Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Fabulous loss, Sal. Good idea on the testing of a guard. I hope it helps.
Urgh I've had this 24 hr blood pressure monitor on for 20 minutes and it's winding me up already!!! I've got in a right tangle with it :( but the good news is that I saw the nice practice nurse who said if I struggle to sleep with it on to take it off after 11pm.

I've got so much to do today and it's totally going to get in my way :( the cuff keeps slipping down to my elbow, so glad I'm not at work and having to explain this contraption to my patients.

First inflation in T-10 :eek:


My fun new friend :cry:


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Well so far so good with this bp thingy. Last reading was 116/68, I could get quite obsessed with this lol, especially now that I know I can see the results each time, it was worrying me that I couldn't and I'd have to wait but now I can see it I'm happy, small things :)
Results of 24 hour blood pressure monitoring - Normal!!! Average blood pressure 113/69, as healthy and normal as can be!!
Whoop! They've been mucking about with this for a long time now. I'll bet your glad it's over.
Not long now to your hols! Ate too much tonight. Tum hurts bad! Ow !!!!!!
Im just sitting here in the sun waiting for a bus to go to Downtown Disney. The weather has been a bit hit and miss, rain almost every day but there's been hours of sun everyday too so no complaints really.

I've spent a fortune so far, and I've eaten tons :( feel like a big fat heffer but I'll deal with that when I get home, for now I'm just going to keep eating and drinking what I want even if it is undoing all my hard work.

Hotel pool


Sea World


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Glad your having a lovely time!!! We went and found weather lovely am but always rained pm not necessarily heavy though :) we went end October/November :) xxxxx
Sounds like you're having a fab time!
Well I'm back from the Land of Mouse! I had a really fantastic time!! I pretty much ate and drank what I liked so I've expected a pretty massive gain!! Up until this morning I've put off jumping on the scales of doom, but I bit the bullet and went on. And was pleasantly surprised, dispite feeling like a blimp I've only actually gained 8lbs!!! Not bad in my books.

I'm going to start back on SS on Wednesday. It's my Dads birthday tomorrow and as I've missed all other family meals (including my own birthday) I want to celebrate with them.

Dare I say it but I'm actually looking forward to not eating again and to have that nice empty feeling, instead of feeling bloated. Don't know how long that will last mind.

Now if I could just get over this jet lag and get my sleeping pattern back to normal I'd be much happier. Been taking Melatonin (thanks Mel) at bed time but I'm still wide awake until 2/3 o'clock. And so having to get up at 6am has been a killer. Hopefully a full day at work will completely wear me out and I'll be tired enough to go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight!




Magic Kingdom
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Surfhunny said:
Well I'm back from the Land of

Welcome back -- it bites that you missed some amazing weather here.

Any hints or tips for us? I'm gong with the OH, 21year old and 13 year old -- next month.
Absolutely Mel loads of tips!! How exciting! I'll write them all down tonight when I have more time!
So tomorrow I'm starting a fresh, I'm sick of eating and actually looking forward to not have to think about it anymore. My CDC is away until the 12th of Oct so I'm hoping to try and get the holiday weight off by then, and make a start on getting the last few stone off.

I'm probably going to struggle to get back on after the huuuge American portions I'm used to but what the heck, been there and bought the t-shirt. I can manage once I'm back in the pink it'll be easier!

Oh one thing has really p!ssed me off today, I've been reading the forums on here and Facebook trying to get my head back in gear and on the Cambridge Facebook page they've put up a picture of the cakes and goodies head office had today for the Macmillan coffee morning. While I appreciate that the people at head office aren't necessarily on CD they shouldn't really be putting up photos of cake onto their support page!!! Who is that supporting really. Big faux pas on their part I believe. But well done for supporting Macmillan, shame you couldn't be as supportive of your clients!


Photo from CWPs Facebook page! :(
Me too Sal, Day 1 today! My firat lie in of the week and I'm awake at the crack of dawn.

I cant believe cwp even made a point of displaying their motto under the cakes! Lol
Me too. Been doing 810. It's not gone too badly but I've been having some wine. I need to stop the wine but finding it hard. Feel like I'm turning into an alcoholic. :( quite worried actually.
Well maybe its fate that us mm oldies are all here, same place, same time! Time to kick each others arses and get on with it :)
Good for both of you. You can do this. Those cakes on the website were really thoughtless.