2 which is a good thing lol. Are you still doing the shred aswell?

Well i'm back from the weddind and i ate most good foods like roasted chicken and mini pieces of kebabs so hopefully my WI won't be too bad. I will admit to 2 bad things though - i had 2 cupcakes at the wedding. The wedding cake was tiered with cupcakes and they came round and gave everyone one - i ended up with 2 for some reason and i am ashamed to say i had them both :sigh: ahh oh well hopefully WI will go well because i've had 100% week so far and am back on track today :D
Oh i forgot to that I got a NSV yesterday, i went to a wedding and some of my mum's friends who hadn't seem me in a while said 'Sum we didn't reconise you, you look different and have lost weight' That made my day :D
Oops don't have yesterday's diary as i was busy and went to Uni and SW class and then a trip to Asda and then i watched Biggest loser lol Will defiantly update remember to keep track tonight.

I was on plan yesterday and the only meal that i can remember thatr i loved was the prawn salad i had - It was yummy X
No one other than me (And N's younger sister) likes prawns in my family either, but the prawn salad was yummy so get those prawns out the freezer - Mum always says that fish is good for your brains ;) which means you'll do extra well on your exams.

You know what asian weddings are like - loads of aunties telling you how big you've become and how they last saw you when you were teenie tiny lol but i had fun :D Hope your exams are going well X

Red Day:

Breakfast: Chocolate Weetabix (HEB) and Semi Skimmed Milk (HEA) with banana, grapes and blueberries

Lunch: Egg salad

Dinner: Quorn sausages, Swede and carrot mash, Onion Gravy (made with Oxo Cube) and boiled broccoli and cauliflower, 2 Laughing Cow EL Triangle (part HEA)

Snacks: Tea x 2 (part HEA), Apple, Orange, Grapefruit, Shape FF yogurt, Alpen Lights (HEB),

Chocolate Weetabix (2 syns)
Morning coffee biscuit (1 syn)
Options (2 syns)
LF Asda Whipped cream (1 syn)
Pink waffer (2 syns)

Exercise: Ummm :rolleyes:
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