Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

So have you still been 100%?
I caved in a little bit and had chicken breast grilled for tea last night so technically I have been 100% but not on SS. Back on S S again today but half a litter short on my 3 litres of water can't drink anymore tonight.

How're you getting on anyway ?? Xx
Well done! I'm going good, 100% today, but think I should go to bed very soon as starting to think about what is in the cupboards that I am allowed to!
Well done Kez, bet you're buzzing now, you're doing so well.!!!! I'm shattered, my hayfever this year is worse than it's ever been and it wears me out, sneezing all the time!! But I've started on a homeopathic treatment today which hopefully will help but right now it's making me feel worse because it's pumping me full of the stuff that makes my hayfever worse so I build up an immunity. Figured it's worth a try.

Hope you're having a good weekend, it's lovely and warm here, even when the sun goes behind the clouds for a few minutes. I'm just sitting out here in the garden avoiding the football, but judging by all the yelling I'd say England have just scored!! Curiosity might get the better of me in a bit....
You arent missing alot, it's been forced upon me. We dont deserve to win and I might just have to force the rugby on Scott next week, so he can see a real mans sport!
Yeah make hime watch the rugby!! I've got two games sky+d because I got called into work yesterday so couldn't watch it, I was cross!! I'm having a little mental battle with myself at the moment, I took my Mum shopping earlier while Dad sorted out their holiday stuff, and some of her shopping fell out in the boot, and so I have it in my fridge, milk is fine, but there's cheese and its calling me....might have to put it in the freezer so I can't get at it lol, frozen cheese is not so nice.

I'm going to go in the bath in a minute, wash all the pollen off me, and have a bit of a pamper, I've had a bit of a chaotic weekend and need to relax a bit I think!!
I have a question....not very important but just an observation.... Why do Gala Bingo feel the need to use overweight women in their adverts...are they implying that all overweight women do is sit around and play on line bingo???? Or am I just being too sensitive lol. The ad thats out at the moment isn't the first... they had one with an overweight woman in her pj's who danced around the walls....
lol :D
Was gala that had the large lady in a very unflattering two piece swim suit jumping into ballpool?
I think so, either that or all on line bingo ads are aimed at overweight women.... I think this is media stereotyping!!!! Haha I remember learning about that for my A Levels, who knew it would com in handy one day! Yep I have too much time on my hands!!
Hey everyone, how's your day been? I'm struggling again boo. I Had a bit of a slip and had a Viscount biscuit :mad: and while it was very nice at the time, I felt soo guilty afterwards, I've been slipping up a lot this week, nothing major, just the odd little bit. I'm desperately hoping it won't have too much of a negative affect on my loss this week. To be fair, I just want to get under 13st. I'm a little bit obsessed about it now.

I know this weekend is going to be hard because I have 2 nights out (both meals)planned, I've spoken to my CDC and we agreed that I'm at a point now where I can have these 2 meals, choose fairly sensibly and pick back up afterwards. So thats what I'm going to do, I'm sick of putting things on hold for this diet, I'm close enough to target now to cope with the slight set back this will bring! (I hope).

Just losing that lbs last week has done my confidence wonders, I can feel the old me coming back. And I'm really glad.

I just need to keep focussed and not let myself get complacent and I really need to get a grip and stop letting daft bits creep in here and there! I was superstrong last week and next week I'm going to have to be the same to compensate for the 2 meals.
You did it last week, you can def repeat it after your two meals out. It's my friends birthday on sat and she wants to go out for an Indian and cocktails at our local bar, I said I was back on cd and would comx out but not partake, but now she's cancelled the meal so I'm not left out. I feel bad because it's not their problem, it's mine. And as much as I would love to have a night off, I'm only 4 lbs away from the 16s so don't know what to do now?
Hmm, it's a tough one. The first time I did CD I went to meals and took a bar, it was really tough but I managed it because I wanted it soooo badly. If you feel strong enough and the 16s are looming close now...I'd tell your friend to uncancel (is that even a word lol) and try and go. Or even suggest that you meet up after for drinks (water of course) that's the other thing I used to do, before I got strong enough to join them. xx
I feEl strong enough to be put, it's just they are adamant that if I can't joon on they won't do it . I don't want to feel guilty that ive sabotaged everyone elses night. I suppose I could just have oven baked chicken tikki. On the bone no sauce or rocecetc. Then can finger pick while they tuck in
Yeah that or tandoori chicken is a good one that's baked too I think. And usually comes with a bit of salad. I think so long as you decide before hand and stick to it, then get right back on plan as soon as you het home you'll be ok. In these situations I tend to use it as an excuse to eat all day. But this weekend I'm determined not to, I'm going to have CD during the day, then my dinner out, and get right back on it!

Whatever you decide to do don't feel guilty as long as you stay in control x
Tandoori chicken! That's what I was thinking of, but couldnt remember what it was called. Thought I'd gotten the name wrong. At least then the others will eat and I won't feel like I've spoilt their night. We usually go to a little resturant/pub in the village and sit on the sofas at the back for the night. I wonder if I could smuggle a couple of coke zeros into my bag, doesn't vodka have low carbs???
Okay confession time guys. I have been so bad today, one of the ladies at work retired today so there was a buffet. I had to attend because it's frowned upon if you don't so I took my tetra but it stayed in my bag while I ate buffet food. I won't go into what I ate, it wasn't a huge amount, but it was more the type of food it was, springrolls, samosa's and sandwiches etc. Baaad food!! I'm going to try hard to be good for the next few days because I'm going out for dinner both Friday and Saturday nights, neither of which I can get out of, so I'd already made the decision to pick well and take the consequences on the chin, I hadn't anticipated this though. Pants... dreading WI tomorrow now. Might have to text CDC to warn her about my lapse.

I've been reading about binge eating and trigger food, at first I thought all food was my trigger, but Buffet food is definitely a trigger food for me. At the moment I'm learning about compulsive eating (slightly different to bingeing apparently) in a book called The End of Overeating by David Kessler. It's very interesting. Its about all the additives that they put in food to make it addictive and making eating it a compulsion. Hoping that all this reading and learning might sink in and help me to avoid overeating. Not working so far as this afternoon!

Still back on track in the morning!!