Gold Member
How you getting on sal? I cant believe how dead mms is these days? And how much misguided advice is flying around. Day 2 for me....bored already. Lol
Surfhunny said:Not too bad Kerry, day 1 tomorrow, had every intention of starting yesterday but still had too much left in cupboards and didn't want to throw it out (excuses excuses I know) so it's all gone as of this evening.
Sadly I think minis lost a lot of good people when the CDCs were advised to keep off and stick with the official CD forum. People like KD used to offer fab advice and crack down on the b*ll*cks that's talked on here. I pretty much stick to my diary, Nikkis and a few others because I know them.
There does seem to be a lot of new starters and people don't seem to stick around too long anymore it's sad really. But me and Nikki are still here. I'll probably be more regular again now I'm back on it!
Have you got a new diary going?
cornishkez said:I think a fair few people got deleted because they are linked to fb pages.
Sadly I think minis lost a lot of good people when the CDCs were advised to keep off and stick with the official CD forum. People like KD used to offer fab advice and crack down on the b*ll*cks that's talked on here. I pretty much stick to my diary, Nikkis and a few others because I know them.
There does seem to be a lot of new starters and people don't seem to stick around too long anymore it's sad really. But me and Nikki are still here. I'll probably be more regular again now I'm back on it!
great things said:1st oct tomorrow and I'm back! Wine has gone from the cupboards so bring on grumpy me for 1 or 2 weeks. No alcohol til Xmas now.
great things said:Hey Sally. Me too. I know first week could be 11lbs down. I'd feel amazing and be buzzing.
I'm struggling myself you'd think the moon being aleigned and all with us 'oldies' that we'd be sorted.
Are you stressed? I am. Bad kid parents evening, ems havin nits, bathroom organising, hubby working loads.
Let's start together. Fresh start tomorrow. We need a dose of bob!
My dad came back from hols last night. Was wishing it was both parents. Have had a good cry today. Was thinking I wished I screamed at my mum not to leave me.
Surfhunny said:Wow if ever there's a wake up call to go on a diet I've just had it!!! One of the assistants at work has just asked me "How's bump?" And then when I told her I'm not actually pregnant she argued with me that I was. I think I'd have registered that little life event!! It was bad enough to be insulted but then to actually have to try and convince her that I'm just fat was mortifying :cry: I know I've put on a stone but seriously, I didn't think I looked pregnantgutted :cry:
MinnieMel said:OMG what a cow. It might have been what you were wearing.