Susie's 2022 campaign

Thanks lovely :)

MFP is reset for 1500 cals, and I was able to have an indulgent sausage bap for breakfast - not ideal, but I was ravenous for some reason...

Home assembled avocado and tomato sandwich with fruit for lunch; then I'm working until 10.30pm - got an orange and an apple to have; then home to leftover tuna, sweetcorn and spinach shirataki noodles in quark.
The Tracy Plan xD

We know it works too ;)

Hope you're ok lovely, been thinking of you lots xx
Oh thank you love, that's so kind of you to give time to my little woes. I'm OK, whenever I feel the need to be really emotional I chuck on the dvd of Dad's service and that usually opens the floodgates, but I do feel better afterwards :)

I'm just reading the most fab book by a woman who lost 100lbs eating junk food - just less of it! :) She's very funny and down to earth, and says the words that are in my head...

Veggies Not Included: Tales of My Triple Digit Weight Loss from the Fast Food Lane eBook: Christine Leo: Kindle Store
Oh thank you love, that's so kind of you to give time to my little woes. I'm OK, whenever I feel the need to be really emotional I chuck on the dvd of Dad's service and that usually opens the floodgates, but I do feel better afterwards :)

I'm just reading the most fab book by a woman who lost 100lbs eating junk food - just less of it! :) She's very funny and down to earth, and says the words that are in my head...

Veggies Not Included: Tales of My Triple Digit Weight Loss from the Fast Food Lane eBook: Christine Leo: Kindle Store

Going to look for that now :) could do with a laugh. X

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ladyfelsham said:
Oh thank you love, that's so kind of you to give time to my little woes. I'm OK, whenever I feel the need to be really emotional I chuck on the dvd of Dad's service and that usually opens the floodgates, but I do feel better afterwards :)

I'm just reading the most fab book by a woman who lost 100lbs eating junk food - just less of it! :) She's very funny and down to earth, and says the words that are in my head...

Veggies Not Included: Tales of My Triple Digit Weight Loss from the Fast Food Lane eBook: Christine Leo: Kindle Store

Hey, she stole my diet, lol. :D

In my case it's ready meals amd frozen veg every day, with a liberal dose of chocolate and coffee thrown in for good measure!! :) xx
hi susie
hows it all going love i must look for these noodles you use i love noddles x x x x
It's great to have a little break down every so often - it clears the air as it were :)

That diet sounds great ;)
hi susie
hows it all going love i must look for these noodles you use i love noddles x x x x

Chez there are a few different brands - Eat Water is one, Zero Noodles, Miracle Noodles. Be warned, they are more expensive than the "real thing" - I buy them on eBay, etc.
Afternoon all


I've been a VERY bad girl the last couple of days - eating naughty stuff and having lots of wine - so the juicing loss has gone down the drain and I'm back to my starting weight.

I am a bit all over the place this week, it has been so horrendously busy at work, but my boss told me yesterday she wants me to only work 9-5 and to take a lunchbreak (which i normally don't, I'm either working or on here lol) and take myself off for a walk. Fine in theory, just got to see if I can make it work in practice now.

Now, lovelies, I need your honest advice.

Do you think I should try a personal trainer to get me started on doing exercise? I've been thinking about this a lot today, well for ages really, but especially today. I promised my boss I'd walk up the stairs at work instead of using the lift (1 1/2 flights) because she said keep calling them Italy stairs. Good motivation, I thought, when she said it yesterday.

Today - did I do it? No. I did go for a walk at lunchtime but only 10 mins in one direction to get lunch and back.

Like a lot of us here, I do have physical limitations - my knees hurt (although this will get better as I lose weight) and I have painful corns on my feet (won't ever improve) - but my attitude is terrible! I KNOW I'll feel better, sleep better, enjoy exercise, etc but I just don't do it when it comes to the crunch, so i need someone to MAKE me do it.

A quick google shows I can get a local PT for a free session, then £25 thereafter. I'll have to sacrifice something else to afford it but think it could be a good investment in my future health. Anyone tried a PT???

I also think I am going to go to a lunchtime SW class when I get back from Italy. It's about 15 mins drive away (depending on traffic) but it's a drop in class from 12-2pm so gives a bit of flexibility - and i think it will help me with my portion control issues, particularly limiting bread and cheese, etc.

I thought I may as well not wait though and just do the trial 7 day SW menu and see how I get on. What do you think?
Don't beat yourself up. You've had a hellish time lately, if you hadn't had a fall off the wagon it'd be a miracle. It's better to be starting weight again - and start again - then to go mental and go massively over.

Don't add extra pressure on yourself hun!

Now as for the PT - if you get a free session then it seems a no brainer to try it first time and see how you get on. Personally I don't think it'd work for me as I know my limits (and I have a heart condition) so someone telling me to keep going when I know I can't wouldn't be great for me. If I were you, I'd go and be honest and say you're seriously considering it but you're 'lazy' when it comes to 'maybe next time....' and go through the start of it all- the talks, the explaining of your health and see what they come up with and what they want you to do and see if you gel with them and agree with what to do.

If nothing else, it also gives you a heads up for how to carry on in the gym and what to target if you don't continue.
Chez there are a few different brands - Eat Water is one, Zero Noodles, Miracle Noodles. Be warned, they are more expensive than the "real thing" - I buy them on eBay, etc.
thanks susie i will have a look on ebay im addicted to that place x x x
Hi guys - got a huge water bill so the PT is on the back burner - but I am a bit more in focus today.

Back on CCing, 1650 a day, and got a lovely dinner on the go - courgettes, spinach, chopped tomatoes and some tagine paste - and oh my it smells gorgeous, just gently simmering away :). I'm counting everything, and after a lovely day's food, an egg and bacon wrap for brekkie (homemade), soup, crackers and fruit for lunch, there is still room for two glasses of white - and cals left over! :D

So I just need to keep doing this, chill out, hope for 1-2lbs loss a week, a bit of exercise and keep with it for longer than a month!

Hope you are all well and happy, my friends xxx
Sorry about the water bill hun :(

Your tea sounds yummy.

Good luck with the CC hun. Sure you can keep on it.

Take care

Reporting back on the tagine veg thing - it was LUSH!!! Added some miracle noodles and I am feeling beautifully full - for hardly any calories :D

And even better, got half left over for tomorrow :) Or maybe miracle noodle pesto mmmm.
oh your tea sounds lovely yum yum x x x
Morning all

Well, I can highly recommend a combo of stone fruit, spinach and miracle noodles to get the *cough* "system" working! :) Can't wait to do it all again today LOL.

Am utterly addicted to the tagine paste dinner, it was just the right amount of spice/hotness for me, and the shirataki noodles were so filling, I didn't want to snack on anything last night - which is a miracle, quite frankly. Have decided they are worth every penny for that sort of result.

Also - and I don't know if it was about last night, but I can't finish my egg roll breakfast - so I've put it away for later. BREAKING NEWS - Susie stops eating when she is full!!!! :D
Hahahaha! Yay! :D Well done love! Your dinner sounded lush!

This CC isn't too bad is it ;)