Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Hey Shanny, yes I am finally in Ketosis, about blummin time too, it's 22 degrees outside and I'm inside freezing, yay!!!!

I've had a lovely day so far, went shopping with my Mum this morning, spent a small fortune in Gap, got lots of new, much needed tops. Then I came home, ready to roll my sleeves up and get the slate laid between my drive and next doors, only to find that my lovely Dad had been and done it while I was out! It looks great, and I'm really grateful because I wasn't looking forward to doing it myself.

Tonight I'm off to the cinema with the girls to see Toy Story 3, can't wait. I'm going to chop up a bar to take with me to avoid the pick n mix temptation.

I'll add a couple of pix of my new garden.


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I have no idea why but I can't seem to put any more photos on grr.
aww lovely daddy lol.! looks very nice indeed we are going to watch karate kid this week.!

enjoy your bar chuck x
don't you just love your dad, they're fab. mine comes out to help at the drop of a hat.
I know this is only a minor victory, but I'm proud of myself anyway! I'd talked myself into being allowed a bar of chocolate so long as I only had a small one and I WALKED to the shop to buy it. BUT I haven't had it. I've managed to talk myself out of it, I didn't go to the shop. I'm really proud of myself for not giving in!!!
great! :)

i think i've eaten my own body weight in bread today. only think i can possibly feel like i can keep down. :(
I had managed to rationalise the chocolate because I've been on the trampoline all afternoon with my nephew. I decided the calorie deficit would allow for the chocolate!! But I'm so glad I talked myself out of it in the end!

Right now I'm going to watch Biggest Loser. That always helps keep me motivated, I wish it was on every day of the week!!
i watched that last night. didn't quite see the very very end when julio was talking about his family. need to see the last few seconds. i wished the brown team had got kicked off. i think that tracy is going to go soon cause her test results are not good. so we could see the end of her.

also, i didn't watch this right from the start. how come julio's other member of his team, alexandra went?
For some reason in the first week only 1 team fell below the yellow line so had to pick between Alex and Julio. They used to do it like that years ago, but have started to kick teams out now. I wished the brown team had gone too I liked Dan but the woman got on my nerves lol. Glad Shays safe this week, and the sooner Tracey goes the better, she's so annoying, I feel sorry for poor Coach Mo, she's dragging him down :( Julio looked fantastic at the end!

I'm back at work today after a nice long weekend off, it's made me realize just how much I need a break, I'm counting down the days until I'm off, which coincides with when I'm meant to be at target... Again I think I'm going to fail miserably but hey ho it won't be the first time. I should have a loss this week but I don't think it'll be a big one, I'd like it to take me into the 12's but I don't think it will :(

I measured myself this morning and my waist hasn't changed but hips and chest have gone down, so that's a good thing!
Urgh I feel miserable and totally fed up with myself:cry:. I started the day the same way I start every day, feeling strong and determined but by 9am it all went to pot!! I've had a terrible day today, I got hauled into the office and had a 20 minute b*ll*cking:flamingmad:, none of the things were anything to do with me, but because I've been incharge of the team for the last 2 weeks apparently it was all my responsiblility, blah blah blah, the woman all but called me incompetent and it was totally undeserved.:sigh2: The two weeks ran smoothly and all the jobs that needed doing got done.... I have a feeling that a certain person has been in the office *****ing about me to the boss because she's jealous of how I handled everything and I get more respect than she does for it... I know that makes me sound big headed, but I know I do a good job, so to be critised unfairly really got to me. Luckily I managed not to cry in front of the boss but I've spent all day under a big black cloud!!:badmood:

To fuel my little self pity binge someone had brought in the biggest tin of Quality Street I've ever seen and I must've had at least 20 of them:17729:. I haven't had 2 of my shakes today because I can't face the extra calories, I know this is a really bad thing to do, but I'm just filling up on water and I'll be back to it tomorrow.

I feel lousy:cry:, and the fact that my brother is doing CD again hasn't proved the help I hope it would be, all it's doing is making me feel worse about myself!! :sigh:He's so strong and is sticking to it with no bother at all, while I fail at every little hurdle, I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back:banghead:. It p*sses me off that I keep failing, and watching my brother sailing through each day without a bother is making me feel worse.

I rang my CDC earlier and she's advised me to keep a diary about how I feel each time I'm tempted to eat I need to write in it why I want to eat and what I'm feeling at the time:break_diet:. She said it's a pain in the backside, but it identifies patterns and the act of writing it down should distract me from eating or wanting to eat.

I've managed to talk myself out of having a take away tonight to make myself feel better. I know it won't, and I'll just end up feeling worse than I do now if thats possible. I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone about how I'm feeling because, my bro has no sympathy and doesn't understand why I can't just get on and do it. My CDC is at a bit of a loss with what to do with me too and I feel totally out of control and alone with it all. :cry::cry::cry:
you are like me, an emotive eater. these things are sent to test us. did you have someone in the room with you when you got a b*ll*cking? you are supposed to, like another member of staff of your choice or a union member. they can't just lay into you like that.

put it in a box and put it ,mentally, in the bin now. if you know who did it i'd make their lives unbearable.

20 sweets probably 80 cals each - 1600 cals. plus a shake is less than you would need to loose weight. the weight you will gain will be water not fat. don't panic.

i think that men do not understand the stress that we are under. it's different to theirs in that we do become very emotional and our hormones give us hell and chocolate solves everything - don't they KNOW that????? :rolleyes:

this is one day out of many. just start again fresh tomorrow and everytime someone annoys you box them and throw them away. don't let others make you feel like cr*p.
remember these quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt

1) "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
2) "Women are like teabags; you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water."

you are strong, very strong you just need to re-discover your strength. it's there, honest!
Aw thank you so much Nikki, your advice is fantastic, I'm going to try the box thing!! I'm definitely an emotional eater, no doubt about that!! I've taken myself off to bed because I feel totally wiped out. Tomorrow is another day!!

As for work.... The boss got me in the office for a different matter, so I was completely off guard... I hate that this woman managed tomake me feel like a naughty 2 year old when I had done nothing wrong. I ran it all past a couple of colleagues I trust and they said it sounds like someone (who's after my job) has been telling tales to make themselves look good and me look bad! I know I'm good at my job, but today I just kept making stupid mistakes, all because of my b*ll*cking how stupid!!

I just feel stupid for having turned to my old friend chocolate to get me through it, to make matters worse I'm going to have to go to my bro's WI tomorrow because I'm not going to get away from work in time to make mine which is usually at 6pm, that's going to make me feel really great when he has a great loss and I don't :(

I'm sorry, feeling really sorry for myself today :(
we all turn to chocolate no matter what size, we are female, it's part of our nature. the thing is now you have realised, as i do, that yes we can have it but then we have to pull back again.

i often fancy a blueberry muffin from costa but when i think about the calories in it - almost 500 i think of what other things i could eat with less or the same calories that would fill me up better. having said that, i had an argument with hubby on saturday and he wanted a costa lunch so i went and got it and got myself a blueberry muffin and i ate it and enjoyed it. i thought stuff it. then i went bonkers later on in the evening with crisps and nuts but sunday i did my long run and burnt some of it off.

i just think energy in and energy out. you can counteract some of what you eat with exercise so maybe now is the time to start back at the gym :) it will make you feel great and you can take your negative feelings out on the equipment. i'm sure that you will not be the largest lady in the house lol!
Morning sal what can i say you sound really 'down' , sal it's your brother, has he told you his not struggling at any point since his started cd??
Im sure u will be back later telling us all big loss,!! this diet is not for long now, or forever.!

So stick to it now, and forget that high caliore chocolate it's not your best friend at all. And not a solution to any of your personal/ work issues.

I want to see you in the 12's very soon sweetie.!
So let's come back with abit frame of mind about cd and your weight loss sal.xx

Back later xx
Thanks Shanny and Nikki. Lady Luck was on my side tonight, I've still managed to lose albs, it's helped to spur me on a bit, I still feel down in the dumps but a lot of that is to do with work. And partly to do with the diet.

I was thinking about getting back to the gym because I really miss it, Dads on about starting running again (he used to run to keep fit but I hurt his knee when we were at karate) he's pretty much not done anything since, so I might try going out with him and see how I get on.

Oh well another day down, glad I've had a decent loss even though I don't deserve it! Thanks for always being there for me, I really appreciate your advice, it always gives me a boost and reminds me that all is not lost! Xxxx
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yeah, don't leave us wondering!!!!!
I thought I'd put it in the post the other day but it turns out my iphone's predictive text decided to use albs instead of 4lbs!!! I was very happy with that, especially after my little mishaps last week. I hope I can keep going like that.

I still have no idea how much I weigh which is still feeling very bizarre, the first time in 6 years I have no concept of how heavy I am. I've asked my CDC to tell me when I'm within 7lbs of my 12st target, so until then I'm not going to find out. But if I don't make this target on the 1st of September I'm going to have to find out because I'm going away with my Mum and Dad for a week on the 4th so I need to know, to be able to keep an eye on what I'm eating while I'm away. But for now, ignorance is bliss!!!
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