Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Kez, I can't even use it cos it's raining here, grrr infact it's probably going to rain forever now lol. And would you believe theres a little shop in the next village to mine that sells vors and biltong and lots of SA stuff, I love it, and I have got some vors for my dinner tonight as a birthday treat. Won't get done on the braai tho boo!!!

I guess I should probably explain what me and Kez are talking about hey? I'm from South Africa and a braai is what we call a BBQ. My dad built me a huge SA style BBQ in my garden for my birthday. I'll attach a pic at the end.

I haven't really got anything planned for tomorrow, I'm feeling a bit annoyed with some of my friends because they haven't even been in touch to see if I'm doing anything... these are my closest friends I'm talking about too. I know they haven't planned a surprise or anything because they haven't mentioned the fact that it's even my birthday. Ah well who cares, going out for tea with my Mummy, Daddy and Brother so that'll do for me. I'll probably go shopping during the day, buy myself some birthday prezzies lol. Sorry about that little whinge, it's not that I want prezzies off my friends, it'd just be nice to see them.

Miss HJ and Leeds, I'm easing back into CD on Tuesday but going out for dinner Tuesday night with my girlies from work. I'll have shakes and my water during the day at work then dinner. Then back with a bang on Wednesday. It's my WI on Wed too so I'll know what I'm dealing with, but I think I'm just going to have one week of SS to see how much I can shift to get started with. This is it til the end now. I need to finish this...

Couple of reasons really, I'm getting a bit sick of CD, even though I love the simplicity of it, I've been on it too long and just need to get there now. The other reason is boys's too hard to date and be on CD. It's been 6 months since me and AP split and I'm finally feeling ready to get back out there again, Yay!! But I can't do it and do CD at the same time, so the longer I mess about on CD the longer I have to do with out boys lol. How's that for motivation??

I've got a new app on my iPhone called Hipsatmatic which lets you take retro photos I love it and I've been messing about loads with it. I've added a few of my creations too.


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Hi i really like your pic!!!

It's sad to hear about your 'friends' you make sure u enjoy your day with your family.!
I will Shanny thanks, I went to my very good friends little boys 2nd birthday party yesterday and they all made a fuss of me, I'm just disappointed in my other friends, really if I'd forgotten their birthday there'd be trouble.... But I'm too easy going to make a fuss, I'll just moan about them on here instead lol.
You moan away, I hate it when people forget my birthday, cause I always go all out with other peoples birthdays and try my best never to forget anyones. But I just sit smuggly waiting for them to squirm when they realise they missed it!

I miss biltong soooo much! There is a butchers in the village over from me that does biltong, but they charge so much for it. And a small bag is gone in 5 mins flat! No matter how much I suck it. lol

We tried making koeksisters a couple years back, they didn't turn out to well. And oh my day, a corinary waiting to happen, eh?
Tell me about it, dough and sugar mmmm. Greggs do something very similar - Yum Yums, similar but not quite the same. I might have to see if the shop is open tomorrow for a biltong birthday treat. Ha ha you've got me started now. My friend at work has married a South African and every so often she brings in a little something, biltong or a bottle of Castle larger or something and says, 'Noddy sent this for you'. Noddy's such a lovely guy too, can't believe she beat me to him lol.

I will watch them sqirm, I never forget anyone's birthday... I don't care that they have families, kids etc, there's no excuse!! I'm not one to go round reminding people either. I think it stems from spending years not thinking I was important enough. It'll be interesting to see if AP texts... if he does and they don't then they really should be ashamed lol.
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Oh and who says diets don't work??? Pity CD couldn't make my head match the body lol.


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Hahaha! I love the picture. Scott's stepdad is africaans and we always hunt down castle lager for him for his birthday, ASDA used to do it.

Our sandwich lady sells lemon yumyums! Yum yum!! lol
lol im to busy watching Ricki lake at the same time ive done a seperate thread!!

Happy birthday sufhunny.!
Thanks Shanny. I'm actually having a pretty miserable birthday this year, I've just tried to go shopping to cheer myself up for the fact that 3of my closest friends have totally forgotten my birthday, only to have my car yelled at by the guys in the car behind me, cos it happened at a junction. Managed to get it started again eventually but had warning lights galore on, so pulled over and called AA... Sat in the car for ages when AA man came it's a fault that needs attention fairly urgently. I've just been off work for almost 2 weeks when I could've taken the car to the garage at any point, as it stands now I go back to work tomorrow and can't get time off til September.... I'm off after nights next Monday so I hope the garage can take it then, if not I'm screwed. It's a 2 and a half hour bus trip to work everyday until then. Luckily it's not a hugely expensive job, but it's the inconvenience and timing of it all. Have spent most of the morning in tears, I'm so frustrated and annoyed.

Sorry for going on but I just had to get it out of my system before I explode.... Some birthday this is turning out to be.
You poor thing.!!! how can close friends forget your birthday.???
how dreadful and then issues with your car.!

Well your still out with your family tonite i hope??

Why dont you contact your 3 friends, they may remember then.!
I suppose it's hard but try and stay cheerful!!

Big hugggsss xx
Thanks Shanny, I'm ok now, a lot of friends from years ago have been in touch which is lovely. I'm not contacting the others I can't bring myself to do it.

I'm still going out tonight and tomorrow, it's not completely ruined. I'm just a drama queen lol.
lol your allowed to be a drama queen on your birthday hun.!!! hahaha

im off to board street going to the cinema's looking forward to me cola bottles yum yum.!!

Enjoy your meal out, hope your dressing up too??

Not getting too dressed up tonight, but will tomorrow. Have fun tonight. X

Hope you have a nice time out with your family tonight.

Real shame about the car and your friends but...Atleast it can't get any worse.

Have a lovely night.

Are you off CD thiss weekend?
happy birthday surfy!!! forget your friends. they cant be real friends anyway so best forget them girl!
Happy Birthday!!

hope u have a lovely meal and forget the friends that forgot, tho i forgot one of my best friends in january and so did our other friend, only by a few days but had lots going on and she had planned a night out the following week so we both assumed it was then, teach me to not check!!! opps, i cooked her a bday meal and our other friend made her a cake so we celebrated then and made her feel special!! still felt awful tho!!
I'm well and truely stuffed and it was gorgeous food, I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't finish it. I crammed in a piece of birthday cake because my mum had made it for me and it didn't turn out quite as she'd hoped, but I thought it was fab. So I figured it'd make her feel better if I had a piece even though I'm so full I can barely move lol. It's a bumblebee on a lollystick, which was a really clever thought, because I always say when the waves are too flat to surf on 'That even a bumblebee on a lollystick would have trouble catching a wave.' I think it's a genius idea for my cake. I've attached a photo.

So despite the really naff start to my birthday it's turned out nice in the end. I've had a lot of messages from friends I haven't seen or spoken to in years too, some of which really surprised me. One of the, was from a friend I went to school with when we were 5 in South Africa, and she lives in New Zealand, so that was lovely. I have some fab friends, some naff ones but also some really great ones! Including you girls one here xx

After me week of excess I'm actually looking forward to getting back onto CD for a good detox........Not looking forward to getting on the scales on Wed though :(


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Happy birthday :)

just been catching up after just loosing the CD plot altogether.
Thanks hun, I've lost the CD plot too this week too, will be sooo glad to get back on it. I feel really bloated and sluggish. I'm looking forward to the good detox CD gives. Good luck getting back in the swing of things x
I feel big, fat, sluggish and disgusting after my week off. I can't wait for tomorrow when I can return to SS. I'm really disappointed in myself for letting go of all my self control, but I have certainly learned some new lessons as far as food is concerned. I can't be such a carb junkie, I don't feel so great after eating like a pig anymore. It certainly doesn't make me feel better anymore like it used to, not a comfort!!

Blurgh I feel so bloated and sick, I'm terrified of WI tomorrow, I've already warned my CDC of the impending doom. She said she won't shout and I know she won't but when I see the numbers on the scale tomorrow night it makes my foolishness real.

I wish I didn't have to go and get weighed and could just crack on for a week with SS. I could shift most of the weight by next week I'm sure, but I need to or I'll run out of diet before next week.

Just had another message from my CDC she seems hopeful it'll come off because it went on so quick it's not fat it's glycogen and water. That makes me feel better and if I think back the same thing happened after Little E's Christening, I gained 6lbs and lost it straight away the next week.

So anyway, I'll be back tomorrow night to own up to the damage, BUT I'm not going to adjust my tickers to show the gain, because it's not going to be here long enough!!! Anyone want to take a bet at how much I've gained lol? I'm putting my money on 10lbs.....