Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

This dress is my motivation for the next 4 weeks! It's what I'll be wearing for my cousins wedding. It's a small 16 and fits perfectly when I'm about 13st 7lbs give or take. I have nothing else to wear and no money to buy new things so I have no choice lol. I love this dress and I love how I look in it (sounds a bit vain sorry) but I feel comfortable in it!!

I'm ending my AAM week two days early so that I can crack on with SS for 4 full weeks. The other reason is that I'm not in ketosis thanks to a few too many carbs in the form of chocolate at the beginning of the week. So I want to get back into K-town BEFORE going back to work on Monday, otherwise it's all going to be a bit much to deal with.

Excuse the resistance band hanging on the door handle I should've moved it! Lol.


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Hi Sal,

I love the dress. I'll bet you'll turn a few heads in it.

Good plan on the eating out. I read through the Beck section on eating out last night. I think I will be working on those skills for a long time, too.

I hope you have a good day (and weekend).

Thanks Mel! You too x
My GL Diet for Dummies book arrived today! It looks really good so far!! I think I'm definitely going to try this as a maintenance option. It still let's you have carbs but good carbs such as brown rice and wholemeal pasta etc. It's simple to follow too.

I don't know whether it'll work for me but it's worth a try, especially as carbs seem to be the enemy now. Back to SS tomorrow so I've got plenty of time to think about it.
Just had a peek at the GL diet online, I hadn't heard of it. Let me know how it goes when you do try it. I'd been hoping to maintain with SW, however like you said, carbs are evil, and I worry they're too abundant on SW, unless I suppose I did red days?!

I was going to do red days but I was always hungry on them, never ever felt full. I've searching for an alternative and I saw a YouTube video of Jillian Michaels talking about GL so got the books to look into it. Think my mum might try it soon so I'll let you know, cos it'll be forever before I get to it.
Erm I've been a bit bad tonight! I was very well behaved at dinner, sectioned off my food, dosed it with salt so I could only eat the part I was meant to, didn't order dessert. But on the way home me and Tra decided we'd call in at the local pub for a quick one :( this was at 8pm. I've just rolled in now :( I'd have been better off eating all my dinner and coming straight home instead of consuming lord knows how many empty calories in the pub :( oopsy.

Never mind, I'm going to bed with a massive glass of water, I'll deal with the consequences tomorrow. Brisk walk to Tra's to pick my car up when I'm human again, and start of 4 weeks SS(SS+)ing until my cousins wedding!!

The dress is winking at me from the front of the wardrobe, I WILL wear it!!! :D despite this evenings shenanigans I feel positive!!
That'll be the alcohol! Lol

Glad you had a nice evening, life doesn't stop while we diet. At least the booze will pee out quicker than the food would off :)
Ha ha maybe, but soooo many empty calories and drinking voddy and red bull at night wasn't the brightest idea ever!! I'm in the kitchen weighing my CD shake packs. I realise that I'm a bit not sober but I read an Exante thread where their packs and bars weights varied quite a lot so I figured I'd weigh my CD packs. Could be interesting.... Or maybe THAT is the alcohol talking lol.

Tomorrow is going to be fun, hangover AND day 1 headache!!! Let that be a lesson to me, I'm so easily lead!!! :D
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Bugger it!! It's a Friday!! Were young and why not- as long as we get back on track tomorrow!! ( I'm not sure if this is advice to you or myself after consuming sticky toffee pudding)!! Xx
Either way Hun back on track tomorrow for both of us!!! I'll spend all day asleep knowing me, still wide awake at almost 3am :( own fault though so can't complain.

Been watching lovely Chris Powell on YouTube, he's my health and fitness guru (apart from Bob of course). I've learned quite a lot I think. This guy helped his friend lose 400lbs, so he must know his stuff!!

The photos are of him and his friend before and after and a couple of screenshots of him. Yup I'm pretty much infatuated lol.

I guess I really should try and get some sleep, doesn't help that I can hear next doors telly :( off to listen to my hypno app I think, that's bound to put me to sleep!!


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I'm still wide awake too!!! Oh I know this guy- watched the documentaries about the guy who lost all that weight- has such a cute face!! But yep th trainer is gorgeous!! Back on track tomorrow but I have another meal on Sunday aaaahhhh!!! X
This is what happens when you entertain man friends lol, you get asked out for meals :D I'm only jealous!!

My friend I was out with tonight (not the one who lead me astray) asked me down to London to visit so I might find myself a nice young London boy lol. Mind Kerry is such a man magnet, I'll be left on the side, she's a proper cougar lol, shes 42 and looks younger than me, not fair!! Still it's something to work for, it's not till beginning of June so plenty of time!!!

Ohhhhhh I can feel my hangover kicking in now :( I'm going to drink sone water and try and sleep it off.

Have lovely dreams about Mr Lovely, I might dream about Chris Powell or better yet, my Jonny Wilkinson :D
You too xx
You dirty stop out lol :D

I got in from Zumba had a glass of wine felt very drunk had a strange tea which had salty nacho things on it, salad, cheese and quorn had. Got a taste for the nachos and ate too many. Bad day again. 2 days to weigh in on mon. Argh!!!! I was in bed by 9.30pm. Wine and hubby was watching jackass which nearly made me throw so I went to bed!
Well the good news is that I seem to have out slept my hangover :), the bad news is that I'm starving :(

I'm going to have SS days until I'm back into ketosis. I'm still determined to see how much weight I can lose in the next 4 weeks. I have no expectations though, cos my losses aren't great I'd love to lose a stone but I'm guessing that's not going to be realistic so I'm not setting myself up for a fall. I need to be lighter than I am now, that's all!
you can but try surf. i'm being mean to myself today. been bad for 2 days in a row. scales are not my friend and i've a weigh in monday. so 2 days of nasty hardcore diet and i'm starving. been sorting out my garden this morning. cut the back grass, swept up the leaves. got numerous bags for the tip. etc etc. really burnt of some naughty cals.
It took me ages to clean the car. Inside was fine, just a wick Hoover and squirt of dash cleaner, and done. But the outside, what a nightmare!! I can't take it through the car wash unless I've got a passenger who can hold some kitchen roll up at the leaky window lol, so I have to jet wash it or hand wash it, so it never gets done over winter unless it's a decent day, then it'll have a quick hose down at the jet wash just to keep the salt off it.

My nails are trashed now, not that they were any good before lol. Ah well it's all clean now and I can keep on top of it again until winter.

My garden needs doing too, save that for next weekend I think :) Off to go get my first shake of the day, been drinking but not shakes lol. Apart from first thing I haven't felt hungry, but I've been busy. Starving now I've stopped lol. Vanilla shake, um coming to get you :D
Oh my goodness I'm freezing all of a sudden!!! I've been boiling all morning, the temp outside must've dropped :( I might have to give in and put the heating on for a bit, brrr cold!