Susie's 2022 campaign

Hi guys

Thanks for your posts, they made me smile. I've had a bit of sleep now, always helps :) And decided to go a bit radical and do Jason Vale's 5lbs in 5 days diet to kickstart my system - start tomorrow!

Perhaps these four bereavements are Fate's way of telling me to pull my finger out...
Hello hun. Can't wait to hear how you do in the Jason vale diet, I think he is great and juice in the mornings but have no faith that I could actually do 5 days of it! Good luck xxx

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hi susie
i thought that early this year its like come on lets get stared x x x
Perhaps these four bereavements are Fate's way of telling me to pull my finger out...

I doubt it sweetheart, it's just life's way of being an absolute ******* :(

Sometimes bereavements can make us feel like that. Its like it makes us realise we are not invincible. X

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Got it in one :(

Hope you're feeling a little clearer today lovely, remember we're always here for you x
Morning lovelies!

I am back in the saddle and feeling good today. I did three days of the juicing plan but then got hives and had to rein it in a bit, but am happy to report that I lost 7lbs in those three days! And it's true what they say, my skin does feel softer :)

I found the going OK - didn't have any headaches (but then I don't drink much coffee anyway). I felt hungry from time to time but managed to get through it with herbal tea and lots of water - but it is definitely a lot of pfaffing about preparing everything and the cleaning afterwards, so I'm going to just do it on weekends. It's also pretty grim to do it when it's cold!

I'm now back on 1000 cals a day, with room to expand, should I need it, pretty focused on fruit and veg, cutting out wheat etc, so today for example is -

B - sultana bran with Danio 0% yog and a banana
L - two cups of soups and kallo no salt rice cake thins, and an apple
D - A big veggie pasta - courgettes, peppers, spinach in a tomato sauce, using Eat Water penne noodles
S - Apple and pear

I know the cals might sound low but I think I'll be Ok and if I want a bread blowout once a week or whatever then I can do it.

And how are you all? I've missed you and will catch up on your diaries tonight xxx
As long as you're sure you're ok lovely - that is a very low number, it might cause a big stall darling. PLEASE look after yourself. We're all here for you :)

Well done on the loss hun! :)

How are you feeling now? Hope you and your family/friend are ok xx
Thanks love - I have good days and bad days, but that's to be expected after four deaths. Don't worry, I'm a tough old bird :)

I'm getting some R&R in Italy a couple of weeks, which I'm really looking forward to. The friend I'm staying with is a real juicing fanatic, so it will be fun - although she also loves prosecco and red wine so I can see them featuring too! :D

Re the cals, I know it seems low, but I just want to try it for a week or so and see how I get on. I'll be having quorn as well. You know me - I can't do an eating plan if it leaves me feeling hungry, but with the quorn, veg and shirataki noodles bulking it all out, I should be OK. Will be great to get back in the kitchen and do some low cal cooking too!

Don't worry Rach - I plan to go a bit higher on most days - am currently sitting here with a wine, which will push those cals up lol

And sorry about the Italy thing, wish I could take you all with me! :D
Like the others have said, please be careful hon. 1,000 is way too low for you, and will just cause you problems in the long run. I'd urge you to eat 1,500 as a bare minimum, honestly. We just want you to succeed and be healthy! :) xx
Thanks Tracy I do appreciate what you're saying - a bread roll or something else will feature to push it up :)

Hope you're well hun? xx
Not at all Rach, I really love the fact that you - and everyone else - are looking out for me :D

I'm 319 at the moment, so we're about the same. What cals are you on?
ladyfelsham said:
Thanks Tracy I do appreciate what you're saying - a bread roll or something else will feature to push it up :)

Hope you're well hun? xx

I'm good thanks, hon. :) Hope you take the nagging the right way - I've been there with the too-low calories, many moons ago, and it didn't end well, so I do tend to stick my nose in and warn people against it, lol. I'm now in the position of having exactly halved my starting weight, and I've never gone below around 1,400, even in these later stages - it is what works best. :) xx
You're not nagging me at all Tracy, it's like having my own weight loss consultant :D - and I'm very grateful for your advice.

You've been there and know what works, so I'll up the MFP to 1500 from tomorrow. Mmmm omelette for brekkie :D

And how proud I am of you - HALF your body weight, you are a goddess!!! xxxx

i can't remember if I asked you before, but did you cut out any particular foods or anything like that? What's a typical day for you?
Not at all Rach, I really love the fact that you - and everyone else - are looking out for me :D

I'm 319 at the moment, so we're about the same. What cals are you on?

At the moment to lose 1lb a week mfp gives me just over 2100. But I generally stay under by about 200 or more. Some days I go down to 1200 and the next I will have 2000 depends what mood I am in ;) but now kids are off school I will be nearer to the 18/1900 most days. xx

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ladyfelsham said:
You're not nagging me at all Tracy, it's like having my own weight loss consultant :D - and I'm very grateful for your advice.

You've been there and know what works, so I'll up the MFP to 1500 from tomorrow. Mmmm omelette for brekkie :D

And how proud I am of you - HALF your body weight, you are a goddess!!! xxxx

i can't remember if I asked you before, but did you cut out any particular foods or anything like that? What's a typical day for you?

Aww, thanks hon, you're making me blush! :D

I'm afraid I'm no paragon in the eating stakes - I just employ very strict calorie control, in that I plan ahead on MFP and do my utmost to stick to it! But in terms of what I eat, no I didn't cut anything out. I do everything wrong according to popular weight loss advice - I don't have breakfast, don't drink water, don't exercise, and eat my main meal at 10pm right before bed. You name it, I'm a bad girl! But the important thing is that it works for me, and that's what we all have to find at the end of the day. There really is no one size fits all way of losing weight, and I've gradually settled into a comfortable routine that I feel I can stick to long term (fingers crossed!), and I'm sure you will too! Just keep coming on here for support, I really have found it invaluable. :) xx
I'm afraid I'm no paragon in the eating stakes... I do everything wrong according to popular weight loss advice - I don't have breakfast, don't drink water, don't exercise, and eat my main meal at 10pm right before bed. xx

I love it!!!! Someone normal (in a good way :)) who does what suits their body best and it works. I'm doing the Tracy Plan too :D
hi susie
glad to hear your feeling better and ready to jump back on plan yes i agree with tracy eat what you want wot suits you long as you have your calories and dont go over x x lol love it :D