Susiewoosies numb

:(Docs just been. He's got a bad chest infection and a very high temp. I should have realised but he won't tell me if he's not well. :cry:He had a cold earlier in the week but said he was feeling much better and wouldn't let me call the doc. I just wish he would tell me how he's feeling it would make things a lot easier:mad:
Just had a though. he had a hospital appointment with the lung cancer doc on Tuesday afternoon and he listened to his chest then. So it must have started after that.
Hopefully some antibiotics will soon shift that chest infection. Elderly people, especially is they are ill already, are very susceptible to any bug going around. Keep his temp down and him tucked up in bed and hopefully he should be feeling better soon.
okay enough of my whingeing and worrying. food today

B: 2 slices wholemeal bread low fat cheese (1a and ab)
L: potato wedges spaghetti and quorn korma escalopes (18 syns oops)
D: not sure
Okay I'm sure its because I'm fed up but I just want to binge. Trying really hard not to. Even had dinner at lunchtime to get over it but no good. I was just looking at the Dominos web site. Thats how bad it had got. If I had any pennies in my purse I would get a kebab. but I forgot to go the the cash point
Well done!! Probably a good idea that you havn't got any money in the house! Having said that, I eat about 3 kebabs a week. And I always lose. The weeks I havn't lose, is the ones where I have had days off. 12.5 syns for a large doner (excluding pitta and mayo) and I use extra light mayo as well. I am having another tonight with my homemade chicken kebab too. Yum!!
I would have gone the whole hog so to speak. I would have gone for the naan bread and their mild chilli sauce. Instead I settled for 2 jacket potatoes with pasta n sauce and extra corn, peas, onion and mushrooms. Would have preffered the kebab though.
Hello lovely. Hun... if you want a kebab - have a kebab, just make sure you draw a line under it afterwards though. E.g. don't have a kebab and think... aww I've ruined it now, I'll have a chocolate bar and this and this etc.

Enjoy your kebab xxx
Hello lovely. Hun... if you want a kebab - have a kebab, just make sure you draw a line under it afterwards though. E.g. don't have a kebab and think... aww I've ruined it now, I'll have a chocolate bar and this and this etc.

Enjoy your kebab xxx

Nah no chocolate now I might be tempted by chips and curry sauce on the side:8855:
hey how ya doing now? you back in da zone so to speak? x
Haha susie, you make me laugh. Come on girl, get making a big vat of vegetable
Had the rest of my greek green beans and some rice instead of kebab. I really wanted it but decied as I weigh tomorrow I need to give myself every chance to lose before xmas