I'm so p*ssed off I could cry
:cry:!! This is absolutely nothing to do with the diet at all, but I just need a good rant

, so sorry. On my way home from work tonight my car started juddering and felt really rough, then an engine warning light came on. The manual says take to dealers - which it would really. I'm gutted, it's another costly trip to the garage

, I've only just had another fault fixed last month, every month the money I'm meant to be saving for my trip to Vegas is getting spent on my car:cry:!!! It's not just that it's the inconvenience of it all. My bro is giving me a lift to work tomorrow and dad is picking me up, I'm off on Monday so I'll be visiting the garage, I'm just hoping dad will be able to take me to work for the rest of next week cos I live 15 miles away from work, but it takes 2 hours on the bus, it's a nightmare. Bloody car!! I love it but it's bleeding me dry!!! Sometimes (alot) I wish someone would steal it, so I could get a new one, I'd get rid of it but I've still got 2 and a half years left on the loan!!! Booo!!!
However because of my car incident I've been too preoccuppied tonight to have the little treat tea I was sneakily planning

, and I really don't feel like it now, I've binned it, wasting money I know but I don't care, I don't want to cheat anymore, I'm going to be in control of something (cos I'm not in control of my damn car!!!!) Aaaarrrrghhh I want to do joined up swearing!!!!! Sh*t, ar*e, b*ll*cks, f*ck!!!! Sorry if anyone is offending but F**************CK!!!!!! Oh, that hasn't really made me feel any better.:cry: