Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

I did see Glee and mercedes song brought a tear to my eye as I can so relate!
I know it's tough hun, but you are doing so well and think of how great you will feel to get a good loss next week. xxx
I think it must be a day for feeling crappy. I blame the bank holiday. I have blew CD today and I'm so angry at myself as I knew exactly what I was doing.

It's nice when people start noticing but it never helps me push on.

Good luck for tomorrow x x
Have you been to the docs and had bloods done? For thyroid etc.

Just an idea, a couple of years back when I first seriously tried to lose weight and just couldn't shift anything I went to see a nutritionalist. They tried to describe to me what my body had gone through over the last few years. Whether there is any truth in this or not I am unsure?!

I had spent years eating crap, and crap takes much more effort to process than nice healthy food. It takes more enzymes to break down, more than I had available in my digestive system, so it starts drawing them in from other organs in the body. Which is bad, so your body basically stops trying so hard to process it and just sends it on through and out the other end. Which is why fat people, don't have poo that Gillian McKeith would be proud of!

When I then started eating properly again, the food was still coming straight back out. My metabolism and digestive system had gone dormant, so I started taking digestive enzymes to aid my body until it realised it needed to be doing it itself. It made a massive difference to my weight loss. Read into it what you like? Might just be a big old coincidence, but whats the harm.

You just take two with each meal for a few weeks, dropping down to 1 with each meal and then off them. The cost about £8 for a hundred, from Holland & Barrett?!

In fact, I might just start taking them again! haha
gosh everyone is feeling crap today lol
Surfhunny going by your picture you look beautiful and very slim and you have done amazingly well losing nearly 60 pounds well done

I think this is the hardest diet ever but i know exactly where you are coming from by saying no other diet will work for you personally!!! i feel the same and i know that cd is the only way to go.

Hope you have a better day tomorrow and remember how fab you have done so far

Have you been to the docs and had bloods done? For thyroid etc.

Just an idea, a couple of years back when I first seriously tried to lose weight and just couldn't shift anything I went to see a nutritionalist. They tried to describe to me what my body had gone through over the last few years. Whether there is any truth in this or not I am unsure?!

I had spent years eating crap, and crap takes much more effort to process than nice healthy food. It takes more enzymes to break down, more than I had available in my digestive system, so it starts drawing them in from other organs in the body. Which is bad, so your body basically stops trying so hard to process it and just sends it on through and out the other end. Which is why fat people, don't have poo that Gillian McKeith would be proud of!

When I then started eating properly again, the food was still coming straight back out. My metabolism and digestive system had gone dormant, so I started taking digestive enzymes to aid my body until it realised it needed to be doing it itself. It made a massive difference to my weight loss. Read into it what you like? Might just be a big old coincidence, but whats the harm.

You just take two with each meal for a few weeks, dropping down to 1 with each meal and then off them. The cost about £8 for a hundred, from Holland & Barrett?!

In fact, I might just start taking them again! haha

Ha ha yeah bloods all normal:), I got it all checked when I was looking for excuses as to why I was fat (it wasn't my fault lol... and certainly not the cakes). I wanted a medical excuse how bad is that? No it's all down to me, too much junk, not enough exercise :(. I just couldn't get away with eating anything I liked in my 20's like I could in my teens.:mad:

I'll give anything a try, what are those enzymes called? Thinking back to the first time I did CD I plateaued out a bit like this, but I gave up at that point because I was 12st and near enough to my original 11st 7lbs target, I didn't work up the plans or anything and I should've. I'm going to ride it out.

My other little plan is to keep going with it til the end of my cycle, then not start next months pill packet and see if that has any affect. I suspect not, but it's worth a try. And there's no fear of me getting up the duff at the moment so....

In fact, that's probably whats contributing to my crappy's exactly 6months since me and AP split up:cry:. Rough few days ahead I think.
Quick nip in, the enzymes are just called digestive enyzmyes. Holland & Barratt do their own make or you can get a make by someone called Quest I think. Either way, just called Digestive Enzymes. It's kind of like eating those bio yoghurts, just on a much more condensed scale and you don't eat them forever, you use them to kick start things.
I'm so lucky!!! Last week I had a bit of a rebellion after my WI. So I was fully expecting a gain, and I would've deserved it too. But, with a lot of hard work, I've managed to STS. I'm so relieved to have STS. Which in comparison to how I felt to have STS last week is the exact opposite. And it's purely because I understand why it happened this week, I was a porky pig on Thursday and Friday, so I put on weight - easy to understand.

Last weeks STS was out of the blue, I felt thinner and looked thinner and then to find out I wasn't any thinner at all was such a huge blow. I don't understand how by living on no more than 700 cals (SS+) I failed to lose weight. It's madness. So I'm accepting this weeks STS quite graciously and am so pleased I didn't gain. I'm aiming to lose 3lbs for next weeks WI (but I'm secretly hoping for a much bigger loss)!!
Thanks Debbie, I almost chicken out of getting weighed this week, I was just about to ask my CDC if I could give it a miss, but I figured I needed to know one wy or the other. I'm so glad I did, because it's spurred me on for next week.
Yeah that weigh in definitely helps, it's just a case of being able to put a tiny gain/STS into proportion against the whole journey that I find hard but it sounds sounds as though your head is in the right place so well done. xx
I bet you will lose loads next week my dear, I've gone down from 810 to SS to try and give mine a boost .... desparate to get in to the 15s!! Good luck honey and well done for getting on the scales xx
Well done for being so upbeat hun, I hope you get a biggie next week too!
Well done on your STS the same this week, the hard work after paid off then.

How has today been?
you'll do fine next week. last time round when i did ss i had 2 weeks with no losses despite being good and sometimes your body just needs to play catch up and is rebelling. the 3rd week i lost 8lbs! it will come off honest :D
Thanks everyone, I am feeling a bit better about it all. It's just one of those things isn't it? I've kind of accepted the fact I'm not going to get huge losses, but it's not going to stop me trying.

Oh Lyndzi, I 've had a bit of a pants day at work, but not involving me eating. I'm just getting incredibly sick of people at work commenting about this dangerous diet I'm doing again. Three different people today have taken it on themselves to tell me they think I'm being silly doing such a dangerous diet and that I'm going to make myself ill. One of them butted in on a chat I was having fairly privately with a close friend about my recent lack of bowel movement. I can safely say I've never, in the whole time on this diet, had bowel problems, I've been lucky. So this little bout of constipation could be due to anything... but the colleague blamed the diet completely and told me it was my body shutting down and hanging onto everything. I told her it was medication that was making me constipated not the diet lol...I'm turning into such a liar. It's not all about the diet.

I wish there was a way I could keep the diet a secret from people at work because they're not helping me. If one more person says 'Why don't you just eat healthily and the weight will come off.' I'm going to scream!!!!

Aaaargh, sorry didn't mean to get onto a rant, I shall come down off my soap box now.
I'm not saying anything at work, my own TT told me AGAIN today that she knew I wouldn't stick to the diet, that she knew I couldn;t be committed enough for something like that. And that SW was the only way. Granted she's lost a couple of stone through SW, but jesus, she's still a big size 16, she's not Gillian McKeith!!! And she insists on giving everyone a running commentary on everything that passes her lips. I feel like screaming at her! At least I don't tell everyone about my diets.

I will be very pleased tomorrow to tell her I got Slimmer of the week and 4lbs off. She insists on asking me every week, in front of everyone how I did, in an attempt to make herself look better when I havent done well. Well not tomorrow...biatch!
Ha yes that'll teach her, I hate TT's I managed to avoid mine ALL DAY LONG yay!!!! However, I'm actually so determined to prove her wrong I'm doing my best to lose as much as I can, everyone's gotta have a reason to do this and TT just became my new reason lol.

Right I'm off to bed suddenly come over all tired *yawn*. Well done again Kez!!! xxx
Yes, my headache is kicking in again. Sleep is needed! Nite nite x
you should tell her to practice what she preaches lol. :D:D:D:D