Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Well the verdict on the collar bones.... Mine are permanently in hiding, even when I was a tiny 9 st mine are barely visible, so I'll give up the search!
mine show when i'm thinner. are starting to go into hiding again. spine bone sticks out and hips do. need to focus on my diet again but thinking after GNR! too much focus on running at the moment.
This is totally unrelated to diets but I'm bored!! Right now I'm sitting in the car waiting to go in to the speed awareness course that Cleveland police have kindly sent me on instead of giving me points on my lisence. I feel like a naughty school kid and so far I'm the only girl here. The car park is empty apart from my car and two other guys who've both got the same piece of paper as I have. I should be grateful that I've still got a clean driving lisence but I'm beginning to think I should've taken the points and run.

Anyway at least it'll keep me away from food for 4 hours!! Ah well here goes, serves me right, even if I was barely over the limit!!!
I want to die of boredom already!!!
what speed were you doing anyway? they usually give you a 10% difference cause all speedo clocks can't be 100% accurate.

they're red hot on the 174 and used to be on the 66. also near the crathorne turn off round yarm area on the 19.
Was doing 36 in a 30, serves me right really but it wasn't that bad and beats the points and insurance hike so not complaining too much and one of the docs from work was there so I had a friend lol.
Help help help, I've just been asked out by a boy I went to school with, he's a couple of years younger than me and i was friends with his sister at school and only accepted his friend request on FB to get back in touch with her. Trouble is last night he emailed me asking me out, I'm really not interested at all... Aaargh it obviously took guts for him to ask so how can I say no thanks without being mean?? I'm not likely to bump into him at all but I still feel bad.

Why can't it have been someone I like?? This always happens to me, the only ones remotely interested on me are the ones I have absolutely no feelings for. I know I've moaned in the past about being single but I don't want to go out with him just for the sake of it. How can I say no nicely? I hate these situations :( it makes me feel bad!
e-mail him back and say you'll go out with him as friends to get to know him. he may be a laugh and it'll get you out of the house. just have fun. you can always not see him again.
p.s if you really don't want to go, having just read back you post, then just tell him that you are mega busy at the moment with work/life balance problems. :D
I've spent the whole day thinking about this and I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and tell him I'm not interested in him in a romantic way, ugh that sounds so corny! He's a nice enough guy but it doesn't feel right. I can't explain it which is why I'm struggling with how to reply. The work/life balance thing isn't a lie especially when I get back from wales cos it's goingvto be a work/gym balance until Vegas !! Thanks Hun needed an outside perspective!!

I hate situations like this because for years I've had a stalker who won't take no for an answer (he's not all there so doesn't understand his behavior is unacceptable). He was a friend of the family so my mum took action but I find it hard to remember that not all men act like that lol. AP was really the first guy in a long time that I trusted and I feel better after being with him... I guess being back single I'm going to run into this more lol. I am flatttered too just wish I felt something!
Well I've done it, I've sent the rejection email and I feel really bad :( but I don't have any feelings for the guy at all and I don't see the point in leading him on so this is for the best. Now to stop feeling guilty!
I've had enough of this holiday, I knew really before setting off it was probably going to be a bad idea. Mum and dad have done nothing but argue every day and I refuse to get caught up in it. I'm sick of eating junk but that's all we seem to have, I know I've really piled the weight on because my clothes are starting to feel tight. It's got to the point where I've decided to cut it short and come home on Thursday because I'm sick of feeling like a fat lump and I want to get back onto CD!!

I've had time to have a good long think about my diet and the choices I have. And I've decided when I get home to give it one last go, all or nothing!!! I'm not going to tell anyone not even my parents I'm just going to quietly get on with it!! I certainly need to get this extra weight off and take it from there. I don't see my CDC until the end of September which gives me 2 and a half weeks to make decent inroads into that before I have to jump on the scales again.

I'm going to avoid going on the scales when I get home and just judge my losses by my clothes. Feeling like this is making miserable again so I need to fix it!!
Sorry to hear that your holiday isn't going very well. At least something positive has come out of it though. You have had time to put things into perspective and it sounds like you are more motivated than ever to get on with CD and your weight loss. :)
Thanks, yeah you're right, I had a moment this morning where I just thought 'what am I doing?' I've got 2 and a half months before Vegas it's not long in the grand scheme of things, but then again it also doesn't give me much time to mess about so that's why I have to act and stop messing on!!
You Can't be that far off target really in CD world 6/7 weeks solid and you would on conquered it. I know it's easier said than done but we both know CD Is the only way for us.

Let me know when your back of holiday and de stressed from the parents. x x x
Right I'm back from my hols 2 days early. I talked to my brother (who still lives at home) about my parents arguing and he said they're always like that and it's just bickering they don't really argue properly, so at least that's something.

Anyway there were a couple of reasons for me cutting the holiday short the first being that me and camping don't mix well lol, I started the week in the tent outside but I found a frog in the tent as I was going to bed on the first night so there was no way I was staying in there after that so I ended up in the caravan with my parents.

But the main reason I came home was so I could start back on CD as soon as I could, my head is in the right ace and I wanted to take advantage of it. Tomorrow is day 1 and I should be back in the swing of things before I go back to work on Monday!!
Hi sal I had a giggle you finding a frog in your tent I wouldn't of slept in there either.
Oh my Gosh I'm so screamish so that wouldn't have been good.
Atleast you got away, and really do seem as if you are ready to start back.

Good luck with your first day. X
Well so far so good on day 1 ha ha not that I'm very far into it. Lyndzi, I went to Angelsey in North Wales, been going there for years, I love it there and didn't really want to come home but it's next to impossible to do CD in a caravan when everyone else is eating out every night and the toilet is on the other side of a field lol. I really want to get back on with it so the only option was to come home.

Shanny the frog wasn't huge but a frog is a frog and I couldn't have slept knowing there were visitors. Maybe I should've kissed it - it might've been my prince lol.

I'm off for my first shake of the day. Bring it on!!! Is it sad that I'm excited to get back on CD??