Sunday/Monday weigh ins

Thanks sa89! Fingers crossed!

Wow Nic you've done fabulously!

Wow the ladies on here have done so well! Nic - you've done fabulously and looks like you're so focused too which is really inspiring, well done! How has everyone's weigh in gone today? Mine's -4 which is unexpected really as I gave in to a mini snack last night, but I'm chuffed anyway.
Morning girlies!

Not feeling too great this morning! Didn't sleep well last night, got to sleep about 3am and got up at 7am. And no babba in the house either, as she's away with my parents. I felt REALLY bloated and sore all night and I twisted and turned all through the night.

Got up this morning and it's TOTM!! Not good when it's my first monthly WI!! And not good when I'm not even due on for another 2 weeks! Only came off a short while ago. I'm on Xenical and cal counting, and these tablets are reaking havoc with my cycle!

I'm not going to put it off today though, I'm gonna still go and weigh in see what the scales say.......I'm gonna switch to weekly WI after this tho! Especially if I'm coming on every other bloody week! When I was on SW I used to put on a massive 7lbs on WI day! Then the following week I'd loose it and not feeling too optimistic on the scales today!

Fingers crossed tho!

I'll be posting my (hopeful!) weight loss tonight, as the Boots by me doesn't open til 10am today because of bank hol weekend and then I'm going to pick my daughter up and spend the day with her and my parents so I'll be home about 6pm tonight!!

Well, wish me luck!!

Nic - you've done fabulously and looks like you're so focused too which is really inspiring, well done!

Thankyou! It IS getting harder and harder though I've got to be honest! I'm still focused but am not too worried if it takes till christmas to get the last bit off.
You're doing so well too - 9lbs in 2 weeks, not bad going!

Good luck with the weigh in tonight YM - I think you'll be pleasantly suprised - fingers crossed!
Rooting for ya all the way yummymummy! I know how you feel about TOTM it wreaks havoc and just gets in the way ! :mad: Still, I'm sure you'll see a difference!

Nic - Thanks re my -4 today. Its a nice jump down, wish it would be like that every week lol but I know it'll vary and STS sometimes too. How many cals are you on a day (if your counting) and how do you manage a loss every week? :) I know it gets harder, I always seem to fret and get bored after a couple of months so I have to watch it when I get that far!
Hey girls...looks like we're all doing well!
I haven't been an angel this last week so just a little -3lbs for me. . .still smiling though, it's going in the right direction! Back on the band wagon with both feet firmly attached for this week to try and shift some more! Although I guess 3lbs for my second week is quite good?
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Aww such bad timing yummy mummy! I hate that feeling of being bloated, it's also really demotivating but you've just got to hang in there. Good luck with your weigh in today anyway, and just think, next week it'll be even better! Stay strong :)

Well done on the losses this week LadyA and cuddlepaws!

I'm down -4lbs too this week. Very happy with it! :D
I had my monthly WI and .......

Well......I lost 10lbs!

So an OK loss. I am a tad disappointed as I thought it would be a bit more, but I'm obviously not one of those people who lose 4-5lbs a week! Just gonna have to try harder this month!

It was the same loss as when I stood on the scales at home before I went, so at least I know now that the both scales ARE the same! So I'm gonna switch to weekly WI's now, gonna weigh weekly at home and then once a month on Boots.

Also disappointed as when I stood on the scales at home on Friday, it was a 12lbs loss. Obv did some damage over the bank hol weekend or it could be the unexpected TOTM that's added the pounds!

Onwards and downwards! I've crossed the first two targets off my list!

I've set myself a fortnightly target of 4lbs - quite large for me! But I'm hoping I'll lose another 2lbs in water retention after TOTM settles down and then will just need to lose another 2lbs of actual fat, and that will let me cross off all my first set of targets! So exciting!

I've also set a target of 12lbs for September (10 like this month, and then the other two I wanted to lose this month! lol!)

So all-in-all quite pleased, would've like more, but it's an OK start!

Thanks for the "good lucks" guys and I'll be joining you more regularly now for weekly WI's on a Monday.

OMG yummy mummy that is fantastic

10 Whole pounds!! GO YOU !! :bliss:

That is almost a stone in a month which is brilliant progress imo! It took me five months to lose just over 2 stone. Like you I suffer major TOTM problems which always affects things.

Trust me weighing weekly is a bit of a hit and miss (not for the fainthearted). I wish I was less impatient and could weigh myself monthly too, as it is a far more accurate result than weekly ones. Weekly weighins are nearly always affected by all sorts of different bodily functions (incl horrid TOTM). I would never weigh myself daily though, that's bordering obsession in my opinion.

Keep at it at now, you have done brilliantly!!
That's a fantastic start YM! 10lbs in a month is very good going you know (over 2lb a week!)
Thanks Nic,

How have you lost so much weight??!!

How many cals/day do you have? exercise??

Share some secrets!

No big secrets really! I'm now on about 1400 cals but started on 1000. As I'm near my goal I've gradually upped them. Don't do much exercise either but thats next on the list - join the gym when my twin boys go off to uni in 2 weeks time (it'll fill a gap :()
I eat quite a high protein, low carb and fat diet so even though I'm CC I'm also very aware where these calories come from from. So no white starchy carbs and lots of fruit, veg meat and fish! My weight loss has slowed down but I'm in no rush (the thought of maintaining is quite scary anyway!) I've been doing this for going on 9 months so a bit longer will do no harm. I'm going to lower my goal by 5-7lbs too I think.
I am staggeringly impressed nic! Although, I remember in my old slimming group they used to tell us to lower the cals as time wore on rather than up them. So that's a bit confusing?

How hard is to get the last 5 off? I know some people dilly dally with the last few pounds for months, because they feel its such a negligable amount (overall) that its easy to introduce treats here and there.. sort of like (oh its only 5 lb now a small treat wont make a big difference). I'm shaking in my boots about getting to maintenance lol . Anyway keep it up girl, you must look and feel fab!! :)
Ah yes but I didn't up them to lose more weight but to see how far I could go and STILL lose weight (albeit more slowly) I'm still focused and don't want to mess about with this last bit - my goal date is 19.09.09 and I think that's do-able but then the next 7lbs I'll try and shift in 5/6 weeks.
By the way there are some before and during photos of me in my profile but I've since lost 10lbs from the latest one in there so look a bit different again. Hopefully the next one I'll put up will be my goal picture!
Just had to jump in Nic and say well done you are soooooooo close to goal. Can't wait to c ur final pics.
I might post some when I get round to sorting out my holiday photos though unfortunately I don't actually look like them anymore! Bit depressing having to lose the same weight again but I knew it was going to happen so just have to get on with it.......:sigh:
Thanks Debzi - did you put much on...................
Oh I'm sooooo embarassed - 13lbs in the 2 and a half weeks!! Terrible I know but my worst case scenario was a stone so at least I didnt hit that hee hee! I have lost about 4 lbs already though so hopefully it will all be gone in a few short weeks. Not moving my ticker up as the gain is definately a temporary situation!
Well done you for getting back on track so quickly! You're obviously determined to get to goal pretty fast now too. God, what I wouldn't do for a holiday right now...............!!!