Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

And a reminder as to why I'm doing this again:

Benefits of Losing Weight!!

- I'll have more confidence
- I'll feel happier when I look in the mirror
- I'll feel in control
- I won't feel so self-conscious
- I'll feel more optimistic
- I'll be less self-critical
- I'll make a better impression on people
- I'll be more willing to make life changes
- I'll be less inhibited about my body
- I won't feel the need to eat secretively
- I'll feel as if I have accomplished something important
- I'll do more things in public (swimming/dancing)
- I'll feel at peace with myself
- I'll feel that I am in control of food and not the other way around
- I'll feel proud of myself for getting to goal
- I'll be able to walk down the street/into a room and not feel everyone is judging me on my size
- I'll feel like I am worthy
- I'll spend my time living, not worrying about how much I weigh and what I am eating.
- I'll have the old me back!
- I'll feel amazing
- I'll feel good when I go out
- I'll look myself in the mirror and smile
- I'll be happier
- I'll be able to walk into any shop, see an outfit I love and KNOW they will have one that fits me
- I'll improve my self-esteem
- I'll be able to go into any shop and be able to buy whatever I want and like as opposed to just something that fits & looks remotely half-decent
- People will be able to say "wow you're stunning," rather than "but you've got a really pretty face!"
- I'll have proven to myself that I can achieve a goal I have set myself
- I won't feel like I am being judged because of my weight
- I'll surprise old friends in a good way, not in a "wow didn't she get fat" way
- I won't panic, hide or try and avoid the occasions when someone brings out a camera
- I'll begin to take photos, so I have a good record of memories for the future
- I'll look forward to nights out because I have a million gorgeous things to wear
- I'll be able to dance on tables and not worry I'm going to break them!

Look Good
- I'll feel happier when I look in the mirror
- I'll look better and more attractive
- I'll get more compliments
- I'll be able to wear smaller clothes
- I'll fit into more fashionable clothes
- I'll be able to wear lovely clothes
- I'll look and feel good in lovely vintage dresses
- I'll be able to buy fancy new underwear
- I'll be able to shop in young, trendy shops
- I'll enjoy trying on clothes
- I'll re-discover my love for clothes and shopping
- I'll be able to wear a mini skirt with pride

- I will be healthier
- I'll feel better physically
- I'll be more energetic
- I'll have stamina
- I'll be at less risk of type 2 diabetes
- I'll have conquered my food demons
- I'll not be a slave to food!!!
- I will have a Healthy BMI
- I will be able to run around
- I won't share any bad food habits with my future family

- I won't have to cover up with cardigans and long sleeves when its hot
- I'll be able to easily wrap a towel around me
- I'll feel more comfortable eating in front of other people
- I'll be able to open my wardrobe and choose to wear anything I like and know that it will fit.
- I won't have to squeeze into clothes that don't fit
- I'll be able to do anything and go anywhere without feeling uncomfortable
- I'll feel comfortable in my skin
- I'll no longer be the fat friend
So the official gain is 17lbs :eek: oh well onwards and downwards!!

And what is it with technology?? First O2 has no service and now I can't post on here using my phone, the stupid send button is greyed out! I might just sit and read a book by candle light, no technology involved :(


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Sally I'm Struggling. I want it but it's just too hard right now. I'm so fat I hate it. Haven't ran since 16th sept as my feet are killing. Need to strap them up again.
great things said:
Sally I'm Struggling. I want it but it's just too hard right now. I'm so fat I hate it. Haven't ran since 16th sept as my feet are killing. Need to strap them up again.

It's hard Nikki but I had to set myself a day when I would start again 100% today is that day!!! I have taken what the scales say as my start and I'm not going to look back! It must be done no ifs or buts this time.

I know exactly how you feel, I hate feeling this fat and I'm back to having zero confidence and hiding away, which is just not me. The comment about my "bump" tipped me over the edge the other day and I'm using it as motivation!!

I don't know what your lightbulb moment will be, but I think that's what it takes. Have you talked to Julie about how you feel? I told my CDC exactly how I was feeling about it all and we're tackling it together. It can be done, you know that. You just need to want it badly enough!!
Urgh not impressed with the Cookies and Cream :( in fact it just tastes like vanilla to me. My favourite by far has been the coconut but CDC seems to think its going to be the mango that stays due to sales gutted.
I'm going to try the cookies and cream hot tonight, that way if I'm still not keen I can add coffee to it.
And the verdict on Cookies and Cream - you can keep it, it's gross hot or cold. I rescued it with a spoonful of coffee but really do not like it :( Oh well I gave it a go!!
I wasn't keen on it either.....I used to love the toffee and walnut but I find that a bit sweet now! I do tend to like the shakes but I definitely need to vary them to avoid boredom! The chocolate mint shake remains a firm favourite at the moment. But I don't like it hot!
Great attitude. You'll do this!!! And I'll be joining you, soon!
The coconut was ok. It's nice when you do a 50/50 with choc!

P.S. it might be my fault that mango it the one as I bought loads of it. I really liked it. Still have some of all 3 left.
Sally the gang is back. You, me, Cornish kez, even lily! Mel I've not forgot you but don't know if u r doing cd now and shanny I'm not sure what plan you have settled with. All we need is some bob'ivation (as in motivation with Bob)!
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Yes, even Lily. :D

My CWPC actually gave me a coconut shake for free, says she bought a boxful and just can't get shot of them. Haven't tried it yet cos I'm not really a coconut lover. I also have a cookies and cream shake but haven't tried it yet. Maybe it'd work as a mousse? I'll try it and let you know. I have to admit I quite liked the mango shake, so I'm also guilty of increasing sales of that one.

I'm going to have to get on my scales tomorrow and shame myself into staying on track. I'm hoping I haven't done too much damage this weekend as I haven't even been hungry (God knows why I ate then??? :confused:).

Liking all the motivational piccies, Sally. :)
great things said:
Sally the gang is back. You, me, Cornish kez, even lily! Mel I've not forgot you but don't know if u r doing cd now and shanny I'm not sure what plan you have settled with. All we need is some bob'ivation (as in motivation with Bob)!

Hi Nikki,

I'm in the U.S. right now sitting in my dad's hospital room. He got his hip replaced yesterday and us doing well. whilst I'm here I'm trying to follow "The Skinny Rules" then hen I get back to the U.K. in the 25th I'm going to try and JUDDD (using Slim and Save for Down Days) and Skinny Rules for up. Shanny is no longer on this forum -- you can contact her through Facebook. I got tired of the hassles with CDCs canceling appointments, not having what you pre-ordered, etc. I can order the as and S inline nd it gets delivered to me and costs less than CD. And now they have MAM and I love the lemon bars.
Oh my god I'd forgotten just how destructive our staff room is for dieters :cry: I feel like as soon as I go back on CD the staff room instantly fills with cakes and goodies!! It's upsetting. My willpower being challenged this early on is awful :(
Be strong. You know you can avoid this situation. Saturate yourself with water and black coffee then you'll have no room to eat!
Just imagine the blocked arteries those things create! You can do this!
Oh my god I'm in so much pain :( my skin is on fire :cry: I'm covered in hives from my chin to my ankles. I have no idea what's caused it but I feel like I could happily scratch my skin off. I'm a swollen red mess, with no hope of getting any sleep tonight. This is the worst I've ever had it, I never get it on my back so I can usually sleep on my back but its all over so I can't get comfortable at all. I feel completely miserable :cry: and can't do anything to fix it :(


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Is there really nowt u can get? What about an injection?
I could get steroids but they take ages to work and are more of a long term thing and I have enough trouble with my weight without the added side effects of steroids :(